If you want to know how to be weird and act awkward, then you need to strike a balance between making people uncomfortable and just acting weird in general. If you don't know how to do it but are looking for some of the most effective moves to make someone uncomfortable, then you've come to the right place. Whatever your reason for looking weird, read on to learn how to make people turn away from you or to make them roll their eyes in no time.

Step 1. Daydream as much as possible
If you want to act weird, then you don't have to pay too much attention to what's going on around you. You should have your head in the clouds, be completely impassive and not notice the most obvious things that pass under your nose. Then, when someone tries to engage you in a conversation, let yourself be totally off guard and show yourself unprepared to participate in the dialogue. If you hadn't even noticed that you have had someone by your side for a good half hour, it will seem even more bizarre: mission accomplished!

Step 2. Bring elaborate fantasies to life in your head
From imagining you're fighting dragons to what you say to your co-worker when he asks you what your favorite tea is, or the invitations you send to the entire office to attend a party in a submarine. These fantasies will be of great help to you as you take the next step, which is when you try to look as estranged from the world as possible. If you start making these fantasies come true (but do it haphazardly) or if you share them with others, you're sure to look bizarre.

Step 3. Don't worry about checking your appearance throughout the day
If you want to look weird, then you don't have to mirror yourself too often. This can lead to you walking around with sticky hair, with some sauce on your shirt, with your shirt tucked halfway into your pants, or with your panties sticking out of your pants. This will certainly make you look bizarre in the eyes of yourself and those around you, so much so that you won't have the courage to tell you anything about the condition of your clothes or hair. In case they do, respond by saying "But I like to look like this!". You will undoubtedly blow them away.

Step 4. Make absurd proposals to your friends and those around you, but without provocation
Say something like "What if we all take off our shoes and stack them in that corner for 20 or 30 minutes?" Don't give explanations. Abruptly put an end to all your ideas, without seeking input from your interlocutors. A few minutes after the proposal, regardless of the reaction received, stop paying attention. You might as well walk away, but this will give the impression that you are being rude rather than weird.

Step 5. Say a single word lengthening and in a particularly high-pitched voice when an awkward silence falls
Awkward silences give you the perfect opportunity to do things that will make those in attendance even more uncomfortable. If you've seen the movie “The Waterboy”, think about how the word “Gatorade” is said. You can use any word. Say it seriously, without laughing. People shouldn't think you're trying to act weird on purpose, they need to get the impression that you're serious.

Step 6. Laugh at random
But not in a coarse way. A nervous chuckle should suffice. If you really want to make things really bizarre, you can also try it on serious occasions, like when your friend tells you that her grandmother ended up in the hospital. But remember that this attitude could be interpreted as rude, not strange. You can also laugh when your teacher makes a bad joke or when someone wants to be nice but can't. This will make you look weird, not to mention that everyone will think you have a bad sense of humor.

Step 7. Spend a lot of time doing simple things while everyone is watching
You must give the idea that it is a difficult mission for you and you should apologize for taking so long. Then, make a mistake and start over. Try to be on the verge of tears in this case. The simpler the task, the more embarrassing the situation will be and the better you will succeed. You can do this when you need to close your bag, open a door, try taking a photo with your cell phone, or tie your shoes.

Step 8. You often make mistakes when engaging in sport
The more mistakes you make during these occasions, the better it will be, especially if you fall while practicing an activity where doing so is virtually impossible, for example playing ping pong. You can also throw the ball in the wrong direction or score for the opposing team. If you cry or look visibly shaken, the situation will be even more bizarre for those around you. It will be even better if you act like you are the best athlete on the face of the earth; people will feel further uncomfortable.

Step 9. Affirm that a person is sexy when they are not
If you're watching television with a friend and a middle-aged presenter pops up on the screen as you zap, express deep appreciation. When your friend looks at you, thinking you've lost your mind, take a guilty look. Say nothing. Let silence fall. Do not give explanations or clarify your sentence. Leave him in doubt.

Step 10. Apologize even if you haven't done anything wrong
It's really weird to apologize even if you haven't made any mistakes or hurt anyone. For example, you can do this when you open the door for someone or answer the phone. It's even better to apologize when the other person is wrong, like when someone bumps into you on the street or spills their soda on you. Try to look genuinely shy and embarrassed when doing this, this will allow you to get bonus points.

