How to be a feminist: 9 steps (with pictures)

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How to be a feminist: 9 steps (with pictures)
How to be a feminist: 9 steps (with pictures)

A feminist is a person who believes in equality between the sexes. Most people would say they are in favor of equality and gender rights. They believe that men and women should have equal opportunities and the ability to do what they want with their lives. This is the textbook definition of a feminist. But for a select few, feminism means going beyond that definition.


Be a Feminist Step 1
Be a Feminist Step 1

Step 1. Look for feminist history

Read about the initiators and key people of the different waves of feminism, such as Betty Friedan, Matilda Joselyn Gage, Gloria Anzuldua, and Kathleen Hanna. Also, look for countries that have not yet approved women's rights, such as the right to vote. This is essential for the development of your opinions and the way you act. Finally, value real women. Admire and emulate women who make intellectual contributions, women of talent and integrity. Yes, it's silly fun to follow the lives of major tabloids, and countless women who are entrepreneurs and active in politics all make real contributions and can inspire you to do the same.

Be a Feminist Step 2
Be a Feminist Step 2

Step 2. Take baby steps, starting with your personality

You should be exclusively you. This means having your own political, social and cultural views, participating in different campaigns and never giving in to the image of feminine perfection that society imposes. This is what feminism is about, that women are valued for who they are, not how they look. This shows that you are a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a man, plastic surgery, or a skinny figure to feel complete in life. All this includes:

Be a Feminist Step 3
Be a Feminist Step 3

Step 3. Stop obsessing over your body

Stop criticizing him in public. Stop telling other girls "I wish I had legs like yours." Every time you do this, you are reinforcing the idea that women are only valuable if they are physically attractive. You have an amazing brain - you deserve to be appreciated for it. You may also have an amazing body, but while society values men for their intelligence regardless of outward appearance, women are still widely valued for their looks alone. Set an example for other women and the world by valuing yourself and your friends for the right reasons.

Be a Feminist Step 4
Be a Feminist Step 4

Step 4. Stop calling yourself derogatory terms, such as slut and whore

Men are not called sluts and whores among themselves. Any insult based on gender should not be used at all. Women should support, empower and strengthen each other. Show your sisters how wonderful they are, as women they don't need to sign up for the competition that society instills between us, to make us fight for men's attention.

Be a Feminist Step 5
Be a Feminist Step 5

Step 5. Don't let the ads sell you the "sense of power"

Be a smart consumer: Advertisers probably aren't the best authorities on the aspect of power, especially if they tell you this looks exactly like their product.

Be a Feminist Step 6
Be a Feminist Step 6

Step 6. Try DIY

This is great not only for enhancing your creativity, but for not accepting men's strong need for beauty. You don't have to be pretty if you don't want to. You can go in overalls to the grocery store, or you can impress yourself, as long as that's what you want.

Be a Feminist Step 7
Be a Feminist Step 7

Step 7. Never change for anyone

Look for relationships with people who will judge you for your personality, not for your outward appearance.

Be a Feminist Step 8
Be a Feminist Step 8

Step 8. Make smart sexual decisions

Feminism means being able to make the right choice for you. If that means having sex after a night on the street, go ahead, but make sure you're doing it because you want it. If it means waiting until marriage, that's fine, but again, don't let anyone pressure you for something you don't want to do. Listen to your sexual desires, acknowledge their legitimacy, and - if that's the right choice for you - indulge them. Just make sure you don't ridicule or judge anyone (especially another woman) for their sexual choices, and stand up for your choices when necessary.

Be a Feminist Step 9
Be a Feminist Step 9

Step 9. Take action

Read the magazines, like ' Ms' And ' Bust '. Get involved in organizations. Spread the word to other women under pressure from society. You can join online communities, create your own website, and share your views with other feminists. You can also start a band and write your own songs on feminist themes, such as family abuse, eating disorders, etc.


  • Always believe in yourself. Nobody knows the infinite possibilities that a woman can achieve only by believing in her dreams.
  • Don't generalize men. Not all men are perverts and think they are the superior sex. There are different men just as there are different women. Feminism is not about fighting against men; it is working with men and women to challenge society's expectations of gender.
  • To show support for feminism, make collages or magazines about feminist figures. Cut out old feminist magazine images and make posters. The sky is your limit.
  • Be yourself. This is crucial, because having a strong personality will ensure that you will never change for anyone.
  • Help others. As mentioned in some of the passages, he participates in different organizations, such as To Write Love on Her Arms, which seeks to help those with self-harm and addiction problems, or Don't Die for a Diet, which is an organization that provides recovery for anorexics and bulimics.
  • Read Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique. This is one of the most important books of feminist culture, as it started the "second wave" of feminism.
  • Don't ignore the fact that men and women are biologically different, but don't make the mistake of confusing physical differences with culturally forced ones.
  • Consider that men and women grew up in the same sexist society and have patience with those who still don't understand why feminism is so important. People will be more open to discussing feminism if you treat them fairly and respectfully.


  • The atmosphere of feminism is one that fosters learning and understanding. But be careful not to think this indicates a passive environment. Every feminist contributes and every feminist receives.
  • Don't let criticism discourage you from following your instincts about problems. Feminism is controversial, but that doesn't mean it's inherently evil. One of the cornerstones of feminism is to counter the popular belief that women should be silent. We have found a platform on which to discuss ourselves, and it is important that we take part in it and do not lose this right.
  • It is known that even in feminism, there are opposing points of view. And unfortunately, this is one of the criticisms challenged by others. Isn't it true that the members of each political group have multiple positions? This is not something that should dissuade you. Rather, he should be encouraged to offer your opinions. The best institutions are those that include different beliefs. This is because only through opposition can an argument be fully understood, as it applies to people of all backgrounds.
