3 Ways to Sleep on the Plane or Train

3 Ways to Sleep on the Plane or Train
3 Ways to Sleep on the Plane or Train

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It can be difficult to get some sleep on a long plane or train ride. There is nothing worse than feeling tired and exhausted when you arrive at your destination; Lack of sleep makes jet lag symptoms even worse. This article provides some tips on how to sleep on a plane or train.


Method 1 of 3: Settle down

Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 1
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 1

Step 1. Choose your bunk or seat carefully

Book the most comfortable one you can afford. Many airlines provide first-class seats that recline fully and convert into a flat bed, while on trains there are compartments with couchettes (always first-class). If these options are not within your budget, consider paying for a seat with more legroom on the plane, especially if you are taller than average. You can find a good seat for you, suitable for sleeping, even if you are in the second-class carriage.

  • Choose a seat with a reclining back. If you are flying by plane, avoid the back row, where the seats are partially blocked by the wall behind. Long-distance night trains are often equipped with reclining seats with leg supports even in economy class.
  • Find a quiet place. On an airplane, the central rows are the ones that are most likely not to be disturbed by the noise and movement of other passengers or flight attendants.
  • If you think that sitting close to children may compromise your rest, do not take the seats behind the bulkheads on the plane, as cots are placed in this area.
  • Choose a seat near the window. Many passengers say it is easier to doze off in these seats, where you can rest your head on the train or plane wall. They are also less likely to be disturbed by other passengers as they step out onto the aisle.
  • Get a good sleeper on the train. European long-distance trains offer shared accommodation with rather inexpensive couchettes. These are compartments with several bunk beds to share with strangers; however, it is possible to lock the "room" from the inside. The top bunk is typically the safest, but you have to climb at night when you go to the bathroom and it's not always easy in the dark.
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 2
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 2

Step 2. Secure your personal items

This advice mainly concerns train travel; even if they are generally safe places, thefts are always possible. When you sleep, you are more vulnerable, so it is better to prepare for the worst, always keeping your precious objects close; if you feel comfortable and safe, you will fall asleep more easily.

  • Consider using a cash belt that fits around your waist or thigh.
  • If you have stowed your luggage in the overhead bin, make sure the opening is not facing the aisle and consider using a padlock.
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 3
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 3

Step 3. Bring the necessary sleeping materials

Packing these items in your suitcase helps you create the right sleeping conditions.

  • An eye mask. Many airlines offer them for free when you board, but for train journeys they are not provided. Choose a model with a flap that covers the saddle of the nose to block out as much light as possible.
  • Earplugs. Planes and trains are very noisy due to the sounds produced by other passengers, from the service of meals and drinks, from the engine, all of which potentially disturb sleep. Keep some silicone or foam earplugs on hand to insulate yourself from noise and sleep.
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 4
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 4

Step 4. Tell people you don't want to be woken up

When you take your position, let the neighbor know that you want to rest. If you are on air travel, inform the flight attendant not to wake up for meals or drinks.

Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 5
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 5

Step 5. Set an alarm

Have it ring an hour before arrival. Remember that you have probably traveled through several time zones and need to be aware of the current time in the destination city. Feeling ready and prepared for what lies ahead, you are able to relax and sleep without worrying about what will happen upon arrival.

Method 2 of 3: Fall Asleep Fast and Sleep Restful

Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 6
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 6

Step 1. Try to stick to your usual bedtime routine as much as possible

Preparing for sleep as you would at home, even if you are traveling, promotes relaxation and rest, as the brain associates these activities with sleep.

  • Prepare the same way you usually do in the evening: go to the bathroom, brush your teeth and face, put on your pajamas, and read a book or watch a movie to help you fall asleep.
  • Turn off light screens an hour before falling asleep, as the blue light emitted by these devices impairs your ability to doze off.
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 7
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 7

Step 2. Try to get as comfortable a position as possible

Even if you find yourself in the second-class carriage seats, there are some factors that help you feel better.

  • Be aware of your body temperature. In flight, the cabin temperature varies considerably during the journey, so wear several layers of lightweight clothing that you can take off and put on without difficulty.
  • Choose loose-fitting clothes in natural fiber that let the body breathe and dissipate heat; a hat or hoodie will help protect your eyes from light.
  • Wear comfortable socks. Research suggests that wearing socks helps sleep, because warming cold feet causes blood vessels to dilate (vasodilation), which in turn sends the signal to the brain that it can redistribute heat in the body and prepare for sleep.
  • Bring comfortable shoes on the train. On some trains, such as those of the US Amtrak, it is mandatory to wear footwear constantly, so you should pack in a pair of light plastic sandals or another comfortable model to wear along the journey.
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 8
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 8

Step 3. Use pillows and blankets

If you sleep in the bunk compartment, these items are made available by the transport company. Airlines also provide them, especially on intercontinental flights.

