Barbecue has always been one of the pleasures of life. In recent years, gas barbecues have been created that are really comfortable and practical to use. Food cooked on the grill, compared to that cooked with more traditional methods, is not only tastier, it is also healthier and less elaborate. In order for your barbecue to always give its best, it is important that you take care of it. Read the guide and learn how to do a small but constant maintenance on its grills.
Method 1 of 3: Initial maintenance of a cast iron grill

Step 1. Preheat your traditional oven to a temperature of about 135 - 175ºC)

Step 2. Wash the barbecue grill with dish soap and water (to remove any residue), then let it dry
Follow this step whether your grill is new, as there may be residues from the manufacturing process, whether your grill is used. in the second case help with a metal scraper and an iron brush.

Step 3. Sprinkle the grill, in all its parts, with a fat of your choice (eg
seed oil or lard).
Then wrap it with aluminum foil.

Step 4. Put the grill in the oven
To avoid dirtying the oven, and that drops of fat fall on the bottom, place aluminum foil in the oven as well or line a pan and place it under the grill. Cook for at least 30 minutes to give the fat time to flavor the grill and create a protective layer.

Step 5. Remove the grill from the oven and let it cool
Repeat the process at least twice until the surface is dark. Each repetition will give your grill more flavor and help it to be more durable and non-stick.

Step 6. Return the grill to the barbecue
You are ready to turn it on and invite friends!
Method 2 of 3: Maintenance

Step 1. After using the barbecue, let it cool down naturally
Never use cold water to speed up the process as it could cause hot surfaces to crack.

Step 2. Once cool, clean it
Remove the grill and wash it with water and a mild soap. Do not overuse the amount of soap to avoid ruining the previous job, but make sure to remove all traces of grease.
- Avoid leaving the grill soaking in soapy water and rinse it thoroughly under running water.
- Once clean, dry it with absorbent paper or put it in the hot oven for a few minutes. This way it will dry evenly.

Step 3. Sprinkle the grill again with grease, turn on the burners (if your barbecue is gas) and heat it up
Alternatively, put it in the oven as recommended in the first steps.
Method 3 of 3: Take care of an old grill

Step 1. Clean it carefully
If your grill has become dirty and rusty by now, and your food sticks to it as it would in the presence of extra strong glue, cooking may not be fun anymore. The solution? It's time to take care of it. Start by giving it a good clean, and scratched, with soapy water and a sturdy metal brush.

Step 2. Rinse it
Make sure you get rid of all soap residue and all encrustations. If necessary, repeat the wash.

Step 3. Dry it completely
Put it in the oven to dry, try to forget about it until it dries evenly.

Step 4. Go back to the maintenance section
Follow the steps in the first section, soon cooking with your barbecue will be a real pleasure again.