Step 11. Get tangled in things
Alternatively, stumble or bump into what you find on the street, such as street lamps or various poles. It is important not to give the idea that you are doing it intentionally. Looking disoriented, like you're daydreaming, can actually help you achieve this. Appearing completely lost, staring at the clouds and scratching your head when you suddenly tangle yourself with a dog leash, you will look absolutely bizarre.

Step 12. Look others in the eye in a disturbing way
Staring at someone you don't know for a good amount of time. If this person knows you and is talking to you, get close to them and try not to blink. Make yourself look crazy or high for extra points. You should give the impression that you are completely mesmerized by the person you are staring at. If after doing this for a while you want to look away, duck down and look uncomfortably in the eyes of his dog.

Step 13. When you behave awkwardly, emphasize this:
"This is really embarrassing", "I'm just weird, man" or "Could I be weirder than that?". These are great phrases, it is guaranteed that everyone around you will feel even more uncomfortable. It would be even better if you said "How embarrassing!", Especially when you offend someone by mistake or do something uncomfortable.

Step 14. Define things with the adjective "weird" even when they are not
It's okay to say “How strange!” When in reality nothing bizarre happened. Do you know what the only strange thing will be? Your behaviour. You can try it in absolutely normal situations, such as when you are introduced to someone, when a person presses a button in the elevator or when a couple is hugging.

Step 15. Reveal too much information
There's nothing more embarrassing than telling people that you don't know yourself all that well yourself. You can tell about your obsession with your hamster, about your parents still tucking you in, about how hard it is to break the habit of picking your nose, about never hugging a girl, about the crush you have. for your first cousin or the fact that you often forget to brush your teeth. Pick a pretty awkward secret that even your best friends wouldn't want to know, and then reveal it to a complete stranger.

Step 16. Make other people feel uncomfortable by asking them for private information in public
It's another great move. When you meet a friend and he is with other people, you can ask him “Did you pass that bad eye infection? Are you still super contagious? or “Do you still think about the girl you like? Oh I know, being rejected sucks”. This person will feel really uncomfortable, and so will the people around them. It's even more embarrassing to bring up something you actually made up on the spot, like “Did you go well with the medical examination? Did they help you find a way to stop sucking your thumb?”. This will cause confusion and embarrassment, a winning combination.

Step 17. Be awkward with the person you like
There is nothing more bizarre than making your soft spot for someone obvious. If you want to act absurd when you are with your crush, you should always be the first to approach, even if he is clearly talking about his business with friends. You can also greet her adoringly and seem so distracted that you collide with passers-by, bump into something, trip over, or throw all your food on the ground. Give her some particularly weird compliments, like “I've noticed you've worn this pink sweater three times in the last month. However, it really suits you,”he will ensure you make the situation even more awkward.

Step 18. Dance absurdly
Ah, dance. One of the easiest ways to cause embarrassment. If you want to be an awkward dancer, there are so many things you can do. You can try to put yourself in the center of attention as you drag your body violently on the dance floor, pretending to believe you are a great dancer. You can dance the old fashioned way, so that no one takes you seriously, but in the meantime give the idea that you really believe it. You can also bounce up and down and clap to the beat of the music as you sing out loud. You will get bonus points if you completely miss the text.

Step 19. Embrace awkwardly
One of the weirdest hugs is to pull your butt out as if you were an old lady and lean towards the person you want to hold, giving them an unmotivated pat on the back. It's even more absurd if you put your face close to the other person's and have trouble moving your face to the right or left of theirs. Hugging her for a second or two longer than necessary will make the situation even more awkward. Better if you try this move when someone is introduced to you or when it is evident that the other person does not want to hug you, on the contrary, he prefers to greet you from a distance or shake your hand, while you still reach forward to shake it.

Step 20. Shake a child's hand
When they introduce you to a baby, bend over and try to shake his hand, saying something odd, like "I've heard great things about you" or "Nice to meet you." You can also try doing this with a child who is only four or five if you want total confusion around you.

Step 21. Say hello to someone you don't know
This is another perfectly awkward move. Say hello to a person, seeming to actually think you know them. When you get close enough to realize you don't know who he is, you should make a nasty face instead of apologizing. Let me think twice before you come to the conclusion that you don't know you at all, this will make everything weird.
A variation of this move. If in the crowd you see a person greeting someone behind you, always look at them while assuming the unpleasant grimace as before, acting as if you are sure they are greeting you

Step 22. Keep the door open for someone still far away
Of course, it is polite to hold the door for someone behind you. However, when you see a person approaching but they still lack time to arrive, holding the door to them actually becomes uncomfortable. Smile at her awkwardly and shrug as you continue to hold her, forcing her to lengthen her stride.

