Publishing a scientific article in a journal or at a conference is a very important activity within the academic field. It allows you to interact with other scholars and refine your ideas and research. Scientific journals are perhaps the most common place for scholars to publish the results of their work; therefore look for one that deals with the same topics you are studying and that has a writing style similar to yours, in order to make your article in line with the needs of that magazine and increase the chances of it being published.

Step 1. Familiarize yourself with the world of scientific publications
It is important to be aware of previously published works, questions and the most current studies in your research field. Pay particular attention to how academic articles are written and observe their format, type (qualitative or quantitative research, preliminary study, critical analysis of other published articles), writing style, subject discussed and vocabulary used.
- Read specialist journals that have to do with your field of research.
- Search the internet for research theses, conferences and scientific articles that have to do with the topic you are dealing with.
- Ask a colleague or professor to suggest an orientation bibliography.

Step 2. Choose the journal that best suits your practice
Each magazine has its own specific catchment area and writing style. Decide whether your thesis might be more suitable for a highly technical journal aimed only at other academics or a more generic and varied journal that tends to be read by a wider audience.

Step 3. Prepare your manuscript
Write your article in such a way that it follows the guidelines for posting. Many journals provide specific documents that give authors precise instructions on the format, font and length that each article must have. These guides will also explain how to turn in your article and provide you with details on the review process.

Step 4. Ask a colleague and / or professor to read your work to help you spot any grammar, spelling or typing errors and to make sure the text is clear and concise
Of course, they should be able to judge its content as well. Scientific articles must discuss a relevant and meaningful topic and should be written in a way that is clear, understandable and appropriate to the audience to which they are addressed. Try to have 2-3 people read your article, or more if necessary.

Step 5. Review your article
You may need to edit your document 3 or 4 times before final delivery. Try to make it as clear, interesting and easy to follow as possible. This will increase your chances of posting.

Step 6. Deliver your item
Search the Authors Guide for delivery instructions and, after verifying that your document follows all directions provided, deliver it through the appropriate channels. Some magazines allow you to upload the article online, while others prefer to receive a hard copy.

Step 7. Keep trying
Sometimes the magazine may ask you to review your article and return it with the necessary corrections. Observe the criticisms made of you carefully and make the necessary changes. Don't get too stuck on your original version - be flexible and modify the article based on the criticism you've received. Use all your skills as a researcher and as a writer, to create an article that is far better than the previous one. Even if you get rejected by the magazine you originally targeted, keep rewriting your article and submitting it to other magazines.
- Submit your article through your university's email profile. This will allow you to be connected to an academic institution, giving more credibility to your work.
- Increase your readership by publishing your article in an open access magazine. In this way it will be available free of charge in an online repository of peer-reviewed scientific articles.
- Choose the format of your article based on the template used by the magazine, in order to make it more presentable and increase the chances of it being accepted.