Brown rice is much more nutritious than white rice and allows you to prepare healthier and more complete meals. The cooking process is simple and basic, but requires a greater amount of time and water than classic white rice. Here's how to cook it in different ways; experiment and choose the one you prefer.
Method 1 of 4: In the Pot

Step 1. Get a saucepan that has a lid of the right size
- Compared to a smaller pot, a large and capacious one is more suitable for cooking rice because it has a larger cooking surface. The water in the pot will heat up more evenly, and the cooked rice will have a better texture.
- A properly sized lid will prevent too much steam from escaping from the pot.

Step 2. Weigh the rice
One cup of uncooked rice will turn into about three cups of cooked rice. Pour the rice into a colander, or sieve, and rinse it patiently under cold running water. Pour it into the pot.
- If you want to get softer rice, soaking it in water for at least 45 minutes can help; in this way, in fact, the outer layer of the rice will absorb the water becoming softer.
- If you want, you can heat a small amount of oil in a pan using a medium heat and then toast the rice before pouring it into the water. This is an optional step that can make your rice tastier.
Step 3. Measure the amount of water
Add 600ml for each cup of brown rice (225g). Add about 1 tablespoon of salt and then mix with a wooden spoon.
- If you wish, you can replace the cooking water with vegetable or chicken broth to further flavor your rice.
- It is important to measure the amount of water or broth in the correct way, proportioning it to the rice to be cooked. Otherwise you could burn it or make it soggy.
Step 4. Put the pot on the stove and bring the water to a boil
When the water begins to boil, cover the pot with the lid and cook the rice over very low heat until it is softened by absorbing most of the liquids. The cooking time varies according to the stove used.
- Normally, brown rice requires between 40 and 50 minutes of cooking; however, follow the instructions on the package and taste it after 30 minutes so as not to risk overcooking it.
- Simmer the rice over the lowest available heat. The water should only simmer slightly.
Step 5. Let it rest
At the end of cooking, when all the water has been absorbed, let the rice rest in the pot without removing the lid. Wait at least five minutes, the rice will harden as it cools, and you can serve whole and soft grains.
- After the rest period, remove the lid from the pot and stir the rice with a fork to make it fluffier - it should be light and fragrant!
- Serve it immediately, or let it cool for half an hour before placing it in the refrigerator and storing it for a future meal.
Method 2 of 4: in the Oven

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 190 ° C
Step 2. Weigh the rice
330g of brown rice will be needed. Pour it into a colander, or sieve, and rinse it patiently under cold running water. Pour it into a square-shaped ovenproof dish (20 x 20 cm).
Step 3. Bring the water to a boil
Boil 600 ml of water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 of salt. Use a kettle or saucepan with a lid. When the water boils, pour it over the rice, stir to mix, and seal the pan with aluminum foil.
Step 4. Cook
Place the rice on the center shelf of the oven and cook for 1 hour. After that, remove the aluminum and stir the rice with a fork. Serve it immediately.
Method 3 of 4: In a Rice Cooker

Step 1. Weigh the rice
Weigh the desired amount of rice, usually around 220g. Patiently rinse it under cold water and then let it soak for 45 minutes. This will make the rice softer.
Step 2. Drain the rice and pour it into the rice cooker
Step 3. Add the water
Pour the water into the rice cooker, follow the instructions on the instruction booklet. Add 1/2 tablespoon of salt.
Step 4. Turn on the rice cooker
Seal it with the appropriate lid and plug it into the power outlet. Turn it on by setting it to the cooking function. A small red light should come on.
Step 5. Let the rice cook for about 45 minutes
When cooked, the rice cooker should automatically activate the "warm" function. Before serving, stir the rice with a fork to make it fluffy.
Method 4 of 4: In the Microwave
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Prepare the container. Choose one suitable for microwaves, about 2.2 liters and with a lid. Add 720 ml of water and 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Chop 2 chicken stock cubes into the water (optional).
- Weigh the rice. Weigh 225 g of brown rice and rinse it patiently under cold water after pouring it through a sieve. Distribute it on the bottom of the container while stirring.
Microwave the rice. Microwave the container, and cook for 10 minutes uncovered using high power. Then, cover it with the lid and, without stirring the rice, continue cooking for another 30 minutes on medium power.
- Let it rest. Do not open the microwave door and let the rice rest in it for 10 minutes. Then remove the container from the oven and stir the rice with a fork to make it fluffy. Serve it on the table.
All done.