Generally, fly larvae need to feed for 3-5 days early in their development. During this time they are tiny and white in color. Despite their small size, it is not easy to get rid of them without the right tools. Fortunately, you can get rid of it by using a number of natural and preventative remedies and chemicals.
Home Prepared Solutions
Few problems are more annoying than a fly larvae infestation, but you may already have what you need at home to get rid of them:
- If you have some dog shampoo, you can prepare a permethrin-based solution to kill the larvae.
- If you have the bleach, you can use it to kill the larvae effectively without spending too much money.
- If you have a carburetor cleaner, you can use it to make a harsh cleanser.
- If you have the diatomaceous earth, you can spread it on the larvae to dehydrate them.
- If you have the vinegar, you can eliminate the larvae and prevent them from returning.
- If you have essential oils, you can use them to protect the garbage can from infestations.
Method 1 of 3: Using Chemicals

Step 1. Apply permethrin spray if the invasion is moderate
Permethrin is a synthetic substance, used as an insecticide, repellent or acaricide. It is generally used in the production of sprays for the elimination of scabies and lice, but 2-3 pumps are enough to kill the fly larvae. You can also find it in the form of shampoo or cream. Mix 4 parts of boiling water with 1 of permethrin-based dog shampoo and slowly pour the mixture over the larvae.
- Mist the spray or apply the mixture within a radius of 1.5-7.5m from the site of origin of the larvae. This way, you will cover the entire affected area and prevent these nasty intruders from returning.
- While permethrin is safe for hair and scalp contact, be careful not to get it into your eyes, ears, nose or mouth. If this happens, rinse immediately.
- Permethrin and synthetic pyrethroids can be lethal to cats and fish. So, keep these substances away from your pets!

Step 2. Mix the bleach and water in a bowl and apply the solution in case of heavy infestation
Combine 240ml of bleach and 240ml of water in a plastic or metal bowl. If you have to apply the mixture on soil, pour it gently on the area overrun by the larvae, trying to cover them all. If the larvae are in the garbage can, fill it with bleach and close the lid, so the vapors will completely exterminate them.
Let the bleach sit for about 30 minutes before opening and cleaning the bin. Once emptied, prepare more mixture in the quantities indicated above and pour it inside to prevent the return of the larvae

Step 3. Spray insecticide on the scattered larvae
Although not as effective as permethrin, a parasite spray will be able to kill them. Dispense 2-3 jets on the affected areas, holding the nebulizer for about 2 seconds at a time. It will take at least 30 minutes for it to start taking effect. Generally, fumigants for wasps and hornets are indicated, but also insecticides against cockroaches.
You can find pesticides in sprays in grocery stores and hardware stores. If you can, choose a permethrin-based product

Step 4. Apply other household products
Hairspray can be effective if you spray it 5-6 times on infested areas by holding the nozzle for a couple of seconds. Also try mixing a multi-surface or all-purpose cleaner with 4 parts of boiling water and gently pour it over the larvae.
You could use hairspray, a multi-surface cleanser, and an all-purpose cleaner

Step 5. Dilute a chemical with water if there is a heavy infestation in the garbage
For example, engine oil, brake fluid and carburetor cleaner are very effective. Mix 240ml of carburetor cleaner with 4-7L of warm water. Slowly pour the mixture into the garbage can after removing the waste. Close the lid and let the toxic fumes and heat of the water work for an hour. Afterward, throw away the dead larvae in a bin or external trash container.
- Carburetor cleaner is extremely toxic, so use it only in extreme cases. Always wear gloves and appropriate clothing.
- Do not mix it with other solvents. If it contains chlorinates, it can react with numerous chemical agents, producing toxic gases that are very dangerous both by contact and by inhalation.
Method 2 of 3: Using Natural Methods

Step 1. Use boiling water
Boil it in a large pot for about 5 minutes. Pour it slowly and carefully over the infested areas. This method is especially useful if the maggot invasion is located in the garbage can or basement. In the meantime, take out the garbage as it is a source of nutrition for these parasites.
- Close the dustbin to keep the heat from escaping.
- Do not use this method on walls or carpets, as moisture can cause structural damage to the home and encourage mold development.

