Cleaning a leather bag is not as difficult as it may seem. The main cleaning methods are quite immediate, can be performed at home and effective in preventing the formation of stubborn stains. Read the following tips to find out how to clean a leather bag quickly and easily.
Method 1 of 5: Clean the Skin
Step 1. Remove the stain with a clean, damp cloth
Massage it on the affected area until it is moist, but without getting it wet.
Step 2. Apply a cleaning solution to a soft cloth
You can buy a special product, which is often found in specific kits. You can also make your own by mixing a few drops of mild soap (such as unscented dishwashing liquid or baby shower gel) with distilled water.
Step 3. Wipe the soft cloth over the affected area until the stain is completely removed
Make movements following the grain of the leather. This will help you protect its integrity.
Step 4. Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe off detergent residue or excess water
Don't worry about drying the bag for now.

Step 5. Let it dry for about 30 minutes
Don't try to speed up the process with a hair dryer. If you are in a hurry, you could put the bag in front of a fan. Cold air is less harmful than hot air.
Step 6. Once the bag is dry, apply a leather conditioner with a soft cloth
Massage it in circular motions. It will help keep the skin soft and supple. Do not use a classic hand lotion, which can stain and deteriorate the leather.

Step 7. You could polish the leather with a dry cloth
This will help you restore the grain and shine of the bag.
Method 2 of 5: Clean Patent Leather

Step 1. Try using water first
Sometimes that's all it takes to get rid of surface stains, such as streaks and fingerprints. Just moisten a napkin, cotton ball or Q-tip with water and use it to remove the stain.
Step 2. For stubborn stains, use a window cleaner solution
If the water hasn't removed the stain, you can try a window cleaner spray. Just spray some on the patch, then wipe with a napkin or soft cloth.
Step 3. Test petroleum jelly on stains and areas where discoloration has occurred
Soak a cotton swab or napkin in petroleum jelly, then apply it to the patch in small circular motions. It is effective on stains caused by color transfers.
Step 4. Use isopropyl alcohol on stubborn stains and areas affected by discoloration
Soak a cotton ball or Q-tip in isopropyl alcohol and massage it gently into the patches in circular motions. If the stain persists, you may want to try nail polish remover instead. Once finished, make sure to dry it completely. Keep in mind that it is much more aggressive and could damage the finish.
Step 5. Try using duct tape on surface stains
In fact, you just have to lift them from the leather by force. Take a piece of duct tape, press it onto the patch and quickly tear it off. It is a particularly effective method for streaks, lipstick and mascara stains.
Method 3 of 5: Clean the Suede

Step 1. Get a soft bristled brush
It would be ideal to use a special one for suede, which you can find in specific cleaning kits. However, you can also use a clean toothbrush or manicure brush.
If you use a manicure brush or a toothbrush, try to use it exclusively for cleaning suede in the future
Step 2. Gently brush the affected area with short, gentle strokes
Always follow the same direction. For now, don't go back and forth. This will help loosen the fibers and dirt.
Step 3. Go back the brush to the stain
At this point, you can rub the brush on the affected area by moving it back and forth. If the bag starts shedding hair, don't be alarmed. It is simply the fibers of dirt that are coming off.
In order not to dirty your clothes or work surface, put a towel under the bag
Step 4. Scrub the affected area with a white "magic" sponge
You can find it in the supermarket, in the detergent department. Gently rub it on the affected area by moving it back and forth until the dirt is removed.
Step 5. If the bag is slightly soiled, you may want to try steam cleaning it
The easiest way is to hang it in the bathroom right after you take a hot shower. The air will be humid enough to dissolve the patches, but not moist enough to stain the bag. Afterward, let it dry, then scrub the affected area with a soft-bristled brush.
Step 6. Treat stubborn stains with vinegar or isopropyl alcohol
Soak a sponge in white vinegar or isopropyl alcohol, then rub it gently on the stain. Let it dry, then use a soft-bristled brush. Unlike water, white vinegar and isopropyl alcohol do not stain suede.
- Don't worry about the vinegar smell - it will go away.
- Particularly stubborn stains may require a specific cleaning product for suede.
Step 7. Trim or cut any threads
As you brush your bag, you may find that some fibers are longer than others. You can trim them with a pair of scissors or pass them an electric razor.
Method 4 of 5: Clean the Inside

Step 1. Empty the bag and set the contents aside
Take advantage of this opportunity to unwrap old pens and throw them away.
Step 2. Turn the bag over and shake it
This will help you get rid of most of the dust and dirt. You better do this on a garbage can.
Step 3. You could clean the inside of the bag with a lint brush
First, lay the bag out to the side, then take out the lining. Run the brush along the inner liner. Turn the bag over and repeat on the other side. If it's big enough, you may be able to slip the entire brush into it without having to pull the cover out.
If you don't have a lint brush, use a piece of duct tape to catch dust and dirt

Step 4. You could vacuum inside the bag
Place it on the floor. Attach the upholstery and fabric brush to the end of the tube. Put it in the bag and vacuum the dirt residue. Set the vacuum cleaner on low power so you don't damage the cover.
Step 5. If the cover is dirty, clean it with a solution of vinegar and water
Mix equal parts of white vinegar and hot water in a bowl. Soak a clean cloth, wring it out and wipe it inside the bag.