  • A neck pillow is important in case the seat does not recline fully, as the muscles of the body relax more and more while you sleep. It is therefore much more difficult to fall asleep in a sitting position, because the neck muscles have to work to support the head.
  • Use the classic "U" shaped travel pillow. Experts suggest using it in reverse, with the back portion at the front of the neck; in this way, you do not wake up with a start in case your head falls forward and at the same time avoid neck cramps.
  • Bring blankets with you to keep warm. When flying, fasten your seat belt around the blanket to prevent attendants from waking you if the seat belt light comes on.
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 9
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 9

Step 4. Pay attention to what you eat and drink

By avoiding certain foods that prevent good rest and eating regular meals, you can be sure that you sleep well.

  • If you drink alcohol, limit yourself to one drink. Even if this substance makes you fall asleep, it reduces the REM (rapid eye movement) phase which is the most regenerating one, therefore you are not able to sleep as deeply.
  • Avoid caffeine before or during the flight, as it is a stimulant and prevents sleep. Know that the body needs six hours to completely eliminate it.
  • Sip water to keep you hydrated, but not too much of having to go to the bathroom all the time.
  • Try to eat at regular times, as your internal clock affects digestion. it is not easy to sleep when you are hungry or have eaten a heavy meal.
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 10
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 10

Step 5. Try some relaxation exercises

Many can be done even while you are sitting in your seat; for example, those of deep muscle relaxation, during which you have to contract the muscles and then concentrate to release them gradually, are particularly effective.

Start with the muscles of the toes or hands and then move throughout the body; at the end you experience an intense feeling of relaxation

Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 11
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 11

Step 6. Do some breathing exercises

Deep breathing allows you to reach a state of intense tranquility that leads to sleep. Concentrate on maintaining a steady rhythm of inhalations and exhalations. If you have any difficulty, try the "4-7-8" technique, inhaling through the nose for four seconds, holding the breath for seven seconds, and then exhaling through the mouth for eight seconds. Repeat the sequence until you fall asleep.

Method 3 of 3: Handle Particularly Difficult Situations

Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 12
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 12

Step 1. Consider taking sleeping pills, but be aware of the risks

Many travelers use these prescription or over-the-counter medications to try to fall asleep; however, the former should only be taken if the doctor has prescribed them. Risks associated with the use of sleeping pills are DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and the feeling of lightheadedness and disorientation upon awakening.

Over-the-counter sleep-promoting drugs have more moderate effects, but you should still only take them if you have the ability to rest continuously for four hours

Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 13
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 13

Step 2. Consider supplements like melatonin

It is a hormone that the body produces naturally and is also available as an over-the-counter supplement. Researchers specializing in sleep disorders have shown that melatonin levels are elevated when the hours of darkness arrive and remain so throughout the night; consequently, this hormone is supposed to promote rest. Some studies also suggest that taking melatonin, even once it reaches its destination, helps relieve the symptoms of jet lag.

Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 14
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 14

Step 3. Give aromatherapy a try

Essential oils, such as lavender, chamomile, and valerian, have a relaxing effect and can help you doze off. When traveling, pack a small spray bottle with your favorite essential oil blend and spray it on your pillow or clothing.

Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 15
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 15

Step 4. Take advantage of technology to relax

There are several applications and gadgets that allow you to calm down and fall asleep.

  • Active noise canceling headphones are able to effectively reduce the noise emitted by the aircraft engine; they allow you to relax just enough to sleep, especially if you are nervous or afraid when flying.
  • Listen to white noises. Research suggests that these sounds, downloadable from the internet in cell phone or music player formats, are capable of promoting sleep.
  • Bring a music player with you with a playlist of relaxing songs to help you sleep.
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 16
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 16

Step 5. Do your best to stay awake

Get into a comfortable position, close your eyes and try to stay awake. Research suggests that this technique, known as paradoxical intention, works and helps people doze off faster.

Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 17
Sleep on an Airplane or Train Step 17

Step 6. Don't stress yourself out if you can't sleep

After all, you don't have to worry if you find that you can't rest; travel is a stressful event and makes it difficult to relax and doze off. Accept this fact and remember that this is only a temporary problem; you will be able to sleep once you arrive at your destination and this event will not ruin the whole trip.

  • Don't compare yourself to other passengers who seem to be sleeping soundly, chances are they aren't sleeping as well as you think.
  • Even if you sleep, you can suffer the effects of jet lag, which is the mechanism by which the body adapts to the new time zone and the alteration of the circadian rhythm.
