Being unpredictable means using improvisation, creating witty and original phrases, monologues or jokes on the spot. Unpredictability is fun when it is expressed between friends and companions, but it can be extremely annoying. Have fun improvising, without forcing things. Remember to take advantage of this ability, if you have it!

Step 1. Break free from conventional rules
It is not mandatory to finish the sentences, but you can do it on a Tuesday and not on a Wednesday if you wish. This is the way you will have to think. If you decide to buy a rubber duck while you're talking about an important topic, don't be afraid to interrupt the conversation! If you are in the library and suddenly you want to find Wally, go to the reception and ask "Where is Wally?". They probably won't have the book, but at least you tried!

Step 2. Mention things at random intervals, like oranges or cats

Step 3. Make plans and change them halfway
Just because you're going to buy a coat doesn't mean you can't go to the zoo across the street. You should break a program if you think there is something more exciting to do.

Step 4. Be weirdly detailed when you speak
It will look even more unpredictable or like you have some wheel out of place. For example, instead of saying "A few years ago", be more specific: "A few years after the year before ten years ago, I was talking to the brother of my sister's father (or your uncle)".

Step 5. Do weird things
As soon as you find a book, put it in someone's face and say "You're on facebook!" Note: by doing so, you risk being very stupid.

Step 6. Learn unthinkable or very detailed colors and numbers
If they ask you to say a color, try saying "eggshell color" or "dioxazine purple" (you can start by consulting this page; another particular definition is "safari green"). Then, when they ask you to give a number from one to ten, answer by saying something like "pi", "e" or "square root of seven".

Step 7. Avoid words that seem unexpected, but are actually overused and lacking in unpredictability
Some examples are pickle, chicken, monkey, penguin, purple, pie, squirrel, bellow, pizza, mayonnaise, pudding, pants, grrrr, socks, pony, llama, unicorn, taco (or burrito), cheese, and nose. In this case, the exaggerated use of these terms refers to the typical culture of North America, so feel free to ignore this passage.

Step 8. Don't pretend
If you can't be unpredictable, don't force yourself. Others may stop liking you if you try to look like this at all costs, but if you're reading a guide to hone your unpredictability skills, making friends has never been a problem for you.

Step 9. Find your word
Make sure you stick to step 7 when choosing words. You can find examples of rare and unthinkable words by consulting this page.

Step 10. Make random noises
Verses like "muargh" or "ooooohh" or even "buah" and "doh" will work wonders. You may also laugh a lot and unexpectedly. People will get to know you. Sometimes, you can drag everyone else with your laugh! But that doesn't have to be your goal. You first have to be comfortable in your world.

Step 11. Don't forget random actions, such as clapping suddenly or moving your head like a budgie

Step 12. Call the people by a different name
Try using Maria Addolorata, Girolamo or the names of the Teletubbies; all are fine.

Step 13. Every day do something like stroking someone's hair or saying “I love you” to a stranger
Remember to do it every day so that it becomes a habit, but not always with the same people. However, if you really like it, always do it with the same person.

Step 14. Organize a small log in which to write down unpredictable actions and jokes
Write down everything you say so that you can use it in the future as well. Make sure you bring the register with you, so that you always have your finds available.

Step 15. Dress normally (for example, jeans and a T-shirt), adding something witty (like a giant chicken mask)
Of course, you can also choose to wear whimsical clothing from head to toe - suspenders, top hats, parasols, rhinestone waistcoats, canes, ribbons, combat boots, hippie or vintage accessories are an idea. (real), fluorescent items, glow sticks, rainbow braces, etc. (The trick is to have the basic elements: simple t-shirts of various colors and a pair of jeans, perhaps gray, combined with extravagant accessories). NB: dressing like this will reduce your charge of unpredictability in whatever you happen to do - others will judge you at first sight as a stupid person and will ignore the unpredictability of your words and actions. It's sad, but true.

Step 16. Enjoy
See all of this as a way to express your originality. Don't be unpredictable just to imitate someone. Use this ability as a talent and imagine it as a way to be happy.

Step 17. Adopt strange obsessions, perhaps related to a certain situation, a food, a person or an animal
Make them theatrical and crazy. However, some topics are hackneyed: penguins, llamas, sushi, muffins, sodas like Red Bull, Monster and Mountain Dew, celebrities like actress Marilyn Monroe, singer Ryan Ross, brothers Benjiamin and Joel Madden.

