How to Bless a Home: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Bless a Home: 12 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Bless a Home: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

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You have permanently moved into your new home. It's perfect the way it is and you want it to stay that way. If you are a religious person or otherwise full of spirituality, you may feel that blessing the home can bring peace and serenity. No matter what your religious or spiritual beliefs are, read the following tips to find out which blessing is best for you.


Method 1 of 2: Religious Blessing

Bless a House Step 1
Bless a House Step 1

Step 1. Make a Christian blessing

Blessing a Christian home is an ancient tradition that can be found in Protestant, Orthodox and Catholic churches, but also in others. The blessing can be done by a priest or pastor, or by the homeowner himself.

  • If you prefer a priest to bless the house, invite him to perform the rite. He will be happy to accept.
  • As a rule, the priest will enter each room, sprinkling a little holy water in each room. As he walks, he will recite one or more passages from the Holy Scriptures.
  • If you prefer to bless the house on your own, use consecrated oil (it can be simple cold pressed extra virgin olive oil blessed by a minister of worship) to cross each window or door in the house.
  • As you mark the crosses, say a simple prayer asking God to bless the room. For example: "In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask that Your peace and Your joy inhabit this room", or: "May the Holy Spirit flow into this house and fill every room".
Bless a House Step 2
Bless a House Step 2

Step 2. Make a Jewish blessing

There are many Jewish traditions related to moving to a new house, or simply to the house already inhabited.

  • When they move house, Jewish families must post a mezuzah (a parchment where Hebrew phrases from the Torah are engraved) on each door of their house.
  • As soon as the mezuzah is posted, this prayer is recited: "Blessed be you, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who have sanctified us by means of your Commandments and ordered us to post a mezuzah."
  • It is believed that Tuesday is the best day to move house, that bread and salt should be the first goods to be introduced into the new home, and that immediately after the move, a housewarming party or Chanukat Habayit should be organized, where friends and relatives get together and recite the words of the Torah.
  • During the inauguration party, tradition has it that the first fruit of the season is consumed while the shehecheyanu blessing is recited, as follows: "Blessed be you, Lord God, King of the Universe, who have guaranteed us life, we you supported and allowed us to reach this goal ".
Bless a House Step 3
Bless a House Step 3

Step 3. Make a Hindu blessing

A Hindu blessing varies greatly between regions. In some places the housewarming ceremony is second in importance only to a wedding.

  • However, in all regions, the blessing must be given on the morning the owners move. An auspicious transfer date must be chosen by the local Hindu priest, who must also preside over the ceremony.
  • On that day, it is tradition (in some regions) that the owners give a basket to the priest. The latter will use it during the ceremony. The basket contains gifts such as washed brown rice, mango leaves, ghee (Indian clarified butter), coins, herbs, spices, fruit and flowers, among other things.
  • During the ceremony, the owners are seated in front of the fireplace wearing their best clothes, repeating mantras. The priest usually recites a prayer of prosperity to the Hindu gods, asking that wealth, purity and serenity be granted to the people of the house.
  • Contact a local Hindu temple priest for information on how the inauguration ceremony is held in your region.
Bless a House Step 4
Bless a House Step 4

Step 4. Make an Islamic blessing

Muslims bless their homes mainly by reciting prayers. There is usually no official ceremony to follow. However, some traditional prayers are recommended:

  • Upon entering the new house, it is a good idea to recite two rounds of prayers, asking Allah to grant the house baraka (blessing), rahma (mercy), and dhikr (remembrance).
  • You can also say a prayer to protect your home from evil eyes and the envy of others, using the following Prophetic Supplication: "I seek refuge for you in Allah's perfect words from everything bad and harmful, as well as from the eyes of the accusers. ".
  • It is also advisable to invite friends and relatives to dinner, as feeding others is seen as an act of charity and a way to show gratitude to Allah. At this dinner, you and your guests can recite passages from the Koran together.
  • In addition to blessing your home when you move, you can also do it every time you walk through a door, using the following prayer: "I seek refuge in Allah's perfect words from the evil side of the things he created." Repeating this prayer three times will ensure that no evil enters while you are at home.
Bless a House Step 5
Bless a House Step 5

Step 5. Give a Buddhist blessing

In Buddhism, a ceremony known as Khuan Ban Mai is performed in some regions when a new house is built to protect the house and its inhabitants. The ceremony is presided over by a group of nine monks, who must be invited early in the morning on the day of the ceremony.

  • The monks then perform a ritual with consecrated water and wax candles. It is believed that the wax that melts and drips into the water drives away evil and suffering.
  • The monks also sing prayers in Pali language, while passing a white string in each hand. The vibrations of the chants are believed to pass through the ropes, thus protecting the house and their inhabitants.
  • After the ceremony, the monks sit down to eat the meal prepared by the host family, their friends and neighbors. They must finish the meal before noon. Afterward, a monk sprinkles consecrated water into each room before everyone leaves.
  • Once the monks have left the house, the rest of the guests sit down and eat the remaining food. In the afternoon, the ceremony of the thread takes place, during which the guests wrap the owners with a white thread and offer them a blessing.

Method 2 of 2: Spiritual Blessing

Bless a House Step 6
Bless a House Step 6

Step 1. Clean and tidy house

It is important that you clean and tidy the house before the blessing. This will give you a more positive mindset and give the house fresh energy.

Bless a House Step 7
Bless a House Step 7

Step 2. Invite family and friends

It is a good idea to invite family and friends to share the home blessing with you. Ask them to stand in a circle and hold hands.

Bless a House Step 8
Bless a House Step 8

Step 3. Light a pink candle

Pink symbolizes love and warmth, and invites these energies to come into your home.

Bless a House Step 9
Bless a House Step 9

Step 4. Share the blessing

Pass the pink candle to each person in the circle. Whoever holds the candle must share his blessing to the home and owners. An example of a blessing could be: "May this house be a sacred abode for you and your family", or "May those who enter this house feel peace and love."

Bless a House Step 10
Bless a House Step 10

Step 5. Enter each room and express your blessing for each of them

After the blessing, take the candle to each room and express your blessing, be it the bedroom, the baby room or the kitchen.

Bless a House Step 11
Bless a House Step 11

Step 6. Let the pink candle burn for one hour

When the ceremony is over, place the pink candle in a central place in the house and let it burn for at least an hour.

Bless a House Step 12
Bless a House Step 12

Step 7. Open all doors and windows facing east

This will allow the life-bearing energy of the sun to enter the home and carry strength, light and life.


  • You can leave some sacred images inside the house.
  • It would be ideal to organize a small party afterwards to celebrate the blessing.
