4 Ways to Make Rat Poison

4 Ways to Make Rat Poison
4 Ways to Make Rat Poison

Table of contents:


Commercially sold rat poisons are effective, but they also contain toxic substances that can pose a health risk to people and pets. Alternatively, you can make them at home with household products, such as cornmeal, Paris chalk, and flour. Although they are less harmful, it is advisable, if possible, to keep them out of the reach of children and pets to avoid the risk of them being ingested when used to prepare a pesticide aimed at eliminating mice that plague the house.


Method 1 of 4: Prepare the Poison Using Paris Chalk, Cornmeal and Milk

Make Rat Poison Step 1
Make Rat Poison Step 1

Step 1. Mix 110g of Paris chalk with 110g of cornmeal in a large bowl

Combine these two ingredients in equal parts in a bowl or basin. You can find Paris gypsum in hardware stores and home improvement stores, and cornmeal in any grocery store.

  • If you have no way of weighing them, use 2-3 cups for each.
  • If you don't have cornmeal, try using cornmeal in the same proportions instead.
  • The plaster of Paris hardens in the stomach of mice until it kills them.
Make Rat Poison Step 2
Make Rat Poison Step 2

Step 2. Add 55g of sugar to make the poison more tempting

This is optional, but the sweet taste of the sugar will tempt mice to gobble the mixture. After combining the chalk and corn flour in equal parts, add half a part of sugar as well.

Make Rat Poison Step 3
Make Rat Poison Step 3

Step 3. Start with 250ml of milk

Pour it into the powder mixture. You will likely need more as you go, but start with this dose so you don't make the mixture too liquid.

In the absence of milk, you can simply use water. Milk will flavor the poisonous mixture, but they will most likely eat it only for the presence of the corn / wheat flour

Make Rat Poison Step 4
Make Rat Poison Step 4

Step 4. Knead with your hands

It is not a toxic compound for humans, so you can safely mix it with your bare hands. However, if you don't want them to stick, you can wear gloves.

  • If the mixture is not sticky and you still see a few lumps of powder, add more water or milk, one tablespoon at a time.
  • You have to get a dough with which to form balls, as if it were clay. If it seems too liquid, add more chalk and corn / wheat flour in equal parts, pouring one tablespoon at a time, until you get the right consistency.
Make Rat Poison Step 5
Make Rat Poison Step 5

Step 5. Break the mixture into balls of 4 cm in diameter (roughly like golf balls)

Take some dough and ball it up in your hands. If you prefer, you can make them even smaller. Mice will eat them either way. Place them where you see traces of rodents (out of reach of children and pets) and check again after a couple of days to make sure they have consumed them.

If not, you may want to move them. If the mice don't seem attracted either, then you probably need to make new poisonous baits

Method 2 of 4: Mix the Baking Soda into the Poisonous Compound

Make Rat Poison Step 6
Make Rat Poison Step 6

Step 1. Combine the flour with the baking soda and sugar

Mix the flour and sugar in equal parts in a small bowl. Start with 135g of sugar and 85g of flour. This combination will attract mice to the baking soda. Add an equal part of baking soda to the mixture and mix everything together.

  • You can also mix just sugar and baking soda.
  • You can substitute wheat flour for corn flour or use hot chocolate powder instead of sugar.
  • To make the mixture more homogeneous, put it in a blender so that it blends better.
  • Another option is to mix one part of baking soda with two of peanut butter.
Make Rat Poison Step 7
Make Rat Poison Step 7

Step 2. Place the mixture inside small bowls or lids

For best results, get disposable bowls or reuse food container lids. However, don't use them again once the mouse has made contact! Put some of the mixture in each bowl.

Make Rat Poison Step 8
Make Rat Poison Step 8

Step 3. Place the containers where you saw the mice pass

For example, if you have spotted them near the stove or in the garage, place them along the paths they pass through. If you notice that they have dug in some areas, place a bowl near them to attract them to the bait.

  • Look for their droppings (small oblong stools) as they are very likely to be nearby.
  • The bicarbonate mixes with the gastric juices causing a buildup of carbon dioxide which eventually kills the mouse.

Method 3 of 4: Use Instant Mashed Potatoes

Make Rat Poison Step 9
Make Rat Poison Step 9

Step 1. Place jars filled with instant mashed potatoes along their path

Use shallow bowls or disposable food lids, as long as you don't mind throwing them away, then pour in the instant potato flakes. Place them where you have noticed mouse tracks so that they can find them where they usually go.

Put at least 50g of instant puree in each bowl to keep them full

Make Rat Poison Step 10
Make Rat Poison Step 10

Step 2. Make sure they have a source of water

For this method to be effective, the mice must drink water after consuming the potato flakes. Generally, they can find it on their own, but you can also put a few bowls of water next to the instant puree.

Mice are attracted to food, so they will come to gorge themselves on dried potato flakes. After that, when they have drunk the water, the resulting abdominal swelling will lead to their death

Make Rat Poison Step 11
Make Rat Poison Step 11

Step 3. Check that they have eaten the instant puree

Inspect the bowls at least once a day. If they are always full, you probably need to move them elsewhere.

Alternatively, try adding a couple of tablespoons of sugar to make the bait more tempting

Method 4 of 4: Try the Repellents

Make Rat Poison Step 12
Make Rat Poison Step 12

Step 1. Spray peppermint oil around areas frequented by mice

Pour 15-20 drops of mint oil or extract into 240ml of water and put the solution in a spray bottle. Spray it in areas you want to keep rodents away from. They will be disgusted by the smell.

  • Every now and then you will need to spray it again. Do this at least once a week.
  • Mint can also be a great deterrent for spiders.
  • Alternatively, dip a few cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them where you've seen them pass.
Make Rat Poison Step 13
Make Rat Poison Step 13

Step 2. Sprinkle bay leaves around the house

Mice don't like their smell. Plus, if they try to chew them, they could even be toxic and kill them. You can use whole dry ones or fresh ones if you grow the plant.

However, be aware that they can cause stomach problems in pets, such as cats and dogs

Make Rat Poison Step 14
Make Rat Poison Step 14

Step 3. Spray the castor oil continuously to keep them away

Castor oil tends to discourage the arrival of mice because they hate the smell. The action is similar to that of lemongrass with mosquitoes. Try to pour it by creating real barriers on the ground where you do not want them to arrive.

If you use this method outdoors, you may want to repeat the treatment when it rains

Make Rat Poison Step 15
Make Rat Poison Step 15

Step 4. Spray ammonia or glass cleaner

Mice are disgusted by the smell of ammonia. Mix 15 ml in nearly a liter of water and spray the solution on the areas where you have spotted them. Alternatively, try using an ammonia-based glass cleaner.

Never mix ammonia and bleach as this combination produces toxic fumes


Add a small amount of peanut butter on top of the poison to speed up the arrival of the mice


  • Search and throw away the dead rats. Decaying carcasses can plague your home for months, posing a health hazard.
  • Keep poison out of the reach of children and pets. Even if homemade is less toxic than products containing strong chemicals, it is still dangerous.