Step 18. There is nothing wrong with using unpredictable accents
Create your language!

Step 19. Make interesting quotes about frivolous news when the situation permits (for example, during a break in a speech, but don't be rude)
In addition, inserting a short anecdote that begins with "the time when …" and that has no relation to the topic of discussion will work very well. Be sure, though, that it is fun in the eyes of your friends. Don't weird them.

Step 20. Add a few letters to the words
For example, "girlfriend" can become "girlfriend", "YouTube" can turn into "YouTubeRO" and so on. Stretching out words is the funniest part of your ability to make things unpredictable.

Step 21. Articles can be even more fun
You can always add the article at the beginning of words, such as internet, YouTube or Facebook. They will turn into "The Internet" or "THE YouTube" and "THE Facebook". Feel free to use "the" and "it" interchangeably, even when writing.

Step 22. Change the pronunciation of some words
"Pants" can become "pantiloni". Use your creativity and you will be amazed at what you can come up with!

Step 23. Make a glossary of the terms you have invented, edited and transformed and use it frequently
(Although it will be better to consult the Warnings below!)

Step 24. Although unpredictability can be fun, it is important to remember to use it among people who have a certain degree of irony, avoiding acting in this way among those who may be offended or irritated

Step 25. Talk about yourself in the third person (John Doe / Myself / Super Mario / John Doe-san likes ice cream "instead of saying" I like ice cream ") and using collective names when referring to a group in particular ("we" becomes "our society", "our army", "the movement", etc
). Combine common language with these linguistic uses and make continuous word substitutions to enhance the effect of improvisation. As always, don't overdo it.

Step 26. Choose a common term (not too frequent, like "the", and not too unusual, like "fatuous")
Whenever you hear someone say it, you are horrified as if they have uttered the most disgusting word in the world.

Step 27. Add a title to your name
If you use an adjective, make sure it's not overused and overheard. If you use a noun, choose a very particular one or one that belongs to another language. Some examples may be Mario the omniscient, Mario Rossi of Antananarivo or Mario el Magnifico.

