11 Ways to Treat a Torn Back

11 Ways to Treat a Torn Back
11 Ways to Treat a Torn Back

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Muscle strain in the back is a particularly disabling disorder! It makes you atone for the idea of believing yourself immune to pain. However, there is good news: it usually heals on its own. Fortunately, there are remedies to treat the injured area so you don't feel too much pain and prevent it from becoming overly inflamed. Below you will find a list of good strategies and treatments that help relieve pain in the lower back and heal faster, so you can get back to living your life peacefully.


Method 1 of 11: Apply ice in the first few days after tearing

Treat a Back Strain Step 1
Treat a Back Strain Step 1

Step 1. Cold helps reduce swelling

If you have a muscle tear in your back, start treating the injury with cold. Use an ice pack by placing a towel over the affected area to protect the skin. Place the compress on top of the towel and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.

  • By keeping initial inflammation at bay, you can contain pain as well.
  • Use the compress up to 3 times a day: in the morning, in the late afternoon and about half an hour before going to bed.

Method 2 of 11: Use heat after 3 days

Treat a Back Strain Step 2
Treat a Back Strain Step 2

Step 1. Promotes blood flow to the painful area

If it's a recent or recurring injury, opt for heat therapy instead of cold. Place a towel on the affected area to protect the skin, then place a heat pad. Let it sit for about 15 minutes so it can relieve pain, increase blood circulation, and promote healing.

  • Don't fall asleep leaving the heating pad on the injured area! It could make the situation worse or burn the skin.
  • For best results, try applying it 3 times a day.

Method 3 of 11: Take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Treat a Back Strain Step 3
Treat a Back Strain Step 3

Step 1. I am able to soothe pain and inflammation

NSAIDs include some over-the-counter pain relievers, including ibuprofen (Brufen), naproxen (Synflex), and aspirin. Buy one at the pharmacy and take it following the directions in the package insert to reduce pain and inflammation.

  • If you want to give a child a pain reliever, consult your pediatrician first.
  • Do not exceed the recommended doses, otherwise other problems may arise.

Method 4 of 11: Rest and have patience

Treat a Back Strain Step 4
Treat a Back Strain Step 4

Step 1. Don't rush to heal

Muscle strain in the back typically goes away spontaneously within a few weeks. Avoid getting physically tired or lifting heavy objects, and give your back time to heal.

Wait until the pain has completely disappeared before resuming your normal daily activities, particularly if you are exercising or playing sports. You don't have to get hurt again or make the trauma worse

Method 5 of 11: Don't stay still for too long

Treat a Back Strain Step 5
Treat a Back Strain Step 5

Step 1. A little physical activity helps you heal

Even if you don't have to push yourself, a sedentary lifestyle can actually extend the healing time and duration of symptoms. So, try to get up and walk for a few minutes, roughly every hour. Feel free to engage in activities that are not conducive to pain. Keep moving to speed up recovery times.

Try getting up at least once every hour. You can also walk around so as not to lie down for too long

Method 6 of 11: Try some stretching exercises

Treat a Back Strain Step 6
Treat a Back Strain Step 6

Step 1. Don't strain and stop immediately if you feel pain

Start with a lumbar flexion exercise by lying on your back: Bring both knees to your chest and tilt your head forward until you feel your back stretch. Another option is to bring your knees up to your chest, starting on your back with the soles of your feet flat on the floor. Then, place your hands behind one knee so that you are gently pulling it towards your chest, until you feel your back stretch. Lie down slowly and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

  • Hold the position for about 10 seconds.
  • Your doctor may also recommend that you try particular stretching exercises.
  • Do not force yourself to try to make the pain go away, or you risk making the situation worse. If a movement starts to hurt you, stop immediately.

Method 7 of 11: Sleep in the fetal position

Treat a Back Strain Step 7
Treat a Back Strain Step 7

Step 1. Place a pillow between your legs to create extra support

By sleeping on your back, you risk putting too much strain on your back. Lie on your side, bending your knees towards your chest. Add a pillow between your legs for more comfort.

If you want to sleep on your back, try placing a pillow or rolled towel under your knees to reduce pressure on your back

Method 8 of 11: Do a decontracting massage

Treat a Back Strain Step 8
Treat a Back Strain Step 8

Step 1. It can have a soothing effect

The masseur will know how to correctly manipulate the injured muscles. Make an appointment at a specialized center and explain where the trauma is located. With this treatment it is possible to relieve tension, relax the muscles and improve blood circulation in the affected area, as well as relieve pain.

  • Do not ask an inexperienced person to massage your back, otherwise it could make the situation worse.
  • Search the Internet for a massage therapist near you or ask your doctor for advice.

Method 9 of 11: Contact a chiropractor

Treat a Back Strain Step 9
Treat a Back Strain Step 9

Step 1. According to some research, chiropractic helps relieve back pain

Chiropractors specialize in manual manipulation of the spine, that is, they perform manipulative treatments with which they massage and correct the back correctly. Make an appointment to consult one and explain your problem to him. It will treat the injured area in order to restore well-being to your back.

  • The chiropractor is also a great choice if you prefer a more natural treatment.
  • In addition, he is able to advise and teach you stretching exercises suitable for relieving lumbar strain.

Method 10 of 11: See an acupuncturist

Treat a Back Strain Step 10
Treat a Back Strain Step 10

Step 1. Acupuncture is a holistic approach that affects symptoms

It consists of inserting very fine needles into specific points on the body. Although studies on the subject do not allow definitive conclusions to be drawn, based on some evidence it is considered a useful treatment for back pain, which can prove effective if it does not show signs of improvement with other methods. Find an acupuncturist near you and make an appointment for a consultation.

You can find an acupuncturist over the Internet. Your doctor may also recommend one

Method 11 of 11: See your doctor if pain persists

Treat a Back Strain Step 11
Treat a Back Strain Step 11

Step 1. He may prescribe drug therapy or refer you to a specialist

If you don't notice any improvement after a week, go to her office. He will visit you and eventually prescribe tests and tests to understand your problem. They may also prescribe a pain reliever or anti-inflammatory, or refer you to a specialist who can effectively treat your back ailment.
