Sometimes the disease is experienced as a stressful circumstance. Congestion, headaches, and worrying about missing out on something important can all make it difficult to relax while recovering from a cold or flu. Improving sleep, clearing the mind and choosing relaxing activities are essential aspects of healing properly.
Method 1 of 5: Sleep Better During Illness

Step 1. Talk to a doctor before taking any medications
If you are taking prescription medicines or decide to combine them with over-the-counter cold or flu remedies, you should always talk to your doctor or pharmacist first to avoid possible negative reactions.
For example, if you are taking antidepressants, sleeping pills, or anxiolytics, you should avoid taking over-the-counter antihistamine drugs that cause sleepiness. Their combination can have dangerous, in some cases even fatal, side effects

Step 2. Be careful with nonprescription remedies
Not all of these drugs help you sleep better. In addition, many sedatives and tranquilizers help to fall asleep quickly, but reduce the quality of rest. Do not take flu and cold medications based on pseudoephedrine or ephedrine.
- If you have to take them, take them 2-3 hours before going to sleep.
- Take these decongestants when you know you need to stay awake, while drugs that make you sleepy, such as pain relievers and antihistamines, should be taken when you are about to go to bed.

Step 3. Be careful when choosing nasal sprays
Although they are able to clear the nose for 8 hours or more, they may contain stimulants that make it difficult to sleep well.
- Look for oximetazoline or xylometazoline products to better open the nasal passages. They are not stimulants, so they shouldn't keep you awake at night.
- Alternatively, choose nasal patches that mechanically dilate the nostrils and do not cause stimulating effects.

Step 4. Enjoy relaxing hot drinks
You will likely lose some appetite during illness, but you need to ensure proper hydration by drinking plenty of fluids. High-calorie drinks, such as hot chocolate or Ovaltine, can send the body a signal that it's time to sleep.
Studies have found that warm cordial can help reduce symptoms of sneezing and coughing during a cold or flu

Step 5. Organize your bedroom for better sleep
Remove all distractions such as a TV, computer, or other electronic devices from the room. It also sets a comfortable temperature, keeping the room cool enough to rest better.
The humidifier or vaporizer is also useful, as they allow you to breathe easier, thanks to a better atmosphere in the room that promotes sleep
Method 2 of 5: Calming the Mind During Illness

Step 1. Learn the basics of meditation
Meditation means exercising awareness; listen to the breath and try to clear your mind of all other thoughts. Many people find it helpful to repeat a mantra to help focus better.
There are different forms of meditation: choose the one that suits you best

Step 2. Breathe deeply and with a purpose
Breathing slowly and deeply with the diaphragm helps to relax immediately. If you are having trouble with a stuffy nose, breathe in through your mouth.
Place a hand on your abdomen and feel it expand as you inhale deeply. As you exhale all the air, guide your abdomen to bring it back to its original position. It doesn't have to be a forced movement, you just have to make sure you take deep breaths from the diaphragm

Step 3. Be aware of the present moment
Regardless of whether you are looking at your pet or your hands, focus only on the present to reduce stress. Breathe slowly and focus on the current moment, describing it to yourself in detail.

Step 4. View a peaceful image
Relax by recalling a peaceful place or a happy memory. It could be a scene on the beach or a reminder of the route you took to go to school; in any case, focus on the details to calm your mood.

Step 5. Listen to the music
It has a lot of influence on mood, so choose a soothing melody or song that you associate with a happy memory.
Be careful not to irritate the already aching throat by singing out loud
Method 3 of 5: Make yourself comfortable

Step 1. Put on your favorite pajamas
Get comfortable wearing soft fabrics. Regardless of whether you prefer a cotton t-shirt or a fluffy dressing gown, a soft fabric is perfect for relaxing. Also choose material that keeps you warm, but doesn't overheat you too much.
Wool is great for insulating heat and at the same time wicking away moisture

Step 2. Stay warm
Curl up under your favorite blanket to increase the feeling of warmth and comfort. Chills weaken the immune system and the extremities are the first to suffer from the cold. So cover your hands and feet by keeping them under the most comfortable blanket you have.
You can also wear fluffy socks and a hat if you wish, although it may seem excessive when you stay indoors

Step 3. Stack several pillows
These are perfect for relaxing, because they are soft and comfortable. Get everything you need to feel comfortable and comfortable. Choose the right model that will help you sleep better and recover from colds quickly.
- You can choose them according to the material and the position in which you usually sleep.
- They also help lift the head and thus reduce nasal congestion.
Method 4 of 5: Finding Your Own Way to Relax

Step 1. Avoid alcohol
A drink is fine, but if you overdo it, you block your nasal passages, especially at night. Read the leaflet of the drugs you take, because it is often strongly discouraged to combine the active ingredient with alcohol.

Step 2. Choose activities that allow you to sit or lift your head
If you lie down, gravity tends to push the postnasal drip down your throat, making it more difficult to breathe.
For example, you can read a book, watch movies or play with your pet

Step 3. Use steam
Whether you take a hot bath, turn on a humidifier, or put your face over a pot of boiling water by wrapping your head in a towel, the moisture in the air helps loosen the congestion.
Be careful not to burn yourself when you put your head over the boiling water container

Step 4. Drink herbal tea and water throughout the day
You must avoid becoming dehydrated by drinking lots of water. When you are sick and have runny nose or congestion, you lose a lot of fluids that you need to replenish by taking in soothing fluids. Choose herbal teas, such as chamomile, to try to calm down as much as possible.
- Add some honey to soothe your throat.
- There are many types of herbal teas that help with congestion, for example licorice root is an expectorant.

Step 5. Choose activities that you enjoy
Take some time for yourself and relax as only you can. Don't let others add extra stress by offering to help you without asking. Take the time to heal on your own.
Be sure to notify any clients, teachers, or other people whose activities may be affected by your absence. You won't be able to relax if you keep getting worrying emails or phone calls from annoyed people. Remember that everyone gets sick and that you have every right to take your time to heal
Method 5 of 5: Ask for Help

Step 1. Remember that you are too sick to do your usual activities
Each person has a different threshold of "inability" when he is sick. You can "allow yourself" the luxury of feeling bad and relying on the people around you. If you have children or responsibilities that you can't ignore, delegate people you trust.

Step 2. Call a friend or family member
Illness isolates you and temporarily blocks your social life. While it's a good thing to take some time for yourself, it's important to understand when outside support is needed and which person can best meet your needs.
Specifically, calling your mom can give you a relief that only she can give you. Remember, who brought you chicken broth when you were young and sick?

Step 3. Leave detailed instructions
Whether you're asking someone to help you with the kids or a colleague to take care of a presentation, try to be as specific as possible. Write down all relevant information and ask the person to repeat it; in this way, you can see if he really understood them.
Make a list to keep track of everything that needs to be done
- Even if you are sick, remember how beautiful you are!
- Treat yourself to a spa day at home if you have the energy.
- Watch all the episodes of a season of a television series. Take refuge in your favorite show and indulge in a "marathon" to free yourself from stress.
- Be careful not to get too tired.
- Avoid over-the-counter pain relievers that contain caffeine, it's a stimulant that won't make you sleepy.
- If you are already taking antihistamines to manage another illness, avoid taking an over-the-counter cold and flu remedy, as you could overdose.
- If you are too sensitive to alcohol, look for medications that contain a minimal amount.