A sense of humor can be a person's greatest asset. It is a skill that can allow you to facilitate interactions with others, improve your health, and even help you ease the mood in difficult situations. Many are unaware that you don't need to be funny to have a sense of humor, but you just need to learn to see the bright side of things.
Part 1 of 3: Understanding Your Humor

Step 1. Identify the benefits of having a sense of humor
A sense of humor is an attitude that you can adopt and that allows you to find the funny side in situations that are both positive and negative. It can reduce stress and anxiety, but also increase self-esteem and the ability to cope with difficult situations.
There are benefits from a physical, cognitive, emotional and social point of view, which include: reduction of suffering and stress, increased good mood and creativity, greater friendliness and serenity in interpersonal relationships

Step 2. Recognize the difference between a funny person and someone with a sense of humor
In the first case it is about knowing how to express your comic streak, perhaps telling a joke that makes you laugh, inventing a witty pun or making a joke at the right time. A sense of humor, on the other hand, involves the ability to let go without taking everything too seriously and to laugh - or at least see the funny side - in the absurdities of life.
To have a sense of humor, you don't need to be funny or know how to make jokes

Step 3. Discover your ironic streak
What makes you laugh? What makes you smile and take yourself less seriously? Answering these questions is one way to start encouraging your sense of humor. There are various kinds of humor, for example that of those who have a joke ready or that of those who see life with a pinch of irony.

Step 4. Watch and learn
If you're not sure how to laugh or laugh under various circumstances, observe other people. How do friends and family get to see the fun side of reality around them and the things that happen to them?
- Try watching different comedy films, such as those with Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy, Adam Sandler, Steve Martin or Chevy Chase. Watch comedy classics, such as Meet the Parents, Frankenstein Junior, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Half-Day Fire, Armchair for Tough, Finding Nemo and Friends of the Bride.
- Observe other people carefully, but don't just imitate their humor. When true, it is spontaneous and reflects your personality.

Step 5. Focus more on enjoying fun than being a fun person
A sense of humor keeps us entertained no matter what life has in store for us. It means knowing how to laugh at the surrounding reality and make fun of various situations. Remember to focus on your enjoyment.
Part 2 of 3: Learning to joke

Step 1. Learn a few jokes
A great way to connect with others is to create a bubbly and upbeat atmosphere. If you're going to bring some humor to people, learn a few simple jokes. You can also search the internet for ridiculous images, witty jokes, and hilarious imitations to share with others. Look for something that reflects your spirit.
- For example, try something like this: What is the name of the Chinese transport minister? Fur Gon Cin.
- What does a priest lying in a wheelbarrow pushed by the sacristan do? The ready-to-wear!.

Step 2. Discover the comic side in ordinary things
People tend to laugh at jokes that have to do with their situations, places they live or their beliefs. To break the ice among people, make a subtle joke about the weather or the city you live in. If you do the same job as your interlocutor, joke about your professional activity.
When you don't know what to say, comment on the weather. For example: "If it doesn't stop snowing, I'll have to ski to work."

Step 3. Surround yourself with funny people
Think of the funniest friends. How do they manage to incorporate their humor into conversations? What kind of jokes do they make?
- Check out some stand-up comedians or watch some videos on the internet. Focus on how he expresses himself, on the themes and on how he turns the everyday into funny jokes.
- Look at the people in your life that you consider witty and identify what you like about their irony that you can add to yours.

Step 4. Practice
Practice making jokes so you can improve and become more natural. Start using your sense of humor with close family and friends. Tell them what your intent is and ask them to be honest with you. Listen to them if they think your lines need improvement. As you become more comfortable, experiment with new jokes using your ironic streak when talking to people you barely know.

