3 Ways to Hide Baldness

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3 Ways to Hide Baldness
3 Ways to Hide Baldness

Do you have thinning hair or are you starting to go bald? Millions of people suffer from hair loss and this phenomenon can be emotionally traumatizing, especially for women. You should speak to your doctor, dermatologist, or hair loss specialist to learn about the latest medical treatments to reverse this progression. In the meantime, or if you don't want to undergo a transplant, you can reduce baldness or thinning by changing your hairstyle and hair care products.


Method 1 of 3: for Men

Hide Baldness Step 1
Hide Baldness Step 1

Step 1. Find a good hairdresser

A proper cut can make your hair look thicker and thus hide thinning areas. While barbers are great professionals if you just want a short cut, it's best to go to a hairdresser if you're going bald. this solution is undoubtedly more expensive, but in this way you can get a personalized cut and / or the stylist can teach you how to comb them to hide problem areas.

Hide Baldness Step 2
Hide Baldness Step 2

Step 2. Keep them short

If they are long, their weight causes them to flatten on the head at the expense of volume; moreover, this traction causes the strands to separate, highlighting the scalp. Short hair (but not very short) gives more volume, a "teased" effect in which part of a lock covers the edge of the adjacent one so that the skin is not visible.

Hide Baldness Step 3
Hide Baldness Step 3

Step 3. Shave your head

If you don't want to take on the commitment of a good haircut and take care of it to volumize it, you can hide baldness or thinning by completely shaving your head; it might seem counterintuitive, but it works because it is voluntary "total alopecia". Bald heads are in fashion and people cannot know if you made this choice because you like it or to hide the fact that you are losing your hair.

  • Use an electric razor to cut them as much as possible; then apply a shaving cream and go over the scalp with a razor to remove all the hair, just as if you were shaving.
  • Shave your head regularly so that you don't see your hair sticking out. Otherwise, if the alopecia is extensive enough to leave the hair only along the sides, the presence of the regrowth would be a sign that you are losing hair.
  • Protect your head from the sun's rays. Apply sunscreen every day and wear a hat when you go out in the sun to protect your skin; Skin cancer can develop anywhere on the body, including the head.
Hide Baldness Step 4
Hide Baldness Step 4

Step 4. Grow a beard

Men who are bald or who lose their hair often do very well with a beard that draws attention away from alopecia; however, you need to keep your facial hair short and neatly trimmed. A "wild" and careless beard can create a strange contrast to short or shaved hair and is considered unprofessional in most work environments.

Hide Baldness Step 5
Hide Baldness Step 5

Step 5. Cover your head with a hat

Wearing a headdress or bandana can effectively hide baldness. Baseball caps are suitable for informal occasions, but a borsalino or a straw hat can be very elegant and adapt to different situations; the hat also protects you from the sun's rays. But remember that you can't always wear it; in many religious buildings and workplaces, men have to uncover the garment the moment they enter and the bandana is too informal for some environments, for example in the office.

Hide Baldness Step 6
Hide Baldness Step 6

Step 6. Use a cream or colored powder

Some companies market products that reduce the contrast between the color of the hair and that of the scalp by dyeing the latter. By doing so, the skin tone blends with that of the hair making it less noticeable; it is an effective solution for people with dark hair and light skin.

  • Follow the instructions on the package to apply the cream to the skin. Carefully cover every inch of the scalp and wait for the product to dry completely, at which point it becomes resistant to rain and sweat. However, remember that if you rub your head with your fingers, you may remove the product and the cream may stain the pillowcase overnight. The color stays on the skin until you wash your hair.
  • If you opt for a powder product, remember to rub it well into your scalp. Cover all the areas where you can see the skin between one strand and the other; the dust sticks to the hair making it look more voluminous and, just like the cream, it is resistant to wind, sweat, rain but can transfer to clothes or pillow cases; lasts until you shampoo.
Hide Baldness Step 7
Hide Baldness Step 7

Step 7. Use a wig

Although the toupee is less common today than in past decades, there are still good models to hide baldness. This solution is more suitable for men who have not lost all their hair, as the "toupee" is designed to blend in with the rest of the natural hair.