Step 6. Deodorize the bag with baking soda
Open a package and, without spilling the powder, slide it vertically into the bag. Leave it on overnight and take it off in the morning. It will have absorbed most of the bad smells.
The box of baking soda should fit completely into the bag, without coming out. If the bag is too small, pour some baking soda into a saucer or cup
Method 5 of 5: Remove Specific Stains

Step 1. For dark spots, try a thick compound made from potassium bitartrate and lemon juice
Prepare it using equal parts of the two ingredients. Apply it to the stain and wait 10 minutes, then wipe it with a damp cloth. Dry the affected area with a clean cloth.
- If there is any residue left, mix a few drops of mild soap with warm water. Soak a towel and pass it on the bag to remove them.
- This method is effective on food and blood stains.
Step 2. If the suede has been water stained, fix it using the water itself
Dampen a soft-bristled brush, then gently wipe the stain. Blot the area with a napkin and wait overnight. The stain should be gone by the next morning.
- Don't be impatient: avoid using fans, hair dryers or sunlight to speed up the drying process.
- Water stains can be permanent, especially on unfinished leather, but a professional can fix it.
Step 3. Use cornstarch on oil or grease stains
If the stain is fresh, try to wipe it off as much as possible with a napkin, but try not to let the oil or grease get into the leather. Once the excess oil is absorbed, sprinkle a generous amount of cornstarch on the affected area and dab. Leave it on overnight so it can absorb the greasy matter. The next morning, gently brush off the cornstarch with a soft-bristled brush.
- If you can't find cornstarch, use cornmeal instead.
- Someone has discovered that putting the bag under a lit light bulb allows cornstarch to absorb greasy matter better.
- If the bag is made of suede, it may be necessary to steam the area afterwards, then brush off the rest of the cornstarch.

Step 4. Carefully remove the mud
If you have stained a leather or varnished leather bag, remove the mud immediately. If it's a suede bag, wait for the mud to dry first, then use a soft-bristled brush to remove it.

Step 5. If the bag has been stained with wax or chewing gum, place it in the freezer for a few hours
This way the wax or gum will harden. At that point, take it out of the freezer and peel off the wax or gum. It may be necessary to scratch off the excess with a fingernail.
Step 6. Use hydrogen peroxide on blood stains
Just moisten a napkin or cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide, then pat it gently on the affected area. Eventually the stain will be removed. It is a particularly effective method on suede.
Step 7. Eliminate ink smears as soon as possible
The longer you wait, the harder it will be to remove them. Try to absorb the ink using a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol. If it's suede, you can try rubbing the affected area with a nail file.
If the leather is finished, do not use isopropyl alcohol. Instead, prefer a white "magic" sponge. Finished leather bags do not darken with water
- Use a specific product to protect and soften the skin, in order to prevent future spills, accumulation of dirt and dust.
- If the leather bag is quite dirty or has a particularly stubborn stain, you may want to see a professional to fix it.
- When you are not using the bag, fill it with tissue paper to keep it from losing its shape and to keep it straight. This will prevent it from cracking or deforming.
- Store the bag in a dust bag or white pillowcase. If at the time of purchase they gave you a special canvas bag, use it. It will help keep it clean and protected from dust when you are not using it.
- Do not carry light colored bags when wearing dark clothes. The dye of the clothing may transfer to the bag and stain it.
- If you use the bag daily, clean it once a week with a soft cloth dampened with soapy water. However, it is a method to avoid with suede bags.
- If you are not convinced by a cleaning method, you could try a hidden area, for example on the inside or on the bottom of the bag.
- If the stain is stubborn, try using a suitable color shoe polish to cover it.
- Never leave open pens in your bag. Not only will they stain it, they can cause a lot of confusion if they break or burst.
- Store your makeup in a clutch bag. This will prevent the inside of the bag from getting dirty.
- Do not use window cleaner, petroleum jelly, isopropyl alcohol or nail polish remover to clean classic leather and suede. They are allowed only for the painted one. The only exception is to use isopropyl alcohol for suede, which is safer.
- Not all cleaners are the same. One that suits one skin type may not work for another. When choosing a product, read the label and make sure it is designed for the leather of your bag, whether it is nubuck, suede, patent leather and so on.
- Do not use saddle soap on leather bags. It is usually too aggressive for the leather of the bags.
- If the bag manufacturer has given you specific instructions for cleaning it, avoid the methods outlined in this article. The manufacturer knows the right techniques for cleaning and maintaining his items. Follow her advice to prevent unnecessary damage.
- Don't use water for grease stains.
- Do not use baby wipes, hand creams, or lanolin-based creams / balms on unfinished leather. They can permanently damage / stain the surface. Unfinished leather darkens when wet.
- Try not to rub too vigorously. This can damage the skin and cause stains to penetrate deeply, making them even more difficult to remove.