Step 28. Visit and report any jokes you like
This way, you will be able to be really unpredictable. You can also go to, the main resource for all the jokes on the internet.
- If you want to be unpredictable, don't worry about what others think. If you want to scream "RUBBISH" while running in the middle of the crowd at the mall, do it! Just don't offend.
- Say your friends' names over and over and when they get bored, just say something unpredictable, like whispering “cheeseburger” in a solemn tone of voice.
- Try calling your friends using their middle name, initials of first and last names, or a combination of these. Mix things up, without exaggerating.
- Once you find your word, it will become your word. Don't let anyone steal it (for example, if it's "avocado", use it instead of "everything"). Avocado can be pronounced in various tones of voice so as to create almost a linguistic code modeled unpredictably on this single word. For example, the onomatopoeic sound "Grrr!" it can be said in a heated, agitated, angry, dejected or comforting way.
- If you run out of ideas, look around and maybe think of possible connections from a tree and talk about it. Do not mention the tree, because it is possible that others may not find it unpredictable.
- Find your "inner unpredictability". Do not use the unpredictability of other people! You will look like a script and you will ruin the opportunity to really be one.
- Instead of surprising others by saying something unpredictable, express yourself by singing and improvising a little ballet. For example, instead of saying "the prune juice melts my bowels", sing it along with a few steps. You can call it the "plum juice dance" or the "loose bowels dance".
- Have fun and stay relaxed.
- Don't use the word "unpredictable" when you really mean "spontaneous", "unusual", etc.
- Unpredictable people were usually defined as "surrealist". Do some research on them and feel free to steal their ideas.
- Try to overdo it a zillion times a day.
- Talk strangely. Be silly, but don't yell too much. You might annoy.
- Three words - “Broccoli, Hyundai, Administration”.
- Feel free to improvise, singing and dancing whenever you want.
- Try to be nice to your friends. They may not like your "unpredictable" transformation. Don't forget about them.
- Being unpredictable helps in many life situations and experiences. You can unleash a number of improvised words / phrases / actions whenever you want.
- Talk to those who seem to have a good sense of humor and talk to them. Say things like "So, Martina, how is Myrtle the turtle?" and "If I were a bunch of umbrellas, I'd love to prick you!"
- When talking to someone, look them slightly to the side instead of directly in the eye. (Note: some find it annoying, rather than unpredictable).
- Don't plan ahead. Occasionally, when circumstances allow, it is plausible to use something that you have previously devised, but never implemented.
- Imitate the sounds of animals. For example, look around for about five seconds and dive into your best animal imitation. Then, when someone has made a comment, repeat the verse but less realistically.
- Try not to force yourself to be unpredictable. Seize the moment, like when you see a half-bitten sandwich on the ground. If you try to come up with unpredictable phrases, you risk irritating people.
- Use nicknames like "the fat duckling" or the like. Everything is fine!
- Try to create your own world. Imagine that the grass is purple or that the buildings are huge puddings. Then start inventing your world. It can be really fun.
- Try to let go of your inhibitions. Many people think of many unpredictable things during the day, but do not do them out of embarrassment or fear of being considered strange. Would you like to run like a penguin in the middle of a conversation? Do you suddenly feel like you want to run down a hill screaming? Feel like picking flowers along the side of the road and walking with a bouquet in hand while you're going somewhere? Just do it!
- Don't jump on people by asking them to hug you. It is not funny, nor cute, indeed it is a very overused "unpredictable" style behavior (however, if your friends already do it and it is one of your favorite highs, don't deny it).
- Another thing you can do is say that you usually talk to your dog and that he likes so much to gnaw EeEeEeEeEeEe !!!!
- Remember: the unpredictable definition corresponds to something unplanned. So, don't try to be, but act this way.
- “Mi” is a good word to use, even as an onomatopoeia (Mi-ao!).
- Watch some TV series for children: you will be surprised by "The Thomas Train".
- Repeat advertisements. Grab a few quotes from your favorite advertisements.
- Find a partner with whom to create unpredictable gags. It will help you deal with the annoyed reactions of those who don't understand your behavior.
- While being unpredictable can be fun among friends, on the other hand, don't overdo it when you are with adults and strangers. You might give the impression of not being polite.
- If a particular joke or action doesn't work well for you, don't laugh and don't repeat it. The point is to get people to believe that you are just a little weird and crazy, not a poor guy desperate for attention.
- Always make jokes among friends, before saying them in front of others; you could create strong embarrassments.
- Don't speak loudly for too long. Crying out is acceptable, but doing it too often can be a huge annoyance.
- Don't be unpredictable at all times, especially if someone is trying to tell you something important. If you do not know how to answer, for example, do not change the subject to remember your ability to improvise, because you risk appearing presumptuous and unpleasant.
- DO NOT say obvious and banal phrases.
- Others will still be annoyed by you whether you use your "talent" in moderation or if unpredictability becomes your lifestyle. There is no middle ground.
- Remember that trying to be unpredictable destroys the goal of becoming unpredictable, if all you do is seek the consent of those who are truly unpredictable. So, don't force yourself, otherwise you will be doomed to fail.
- You don't have to change your personality to be unpredictable. Others will be able to see your ability to improvise and unpredictability, because not everyone goes to these extremes.
- Do not use the word "unpredictable" in the presence of a person who really is, as it may scold you severely.
- Don't use the same joke and don't do the same gag more than once, as it could be very annoying to those around you.
- Jokes involving banana, monkey, ice cream, llama, beaver, mice, ninja, Hannah Montana and the like are all too overused.
- Don't try to be unpredictable in front of those who really are. He will laugh at you and ridicule you.
- Do not have unpredictable attitudes that are funny to friends who are not unpredictable (because they are not).
- Don't be unpredictable at all times; for an hour or two it goes well together with friends.
- Don't laugh at your jokes; it just makes you look like an attention seeker.
- Don't be unpredictable every time. If you are every now and then, you can be pleasant, but there is a limit to everything and, if you exceed it, people will think that you are crazy instead of appreciating your unpredictability and your sympathy.
- Don't try to be unpredictable; catch the moment. If you don't, you will be discounted.
- Never interrupt an important conversation. He is rude and you risk irritating people.
- Remember that there is no single way to be unpredictable: either you are or you are not. It's like a sixth sense: either you were born there or you are like all the other normal people who are not so bright on this earth!
- Acting unpredictably will make you look stupid in the eyes of the people you care about.
- Remember that UNPREDICTABLE = / = FUN.
- It is possible to be unpredictable while not being unpredictable at all!