If you're on a tight budget and think you can't afford luxury body creams and butters, rest assured, wikiHow has the answer for your needs. Forget about expensive products and learn how to make a nourishing body butter with all-natural ingredients and a heady scent in the comfort of your own kitchen.
Method 1 of 3: Mango Body Butter

Step 1. Group the ingredients
Mango Butter is a rich and nutritious natural substance with an exotic scent. You can buy this amazing fruit in many supermarkets. To make 15g of body butter, you will need the following ingredients:
- 6 g of cocoa butter
- 6 g of mango butter
- 2 teaspoons of shea butter
- 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil
- 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel
- 10 drops of mango essential oil

Step 2. Melt all the ingredients
Heat all the ingredients except the essential oil in a bain-marie (pour water into a saucepan until the bottom is covered, then place a smaller saucepan inside it). Turn on the low heat and heat the mixture, stirring occasionally until all the ingredients have dissolved completely. Continue heating for another 15-20 minutes, stirring until you get a homogeneous mixture.
Do not heat the ingredients too quickly so as not to ruin the consistency of the butter; melt slowly and mix to prevent the mixture from burning

Step 3. Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature
Before adding the essential oil, make sure the mixture has cooled down.

Step 4. Add the essential oil
Mix 10 drops of mango essential oil. For a more intense scent, put an extra drop or two; while if strong perfumes bother you, put only five drops.

Step 5. Beat the butter
To give it a light texture, beat the mixture with an immersion blender until you get a creamy butter.

Step 6. Put the body butter in jars or cans
Label the containers, store at room temperature, and use the product within six months.
Method 2 of 3: Hemp and Honey Body Butter

Step 1. Group the ingredients
Hemp body butter has a very natural scent, perfect for use on skin that tends to dry out in the cold months. Hemp oil nourishes the skin, while honey is a natural moisturizer with anti-bacterial properties. Here are the ingredients you will need:
- 3 tablespoons of coconut butter
- 1 tablespoon of beeswax
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil
- 1 tablespoon of castor oil
- 1 tablespoon of hemp oil
- 10 drops of essential oil of your choice

Step 2. Melt the coconut butter with the beeswax
Heat in a bain-marie over medium heat and wait for the water to start boiling. Put the cocoa butter and beeswax in the smaller saucepan; stir until the mixture begins to dissolve, continue heating for another 15 minutes to avoid the formation of granules. Let the mixture dissolve slowly to prevent it from burning.

Step 3. Add honey and oils
Continue mixing while adding the honey, sunflower oil, castor oil and hemp oil. Stir until all the ingredients are incorporated.

Step 4. Cool and add essential oils
Let it cool for 10 minutes, then add 15-20 drops of the essential oil of your choice.

Step 5. Pour the butter into jars or cans
Use small, sterile containers.
Method 3 of 3: Easy to Make Citrus Body Butter

Step 1. Group the ingredients
This simple body butter can be microwaved, so preparation is quicker and easier. Prepare the following ingredients:
- 120 ml of grapeseed (or almond) oil
- 2 tablespoons of beeswax
- 2 tablespoons of distilled water
- 10 drops of lemon, lime or orange essential oil

Step 2. Heat the oil and beeswax
Put the grapeseed oil and beeswax in a glass jar or in a container suitable for the microwave. Turn on the microwave and heat for 10-15 seconds. Stir, then repeat until the beeswax and oil have dissolved.
- Heat a little at a time to prevent the mixture from burning.
- Do not use plastic containers (plastic may contaminate the compound).

Step 3. Beat the mixture with a hand blender
Add two tablespoons of filtered or distilled water and 10 drops of essential oil to orange, lemon or lime while mixing the ingredients. The butter will turn thick and white as you beat it; continue until you get a rich and creamy consistency.
The process explained above is known as emulsification, a process similar to making whipped cream or mayonnaise. It may take some time to mix the butter well, so continue until you get the right consistency

Step 4. Pour the butter into jars or cans
Apply to the skin when you feel the need.
- If the body butter is too thick, reduce the amount of cocoa butter or add a few extra drops of aloe vera gel.
- Enjoy using the essential oils you like best besides mango, for example: peach, rose, citrus or geranium.