Step 2. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth over the larvae to slowly dehydrate them
Diatomaceous earth is a sedimentary siliceous rock, used as a detergent and insecticide. Disseminate enough of it to completely cover the larvae. It will attach itself to their exoskeleton, gradually dehydrating them and killing them for lack of water.
You can find it in hypermarkets, gardening stores, and hardware stores

Step 3. Use a mixture of water and cinnamon if you prefer a quicker remedy
Take a bowl and prepare a solution consisting of 1/6 of cinnamon and 5/6 of water. Slowly pour it over the larvae; it will take about 6 hours to kill them. Since it creates an inhospitable environment for these unsightly intruders, you can also use it to prevent further infestations.
Also consider using a solution of 1/6 apple cider vinegar and 5/6 water, although it will take about 18 hours to exterminate the larvae

Step 4. Sprinkle a mixture of salt and slaked lime over infested areas to dehydrate the scattered larvae
These two substances will dry out your unwanted guests by killing them from dehydration. Combine 24 g of slaked lime and 72 g of salt. Next, spread the compound over the areas where the larvae tend to reproduce.
- Keep an eye out for them - if they don't die, increase the doses.
- You can also use quicklime. You can find it in hardware stores and building materials stores.

Step 5. Use a container full of beer to drown them
Pour the beer into a basin and place it next to the larvae. They will be attracted to it, crawl and drown inside. It is neither a decisive nor a useful remedy in the event of major infestations.
- Make sure the container is easy for the larvae to access.
- While some think they attract them by placing a light next to the beer, some research shows otherwise: these unwanted guests tend to move away from light sources.

Step 6. Freeze them at -20 ° C for 60 minutes in extreme cases
Collect the smaller larvae with a scoop, pour them into a resealable bag and place it in the freezer. An hour should be enough to kill them.
If they don't die, leave them longer. Check them every hour and once they are dead, throw them in the trash
Method 3 of 3: Prevent the Problem

Step 1. Do not throw meat and fish in the garbage
Flies (which lay eggs) reproduce mainly in decaying meat and fish. So, if you want to reduce the risk of a maggot infestation, never leave animal food leftovers in the bin. Here are some solutions to fix the problem at source.
- Make a meat broth using the bones and leftover meat. Put everything in a pot of boiling water, add some spice and bay leaves and let it simmer for about an hour.
- Store some of the meat or bones in another refrigerator (or freezer) until garbage collection day, and then throw it all away. The meat will not rot at low temperatures.
- If you need to get rid of leftover meat and fish, wrap them in paper towels before throwing them away. If the flies do not have access to it, they will not be able to lay eggs.

Step 2. Use essential oils
For example, you could use mint, bay leaf or eucalyptus. Essential oils are excellent fly repellents. Choose the one you prefer and dilute 4-5 drops in a spray bottle full of water. Spray the solution on the infested areas. You can also spray it on a cloth and wipe it on contaminated surfaces.

Step 3. Clean the bin with water and vinegar once a week
Mix 1 part of vinegar with 2 parts of water in a bowl. Next, soak a cloth and rub it inside and outside the garbage can. When you are done, wipe with a dry cloth and let the container dry in the sun or a dry environment before putting on the trash bag.
- Always empty your bins when they fill up and clean them at least once a week. Don't forget to insert the garbage bags to prevent food residues from settling on the bottom.
- When you decide to clean the bin, add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the detergent.

Step 4. If you have one, clean your sink garbage disposal if you think it is contaminated with grubs
Turn off the switch on the device and use a pair of pliers or tongs to remove the trapped pieces of food. Then dilute 15ml of bleach in nearly 4L of water and slowly pour the solution down the sink drain.
- Keep the garbage disposal on for longer when you need it. This way, you will ensure that it disposes of all food properly.
- Avoid throwing too many greasy and oily substances down the sink.

Step 5. Keep infested areas dry
Since the larvae love humidity, fight it. Make sure the garbage bags do not drip and promptly absorb any traces of liquids from the bottom of the bin. Always keep the areas where you prepare to eat and the surfaces on which the larvae could proliferate dry.
Put a few packs of silica gel (which you can find in newly purchased shoe and bag packages) in the bottom of the bin. Silica is a natural absorbent, so it keeps moisture away

Step 6. In extreme cases, put mothballs in the most affected areas
The mothballs are chemically treated with insecticidal substances. If you place 1-2 in infested areas, for example at the bottom of the garbage can, they will act as a repellent and kill intruders.
- Naphthalene is toxic and carcinogenic, so use it only if the other methods described have not been effective.
- Never put it near food.
- Throw out the expired meat.
- Always close trash cans and clean them regularly with bleach.
- Install mosquito nets on the windows.
- Rinse the cans before throwing them away or put them in a container for recycling.
- Remove fallen fruit from the trees in your garden.
- Never keep pet food outdoors.