  • Choose a high quality product made with human hair that is almost identical in color to yours; only real hair looks natural.
  • You can also purchase a custom toupee made from human hair that is knotted to a mesh base; the latter is then glued or fixed to the head with clips so that the hair appears to emerge from the scalp. This element also needs to be cut properly so that it looks as natural as possible. The net can be repositioned when the glue or clips lose grip due to real hair growth.
  • Go to a hairdresser regularly to help you touch up your wig. Take it with you when you go to get your hair cut, so that the professional can incorporate it into the rest of the hairstyle.
  • Keep it clean and make sure it fits snugly on the garment; if it falls, it is of no use.
Hide Baldness Step 8
Hide Baldness Step 8

Step 8. Undergo a micropigmentation of the scalp

This is a similar process to applying color cream or powder, but offers a permanent result. In practice, the skin of the head is tattooed with microscopic dots; it is a long job that requires several sessions. However, this procedure involves the risk of appearing fake and jarring, if the color is incorrect or the tattoo has not been performed in a workmanlike manner; for these reasons, you must contact a professional specialized in this field.

Method 2 of 3: for Women

Hide Baldness Step 9
Hide Baldness Step 9

Step 1. Make a layered cut

A proper hairstyle makes hair appear thicker by hiding thinning areas. It is worthwhile to turn to a good hairdresser who can perform a personalized job to hide the areas of alopecia or less thick and who teach you how to comb your hair. Ask him to proceed with a layered cut instead of leaving the hair all the same length; this "trick" generates more volume and fullness, minimizing the bald parts.

Hide Baldness Step 10
Hide Baldness Step 10

Step 2. Use boar bristle brushes

They are more delicate than synthetic ones and prevent the hair from breaking, an important detail if they are thin. This material also allows the sebum to be distributed evenly along the entire hair shaft, keeping it healthy and bright; the better the health of the foliage, the less noticeable the thinning aspect is.

Hide Baldness Step 11
Hide Baldness Step 11

Step 3. Choose the right color

Changing the hair color reduces the contrast between the color of the scalp and that of the strands, thus hiding the areas of alopecia. Go for light shades if you have fair skin; if you have a dark complexion instead, opt for a color like dark brown or black. Even if you can dye your hair at home with the kits you find at the supermarket, it is best to contact a hairdresser who can customize the color according to that of the skin and the state of your baldness.

Hide Baldness Step 12
Hide Baldness Step 12

Step 4. Cover your head with a hat, scarf or turban

Wearing a hat or a pretty scarf allows you to hide the spots of alopecia or thinning in an effective way. There are many fashionable headdresses for women, including the borsalino and those with a very wide brim, as well as very elegant scarves that can be worn on the head; this solution also protects the skin from the sun's rays.

Hide Baldness Step 13
Hide Baldness Step 13

Step 5. Get a wig or toupee

The wig is the best solution when the thinning affects the temple area, when the forehead becomes too wide or you are completely bald; it allows you to improve self-esteem and make you feel more "normal", especially if alopecia is caused by chemotherapy or some pathology.

  • There are two types of wigs: full wigs, which cover the entire scalp and partial ones, which hide only certain areas. If you are completely bald or have very short and thinning locks, the human hair wig is the best choice; you can ask the hairdresser to style it according to your tastes and to teach you how to wear it. If you only have some areas of alopecia, it is more practical and economical to use only a partial wig; always contact the hairdresser to incorporate the "toupee" to the rest of your hairstyle and cover the thinning areas.
  • There are several factors to choose from, such as the length, color, texture (human or synthetic hair), value for money and the fastening system (with clip, braid, comb or knot) of the wig; evaluate the different options with the hairdresser and opt for the one that best suits your needs.
  • Although synthetic wigs are cheaper, only those made of real human hair look truly natural.

