Not all professors and teachers calculate a percentage grade or use a numerical scale to assign the score obtained in a test. In order to calculate the grade, you need to find the percentage of correct answers you gave in the test. All you need is the total number of questions and the number of correct answers you were able to provide. Afterwards, you just have to insert these values into a simple equation, solve it with the help of the calculator and convert the given percentage into the vote.
Method 1 of 2: Calculate the Grade with a Simple Equation

Step 1. Count the number of correct answers
Find the number of questions you were able to solve correctly and write it down. Next, draw a line below this value, so that it becomes the numerator of a fraction. For example, if you gave 21 correct answers, write: 21/. For the moment, do not put any value in the denominator.
- When you are dealing with long exams, it is worth finding the number of correct answers by difference by subtracting the number of those with the wrong answer from the total of questions. For example, if you got 5 questions wrong in a 26-question test, subtract 5 from 26 like this: 26 - 5 = 21. Next, use the number 21 as the fraction's numerator.
- If some questions have a higher weight and value than others, use the total number of points you scored as the numerator. For example, if you answered many questions correctly for a score of 46 on a test with a maximum score of 60, 46 is the numerator.

Step 2. Write the total number of questions or test points in place of the denominator
Complete the fraction indicating as the denominator the number of all the questions that made up the exam or the maximum score obtainable. In the example above, the test contained 26 questions, so write: 21/26.
Check the fraction to make sure you set it correctly. Remember that the number of questions you answered correctly or the score you got goes above the fraction line. The total number of questions that make up the test or the maximum achievable score goes below the fraction line

Step 3. Use a calculator to divide the numerator by the denominator
You can use a normal calculator to find the percentage grade of your exam. Just divide the numerator by the denominator. For example: consider 21/26 and type 21 ÷ 26 on the calculator. You will get as result: 0, 8077.
Don't worry about numbers beyond the fourth decimal place. For example, if the result had been 0, 8077777, you would have had to ignore the last three "7". These figures do not affect the final percentage value

Step 4. Multiply the quotient by 100 and you will get the figure expressed as a percentage
You can do this with the calculator. or you can just move the comma two spaces to the right. The result represents the percentage grade you obtained on the exam (i.e. the result expressed on a scale from 0 to 100). To continue with the previous example: 0, 8077 x 100 = 80, 77. This means your percentage rating is 80, 77%.
According to the teacher's judgment criteria, the grade could be an 8 or an 8+
Method 2 of 2: Convert Percentage to Vote

Step 1. Consult the student guide for the course you are taking
The judging criteria are often quite variable from one teacher to another. If your teacher gave you a handout with the syllabus at the beginning of the course, the grade scale they use is likely to be indicated as well. Sometimes, the student guide provides this information. If you cannot understand or find the rating scale, ask for it in the secretariat or directly from the professor.

Step 2. Know the grade scale
In Italy, generally, the scale of school grades is expressed in tenths, where 0 is the minimum and 10 is the maximum obtainable. The university system, on the other hand, expresses the exam marks out of thirty, where 18 represents passing. However, it is not uncommon for some institutions to adopt the Anglo-Saxon or American grading system which is expressed in letters, where a grade of "A" is the highest grade and "F" is the lowest. "B" and "A" are considered good grades; "D" is considered the minimum enough, but in some cases it is not enough to apply to a prestigious school or university.
An "A" is obtained with a percentage vote between 90 and 100%. When the result is 94% or more, you get a full A, while 90-93% gives you an "A-". In terms of tenths it is obtained
Step 10. with a percentage score between 95 and 100% or u
Step 9. with a result between 90 and 94%.
- A "B" corresponds to a percentage between 80 and 89%. When you get at least 87%, you can aim for a "B +", while with a value of 83-86% you earn a full "B". When the value is 80-82% the grade is "B-". In decimal scale you have a 8 full with a result of 80-84% and a 8+ with a percentage of 85-89%.
- A "C" is obtained with a percentage result between 70 and 79%. When the percentage figure is equal to or greater than 77%, it is considered "C +". A full "C" equals a value of 73-76%, while a score of 70-72% entitles you to "C-". A 7+ it is obtained with a score equal to at least 75%, while with a result between 70 and 74% you are entitled to a
Step 7..
The "D" is earned with a percentage from 60 to 69%. When you reach an outcome equal to or greater than 67%, you can aspire to a "D +"; with a percentage grade between 63 and 66% you have a "D", for lower results you have "D-". Sufficiency in tenths is represented by the number
Step 6., equal to a percentage result between 60 and 64%. With a higher figure (65-69%) you can get a 6+.
- An "F" grade corresponds to a percentage equal to or less than 59%. This is insufficiency and is not accompanied by intermediate marks (+ or -). In tenths it corresponds to a
Step 5..

Step 3. Some schools have a judgment-based grading system
In Italy it was widespread in elementary and middle schools, although nowadays the system in tenths is almost always preferred. However, it is worth knowing this grading scale and its approximate correspondence to the percentage result.
- The highest rating is obtained from 70 to 100%: excellent.
- 60 to 69%: good.
- 50 to 59%: sufficient.
- Some schools impose a score of 49% or less as a deficiency, while other institutions prefer 39%.