Step 23. Send an intimate message to the wrong person
Write a fairly personal text, like "Why didn't you come to our date?", "That outburst I told you about yesterday is getting worse" or "I haven't been able to go to the bathroom in two days!". Send it to someone who wouldn't expect it at all. It could be an acquaintance who recently gave you their number, someone you would like to invite out with you, or someone you haven't talked to in a year and who may not even know who the message is coming from. If this person replies, telling you that they think you have the wrong number, you can send them another message saying “It was actually for you”.

Step 24. Push a door that says "Pull"
This works great if you do it aggressively, acting like you can't figure out where the problem lies. If you are in a shop, you can also ask someone who works there to help you, because the door is "locked". In case someone tries to help you out, you need to look really upset and disheartened. You say something like "I will never come here again!".

Step 25. High five in formal situations
Nobody hates high fives more than a man in a suit and tie. The next time you attend a formal event, where people are expected to behave professionally or decently, try to high-five with as many people as possible. Whenever someone tries to shake your hand, you should indicate no with your index finger and then try to high-five. Say something like "High-five, man!" This will add to the bizarre situation.

Step 26. If you meet a newly formed couple, ask indiscreet questions about the seriousness of their commitment
If a friend of yours is recently dating a girl, you can openly ask them “Is this a serious relationship? Do you think you will get married?”, He tries to appear very interested in the answer. The more people hear the question, the more embarrassing the situation will be. If your friend makes it clear that he doesn't want to talk about it, act like you don't get the message.

Step 27. Scratch often
If you want to look weird, then you should scratch your armpits, crotch, behind your knees, legs, head, or any other part of your body. If you say phrases like "I think I have bed bugs on me" or "I really feel very itchy", then everyone will feel uncomfortable.

Step 28. Walk around with food in your teeth
Take a nice piece of cabbage or something dark and unsightly looking and make sure it stays between your teeth, preferably front teeth. Then, try to have conversations with as many people as possible and smile often, so that they will be forced to look at your teeth. Keep doing this until someone tells you you have something. When they tell you, you respond unexpectedly, saying "How strange, I must have forgotten to brush my teeth even today!".

Step 29. Call your friend's girlfriend by her ex's name
Nothing can cause more embarrassment in a new relationship than naming an ex. If your friend introduces you to Cindy, his new girlfriend, after breaking up with Maria, with whom he has been together for five years, be sure to enthusiastically exclaim "How nice to see you, Maria!" the moment he introduces you to poor Cindy. Then, blush, apologize and say something nasty, like "You look so much like each other …" or "I really miss dear, old Maria." It is guaranteed that your friend will go on a rampage and this will create embarrassments in the blink of an eye.

Step 30. Go into a shop and ask someone who doesn't work there for help
This maneuver always allows you to get a lot of points. Go to a store and spot someone who obviously doesn't work there, look for one who seems busy and engrossed in shopping. Then, tell her "Excuse me", and ask her for help as candidly as possible. This works best if you ask odd questions, for example you are in a supermarket and ask a random person to help you choose sanitary pads or if they could tell you where to find a cream to treat a rash.
- Saying random things is very important. There is nothing stranger than doing or saying something that has nothing to do with the situation you are in. For example, if your colleague asks you “Do you have a stapler?”, You respond by saying “No, but it wouldn't be strange if a hen caught you while you're in the shower”.
- If you don't have a lot of imagination and can't say random things, start reading novels, watching movies, and learning more about the world around you. The more you know, the darker and more bizarre your weirdness can be.
- Don't constantly make an effort to be different. It has to feel natural, unplanned.
- Uncomfortable situations usually arise when a person behaves in a way that is not deemed publicly correct by society. Learn to express yourself clearly and behave strangely, regardless of social norms.
- Following these steps too often could lead people to think that you are not weird, but mentally unstable. To alleviate this effect, explain your behavior. It will still be annoyingly bizarre, but they won't take you to a psychiatric hospital, where a nurse will be waiting for you in a straitjacket.
- Only behave strangely when you're not taking chances.
- Once you learn how to behave this way, you may get into the habit of always doing it, try to control yourself.
- Following these steps too often could also alienate you from your friends and loved ones, make you unbearable in the eyes of strangers, and persuade people that they shouldn't invite you to parties and other social events.
- Bizarre should never offend anyone.
- Doing so is not ideal for making friends.