Method 3 of 3: Techniques Suitable for Anyone

Hide Baldness Step 14
Hide Baldness Step 14

Step 1. Give more volume to the hairstyle

A flat hair rests on the scalp and highlights the areas of alopecia because the locks tend to separate showing the underlying skin; As a result, combing in a way that maximizes volume can make your hair look thicker as well as more youthful.

  • Use a volumizing shampoo. Many brands offer specific products that prevent the accumulation of residues which are generally responsible for weighing hair down by flattening it; these cleansers revive the various locks making them fuller. Choose shampoos that have "volumizing" on the label; the effect should last between washes.
  • Use a hair dryer and a round brush. Apply a small amount of product that gives volume to the strands, then gently dry them using a round brush to lightly tease them and lift them from the scalp. This technique makes the hair lighter and the hair looks thicker. By pulling them to one side while drying them and then brushing them in the opposite direction, you can achieve the same effect.
  • Do not use gel or heavy products that contain silicone; the former makes the hair stick together or clumps them, exposing the scalp, while the silicone weighs down the strands, defeating all your efforts to make them more voluminous. Use only light volumizing products such as sprays or mousses.
Hide Baldness Step 15
Hide Baldness Step 15

Step 2. Use specific microfibers for thinning hair

Many companies produce colored microfibers that bind to natural strands and are sold in spray or powder form; represent the most convenient way to hide alopecia.

  • Shake or spray them on the head; they have an electrostatic charge that makes them adhere to the hair making them thicker.
  • These products typically resist sweat, wind, rain and last until the next shampoo.
  • Choose a color that matches that of your hair or that is slightly lighter; microfibres that are darker or of a shade that doesn't match your complexion take on an artificial look that draws attention to the head, just what you don't want.
Hide Baldness Step 16
Hide Baldness Step 16

Step 3. Use minoxidil

It is a topical hair regrowth treatment and many companies sell over-the-counter products that contain it; follow the instructions on the leaflet and apply the product constantly for at least eight weeks. Some people get very noticeable results, while others don't enjoy any benefits.

  • Usually, these products are marketed in the form of cream or foam, are available without a prescription and in some cases can be obtained as a galenic preparation.
  • Minoxidil takes time to be effective; Most of the time, hair growth occurs after constant application for several months and only lasts for as long as you apply the medicine. Hair loss resumes a few months after stopping treatment.
  • It is most effective on young patients with a short history of hair loss; the drug has not been studied in people over the age of 65, so it may not be effective for age-related baldness.
  • Respect the instructions on the leaflet; do not apply a higher dose than recommended and do not use the hair dryer immediately after spreading the product, as this could make it less effective.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use minoxidil.


  • Feeling confident and accepting thinning hair could help you look better than you might try to hide your baldness, especially if you are a man. many bald ones are attractive.
  • Always apply sunscreen to your scalp and try to wear a hat whenever you go out in the sun. Baldness or a thin hair expose the skin to dangerous UVA and UVB rays; sunscreen and hat prevent sunburn and protect against skin cancer. Many companies produce sun protection factor lacquers and stick creams that are easier to apply to the garment than traditional ones.


  • If you are a man, do not use the "carry over" method; it is out of style and only draws attention to baldness much more than a short cut. Absolutely avoid it.
  • Many wigs and toupees can fall out; be careful not to get pushed and not go swimming to avoid losing yours.
  • Long hair extensions for women can actually draw even more attention to thinning hair, due to their weight pulling on the scalp and can also damage them. Short styles that attach with clips are less damaging than long styles that are tied or braided.
  • Discuss the use of minoxidil with your doctor; some people are allergic to this active ingredient which may also interact negatively with other medicines. Follow the directions on the package and if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not take the drug.
