Women born under the sign of Scorpio are passionate, spontaneous and loyal, but often also very reserved. Among women of all zodiac signs, those Scorpio are the most mysterious. If you love a girl born between October 23 and November 22, accept her desire for privacy, her independence and you will have a very rewarding experience. However, to keep his interest alive, you also need to be ready for adventure and strong emotions.
Part 1 of 3: Planning Romantic Activities Together

Step 1. Try new things together
Scorpio women often have a keen sense of adventure. They need to be stimulated to be happy and are always ready to try new things. Your partner will appreciate an evening that takes her out of her comfort zone slightly.
- Take her where she has never been. If she loves hiking, accompany her on a challenging route she has never tried.
- You can also try completely new experiences. For example, book a horseback ride or a skydiving lesson with her.

Step 2. Propose spontaneous appointments
Scorpio women are spontaneous by nature. They love adventure and often dislike following detailed plans. If you want to entertain your partner, plan an unexpected date. For example, ask her to go to the movies on a weekday, or ask her to go to the bar on a Sunday afternoon. This way you will keep up with the natural energy of women born under this sign.

Step 3. Lead an active sex life
Scorpio women are very fond of sex. If your partner was born under this sign, your sex life is very important to the health of the relationship. To make her feel happy, make sure she doesn't miss anything in the bedroom.
Take the opportunity to date a Scorpio to explore your sexuality. Your partner is likely looking forward to trying new things in bed, so keep an open mind

Step 4. Choose the right gifts
On anniversaries, birthdays and holidays, you need to be ready to give your partner something. Scorpio women have a lot of passion for their mates and expect the same treatment. In this case, however, you need to be sure that you are choosing well. She expects your gifts to have meaning.
- Traditional gifts, such as jewelry, flowers, and chocolates, are not appreciated if they don't have a special meaning or if they don't go well with your partner's character. On the contrary, a necklace that could have sentimental value for her would be the perfect gift. Avoid any pair of earrings you've seen in a shop window.
- Think of something related to one of his interests that he could use. For example, if your partner is very fond of reading, buy her a subscription to a literary magazine. He will appreciate the gift, which shows that you understand his character.
Part 2 of 3: Managing the Emotions of a Scorpio Woman

Step 1. Expect strong emotions
To love a Scorpio woman, you need to know how to manage her moody mood. Women born under this sign have a tendency to be moody and quickly change moods. To love your partner, therefore, you need patience. You must be willing to listen to her and assist her in difficult times.
- Try to put yourself in his shoes when he suffers from these mood swings and experiences strong emotions. Ask her "Why do you feel this way?" and "Can you explain me better?". It is important that you feel free to express your feelings.
- You too should openly confess your emotions. If you have a tendency to be a private and rational person, try to push your limits and open your heart. Let her know what you feel and why.

Step 2. Give it some privacy
Even though Scorpio women express their feelings directly, they prefer to keep some things hidden. Your partner may openly talk about many aspects of her life, but jealously guard some of her secrets. Try to understand his character and respect him.
- Scorpio women are direct by nature, so your partner will let you know when you are bothering her. If you ask her a question she prefers not to answer, she will tell you.
- Women born under this sign are thoughtful by nature and have a rich inner life. They prefer to keep some aspects of their existence private and demand respect for this choice from the people they love.

Step 3. Discover your cards little by little
Scorpio women love mysterious men. If your partner was born under this sign, don't reveal all your secrets right away. Don't be afraid to be reserved about some details of your life. If you're not an open book, she'll be more interested in you.
Scorpio women have a tendency to like power plays, so force your partner to investigate if she wants to find out all about you. Even if these games seem silly to you, she will like them

Step 4. Support his passions
Scorpio women are passionate by nature and can't stand men trying to hold them back. If your partner's career, hobbies or interests are very important to her, you need to allow her to pursue them.
- Never interrupt it when it is working. If she loves reading a lot, don't bother her when she's immersed in a book, because she won't appreciate it.
- You have to become his first fan. Scorpio women aren't satisfied with partners who don't encourage them to pursue their passions.
Part 3 of 3: Keeping the Relationship Alive

Step 1. Take your relationship seriously
Scorpio women are not looking for adventures, so they want men who make their romantic relationship their top priority. If your partner was born under this sign and you want to stay with her, you need to take your life together seriously. If you're not looking for a loyal partner to bond with for life, maybe it's best to stop dating.

Step 2. Accept her independence
Your partner will not stay at home waiting for you to organize her days. Scorpio women are independent by nature, have a tendency to find ways to have fun on their own, and develop many personal interests. They don't need their partners to feel fulfilled and they don't keep dating those who limit their addiction.
- Don't be offended if your girlfriend doesn't need you to have fun. The independent nature of women born under this sign leads them to know how to have fun alone.
- Learn to appreciate this quality. It is not a sign that you are not important to her, but on the contrary, it makes you understand that she has not chosen you because she "takes advantage" of your company, but because she really wants to share her life with you.

Step 3. Be faithful
Scorpio women do not forgive easily and never forget cheating. I am unable to tolerate infidelity. Even minor gestures, such as a bona fide attempt at flirting, can be seen by them as a break in the relationship of trust. If your partner was born under this sign, always keep in mind that you must be alone with her.

Step 4. From time to time, you will have to face total honesty
To be with a Scorpio woman, you need to have tough skin. By nature, she will be brutally sincere and on some occasions her words will hurt. If he gets the impression that you did something wrong, he won't hesitate to tell you.