Have you ever felt nervous before kissing your boyfriend? Are you afraid of not being good? Are you afraid of not doing it right? Do you just want to improve your excellent kissing skills? Read on to learn how to make your kisses more valuable.
Part 1 of 4: Entice Him to Kiss You

Step 1. Flirt, bond with and hang out with him to create the spark
You will never be able to kiss your boyfriend if you don't know each other. Talk, organize activities and spend "couple time" with him to develop an emotional bond and attraction. Time alone creates more opportunities to kiss you.
Since many people don't like kissing in public, finding out if you're comfortable in intimacy is important not just for kissing, but for the relationship

Step 2. Use open body language to show him that you want to kiss him
Send the desired message to your boyfriend by standing close to him, pointing your back towards him and approaching you when he speaks.
- Playing with your hair, taking off your jacket and making eye contact are all attitudes that communicate openness to your boyfriend.
- Avoid crossing your arms or legs or looking down, as you will seem distant and unavailable.

Step 3. Break the "touch barrier"
It's much easier to kiss someone you've touched, so find ways to make physical contact before you think about kissing. Playing with his hair, holding his hand or stroking his cheek with your hand can let him know that you are ready to kiss.
A good first step is to stand shoulder to shoulder while watching a movie or TV

Step 4. Make a commitment to look after yourself
While you won't have to go overboard with your makeup, taking a few extra minutes to look will show that you are interested and willing to commit to the people you care about.
- Use perfumes wisely to smell good. Smell is one of the most powerful senses on the subconscious for both men and women, but make sure you don't abuse it. Nobody likes to be overwhelmed by a smell.
- Protect your lips with lip balm or lip gloss to make them soft and inviting.

Step 5. Go to a quiet and lonely place
For the first kiss, go for a walk or cuddle up on the sofa. Avoid the pressure of a public place and enjoy the moment together - in most cases, the right moment will present itself.
Part 2 of 4: Seize the Right Time

Step 1. Position the body for the kiss
It is easy if you are standing, but if you are sitting, turn your body so that your shoulders are parallel to hers.
- Move your hips and face him.
- Get close so you don't have to stretch to get to her face.

Step 2. Tell him something to let him know that you are interested
You don't have to be poetic to be effective. Be honest and kind with a phrase like "You are beautiful", "I really enjoy spending time with you" or "Do you mind if I get a little closer?".
If you can't think of anything bright, or are feeling particularly brave, just ask him if he wants to kiss you. Many guys will like your bluntness

Step 3. Bring your face close to hers
This will make it pretty clear that you want a kiss, and that's a good thing! Smile, and don't be afraid to stay close for a few seconds. You will be able to gauge his interest by his reaction.
If he retracts or turns his face, he is probably not interested
Step 4. Kiss him
If he comes closer, looking at your lips, and stroking your hair, approach and kiss him first. There's no reason why a guy should be making the first move.

Step 5. If he looks into your eyes and then looks at your lips, he probably wants to kiss you
If it approaches, let yourself be guided by instinct.
Part 3 of 4: Kissing Your Boyfriend

Step 1. Tilt your head slightly so your noses don't collide
Just turn your head slightly to one side to prevent an awkward confrontation.

Step 2. Look your boyfriend in the eye so he doesn't miss the mark
When the lips come together, look him in the eye. Not only will you avoid missing out, but the kiss will be much more romantic.

Step 3. Close your eyes when you are about to make contact
At this point, looking so closely may seem strange.

Step 4. Kiss him
Keep your lips light and soft. Start by kissing him gently, but evaluate his reaction and respond back.
- Don't curl your lips. Hard lips communicate little interest or pleasure. The sensation you should have is that of pushing your lips against a soft peach.
- Go slowly, retracting after 2-3 seconds to gauge his reaction. If it's positive, resume for a few seconds.

Step 5. Use the rest of your body to guide him
Bring him closer, put a hand behind his head, or interlace your fingers.
If you don't know what to do, put your hands on his hips or shoulders
Part 4 of 4: Finding New Ways to Kiss
Step 1. Try other types of kissing
When you feel more comfortable, change the pressure, rhythm and duration of the kisses to find out what he likes.
- Push your lips a little closer to hers.
- Kiss him three or four times in a row without pulling your face back.
- Try a longer kiss, 3-5 seconds, and then 5-8 seconds.
- Give him a kiss on the neck, cheek or earlobe.
- Don't make quick or drastic changes. Try things slowly and take your time.
Step 2. If you think both of you are ready, try a French kiss
The French kiss is more playful and passionate than a normal kiss. Try starting a French kiss like this:
- Gently lick her upper lip, then switch to her lower one.
- Lightly bite her lower lip.
- Turn your head slightly to one side. It's easier to French kiss if the noses don't collide!
- Open your mouth slightly, inviting him to do the same.
- Lightly stick your tongue into his mouth.
- If he reciprocates or opens his mouth, it means he likes it, so keep experimenting.

Step 3. Talk about what you like
Communication is key in any relationship, and talking about kisses is no exception. Briefly saying "I liked it" or "Let's try this" will ensure that your boyfriend does the things you like best.
- If you have long hair, move it away from your lips and face.
- If you're chewing gum, spit it out so it doesn't get into her mouth.
- When you kiss, take your time to make it special.
- Don't forget to smile at him when you're done, or to whisper something nice to him before pushing him away.
- Don't let your friends tease you and ruin your relationship. Your relationship is yours alone, not your friends'.
- Keep some mints with you, if you need them!
- Don't kiss in front of your parents, siblings and his friends. Choose a private place, or a dark room (cinema). The elevators, bathrooms, corridors and outdoor seating are all very suitable.
- If you think he's not good at kissing, give him a chance anyway.
- Make sure you've brushed your teeth!
- When you get close to him, you may start to panic. Don't do it - just think about how much you like it.
- If you're not sure when to turn him away, then let him decide!
- Don't let your arms dangle at your sides, put them around his neck, or hold his face.