Packaged chips are cheap and easy to find but don't taste the same as homemade chips which can be easily cut and cooked in a pot. Use the oil and seasoning of your choice to cook chips that suit your tastes.
Kettle Cook Potato Chips Step 1
Step 1. Wash and peel as many potatoes as you need based on the amount of chips you want to make
With a medium-sized potato you can make 10-15 chips, the figure varies according to the size of the potato and how fine you cut the slices.
You can use any variety of potatoes.
Kettle Cook Potato Chips Step 2
Step 2. Choose the thickness of the chips according to your tastes, put them in a bowl full of water to remove excess starch and prevent them from becoming dark
You can use a mandolin to cut thinner slices and save time
Kettle Cook Potato Chips Step 3
Step 3. Fill a copper pot with the oil of your choice for 1/3 and heat until it reaches 150 °
You can use rice, canola, seed, peanut and vegetable oil because they do not have a strong taste and do not alter the taste of potatoes. Rapeseed oil is the healthiest because it is low in saturated fat and rich in omega 3, which are beneficial for the heart
Kettle Cook Potato Chips Step 4
Step 4. Transfer the potatoes from the bowl full of water to a colander
Drain the excess water and pat the potatoes with absorbent paper.
Kettle Cook Potato Chips Step 5
Step 5. Dip the slices in boiling oil
Cook them until they appear white and opaque. Remove them from the oil with a slotted spoon and place them on a plate covered with absorbent paper.
Do not overlap the potato slices. Do not cook them all together but make sure that it forms a single layer
Kettle Cook Potato Chips Step 6
Step 6. Increase the temperature of the oil and dip the potatoes again, until they are golden and crunchy
Kettle Cook Potato Chips Step 7
Step 7. With a slotted spoon, place the potatoes on clean absorbent paper
Dab the potatoes with other paper to remove excess oil.
Kettle Cook Potato Chips Step 8
Step 8. Season the fries with salt and any spices of your choice
Depending on your taste, you can mix salt with garlic powder, cayenne pepper, chopped onion, mustard, dill, or other spices
Potato juice has multiple health benefits. In the first place it is an excellent source of nutrients and is able to neutralize gastric juices, plus it can be used for skin care. Juicing raw potatoes is very simple, even if you don't have a juicer.
Potato croquettes are a truly delicious way to add this greedy tuber to any meal. This recipe is great for using older potatoes. Ingrediants 3 large potatoes, boiled 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger, grated 1 teaspoon of fresh garlic, grated 6 fresh mint leaves, finely chopped 1 teaspoon of fresh coriander, finely chopped 1 tablespoon of corn starch Salt to taste 1/2 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper Frying oil Corn starch for dusting Steps
If you're tired of the usual fries or want to try nutritious alternatives, sweet potato chips are the perfect choice. This tuber is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as calcium and potassium. Although with frying it is possible to obtain crisper chips, cooking in the oven allows you to preserve all the nutritional values.
Hash browns are potato pancakes typical of English cuisine usually eaten for breakfast. They go well with bacon, sausage, eggs or any other savory dish. Since they are generally fried in abundant oil or butter and contain a lot of carbohydrates, they are not always the healthiest option.
Potato salad is a simple but delicious side dish that goes well with many dishes. With its smooth and creamy texture, the sour notes of the sweet and sour gherkin sauce and the intense flavor of the onion, it will allow you to make a great impression at the table.