Step 5. Be careful not to offend
As you hone your sense of humor, think about the context. Do you easily resent when someone makes fun of you? Whether you are witty or laugh at jokes, you will need to be careful not to insult anyone and not to hurt the feelings of others. Having a sense of humor means approaching life with a lovable attitude. Don't use people to get a laugh and don't laugh when someone makes fun of other people.
- If you're about to make a joke, think about the circumstances. Is it appropriate in the context of work, an appointment, or within the group of people you are in? Could it offend anyone?
- Racist, sexist and boorish humor can be extremely offensive. Even joking about religion, political opinions or people's beliefs, you risk being disrespectful. Save the tacky and cheeky jokes by keeping them to yourself or reserving them for less touchy friends.
- Denigrating or aggressive humor is used to criticize and manipulate through mockery, sarcasm and mockery. It can be fun when directed at public figures, but when used against friends, it can be extremely offensive and compromise personal relationships.
Part 3 of 3: Looking at the Positive Side of Life

Step 1. Learn to laugh
Laughter is a key part of having a sense of humor. Make a commitment to laugh more every day, even at yourself. Enjoy the little things, find the fun side in everyday situations and life's misfortunes. Smile whenever you can. Also try to get people to laugh. Laughing must become a priority, for you and for others.

Step 2. Laugh instead of reacting badly
When you find yourself in a rather tense situation, distance yourself and start laughing. Anger is a strong emotion, but laughter also has some power over the mind and body. Make a joke by accident, laugh at the situation, or use your sense of humor to tone it down. You could save yourself stress and heartache.
- Sometimes tense or uncomfortable situations improve with a little irony. A joke can ease the tension and put people at ease.
- When you realize that you are about to blast at someone, you break in with a joke. If you're arguing with your brother, you might say, "We've been arguing about this for 10 years! Apparently, we're still teenagers."
- If someone makes fun of you because your car is old, try to answer: "I bet you are not as beautiful as 15 years ago!".

Step 3. Give up the defensive attitude
Try not to care about the things that lead you to be defensive. Fly over the criticisms, judgments and insecurities. Rather, let the things that bother you go by using your sense of humor. No one is eager to criticize or provoke you. Instead, smile and laugh.

Step 4. Accept yourself
A self-deprecating attitude can help maintain a sense of humor. Learn to laugh at yourself. Sometimes you need to take yourself seriously, but learning to laugh at yourself is a way to accept yourself. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. Don't take yourself too seriously and keep a good mood towards life.
- Laugh at the things you can't control, like age and looks. If you have a disproportionate nose, joke about this defect instead of getting nervous. If you are getting older, laugh at the fact that you are advancing over the years. Even if you feel uncomfortable when you tease yourself, shake off all of this, especially if you don't have the power to change it.
- Laugh at your flaws and what embarrasses you. You will be able to see the funny side of your humanity.
- Think about the most embarrassing moments of your life. Try to tell them in a fun, not humiliating way. You will have to tease yourself and perhaps exaggerate or make the facts more dramatic.

Step 5. Don't push people
To have a sense of humor, you need to pass it on to others. Just as you shouldn't take yourself too seriously, so you should try to apply this same principle to others. Be forgiving and focus on the positives when people are wrong. Laugh lightly at their mistakes, as if you made them yourself. This attitude will not only make you feel good, but it will allow others to feel accepted, helping you to maintain your relationships.
- Instead of getting angry that an employee is always late to meetings, make a joke saying, "Thank goodness you don't run an airline."
- Even if your colleague's joke might be in bad taste or offensive, there's no need to get angry. Having a sense of humor is all about shaking off things and choosing what to warm up for.

Step 6. Be spontaneous
Most people don't act out of fear of defeat or looking like an idiot. Self-irony can help you overcome the fears that hold you back the most. A sense of humor allows you to break out of certain mental patterns and overcome inhibitions so that you can live life to the full, regardless of the effort put into it and the success you will achieve.
A sense of humor helps you understand that it is not a problem to look stupid, because even in these circumstances, you just need to laugh at yourself. And then be glad you tried something new
- Enjoy the things that make you laugh and smile. It's the best way to improve your sense of humor.
- Don't give up! Humor is an important part of life.
- Make sure you're funny at the right time. Timing is key to getting someone a laugh. Humor is not suitable in any situation.