Being funny is difficult, but being witty is an even bigger challenge, as you should have wit, wit and alertness. If you believe you need to cultivate this side of you or look for it within yourself, read this article.

Step 1. Learn from witty people and an admirable sense of humor
Observe them: you can watch certain movies or spend more time with your wittiest friends:
- Spend more time with your relatives, friends or witty acquaintances. Take note of what they say when they make others laugh. Study their facial expressions and their timing of responding.
- Read the literary works of the world's wittiest authors, such as Shakespeare or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and comics ("Mickey Mouse," for example, looks like a children's publication, but in reality many of its stories are really full of insightful detail).
- Watch comedians and actors' shows and movies that you find particularly witty. For example, you can see Woody Allen's films.

Step 2. Be confident to impress others and make jokes naturally
That way, people will feel more likely to trust your abilities, including making them laugh:
- When making a joke, try to have positive body language. Stand up straight, speak clearly, and make eye contact with your interlocutors, who will appreciate both you and your sense of humor.
- Be confident in your jokes and consider what you say funny, so you will show that your sense of humor is solid, and others will feel encouraged to agree with you. This doesn't mean you have to laugh at your jokes, but make them understand that you don't care about other people's opinions, because you already know your words are hilarious.

Step 3. Think original and see the world differently from others
Observing and cultivating your intelligence are two activities that will improve your sense of humor:
- Read as much as possible. The more you know about the world, the easier it will be to form your own point of view.
- Don't be afraid to make silly jokes. Being open and believing in your humor will make others laugh.
- Coins new words. For example, if you and your friends are always gossiping about a girl named Emilia but you are tired of hearing about her, you can say “I declare an Emilia-bargo!”.
- Use traditional phrases distinctly. For example, if a person of the opposite sex approaches you when you leave a public bathroom and asks, "Is this bathroom for a particular sex?", You can answer "How special do you want it to be?".
- Another example. The question "How would you spend a million euros?" it can inspire different creative thoughts. Responding by saying “With joy” subverts the classic answers in a humorous way.

Step 4. Understand your audience to access success
While you should develop a sense of humor of your own, you should be aware of the people around you and what they find funny or offensive. That's how:
- Never forget to listen to understand others. In this way, you will know what offends or too sensitizes people and you will catch phrases to use later.
- Be sensitive. If your friends are very religious, avoid jokes on this topic. In addition to not laughing, they will begin to feel less like going out with you.
- Create bespoke jokes for your audience. You can be a little more daring with your friends and make politically correct jokes with your parents.
- Don't make jokes if you are with people in a bad mood. Wit can lift the soul and should be appreciated in all circumstances, but in some cases it is necessary to retreat in order not to worsen the state of things.

Step 5. Make the joke right
Practice in front of the mirror or by registering:
- Speak in an understandable way. Make jokes clearly and confidently. If you mumble, people will ask you to repeat and the fun moment will be lost.
- Remember that timing is everything. Respond quickly and brilliantly, don't wait too long, or the moment will pass.
- Make a few jokes with an impassive facial expression. If you're really confident, try making a joke like this and wait for others to laugh. Part of being witty is developing a "I don't care if you laugh" attitude.
- Don't talk while someone else is doing it - not everyone will hear you. Wait until there is a minute of silence to make the joke.

Step 6. Don't overdo it and don't always try to make others laugh, or they won't find you funny:
- Take it easy. Rest assured when you make a joke and don't raise your voice unnaturally or look around for a reaction.
- Don't make too many jokes all at once. Better to joke about something two or three times a day than make a joke every five minutes.
- Don't be mad if nobody laughs at your jokes. The next time will be better. If you are visibly shaken or hurt and don't say a word for the rest of the evening, people will understand that you care too much about their opinion.
- Take a break. If you go out with your friends, just make a couple of jokes and that's it. Then, study the witty people around you. By focusing too much on your wit, you may be missing out on an important lesson for the future.
- Remember that making a mistake doesn't mean you can't earn a reputation as a witty person. Even the best comedians don't always manage to make others laugh.
- Avoid being constantly sarcastic, lower your tone, or people will never be able to talk seriously to you again.
- Repetition kills humor.