How to Damage a File Purpose Using Corrupt at File.Net

How to Damage a File Purpose Using Corrupt at File.Net
How to Damage a File Purpose Using Corrupt at File.Net

Table of contents:


While this is usually an unfortunate event, damaging a file can sometimes be beneficial. For example, you need to deliver a document today, but you don't have it ready yet. One solution is to send a damaged document, but claim that it is complete. The recipient won't be able to open it, but the culprit will look like the computer, not you!


Corrupt a File on Purpose Using Corrupt a File. Net Step 1
Corrupt a File on Purpose Using Corrupt a File. Net Step 1

Step 1. Create a document to be damaged

For example, if you need to do a 20 page job, but have only completed 3 so far, fill in the other 17 in some way. Remember that the final document will be impossible to open, so you can write nonsense or copy and paste the same paragraph over and over again. By doing so, the document will appear to have a credible size.

Corrupt a File on Purpose Using Corrupt a File. Net Step 2
Corrupt a File on Purpose Using Corrupt a File. Net Step 2

Step 2. Go to

Corrupt a File on Purpose Using Corrupt a File. Net Step 3
Corrupt a File on Purpose Using Corrupt a File. Net Step 3

Step 3. In the form, select the document to be damaged on your hard drive

Corrupt a File on Purpose Using Corrupt a File. Net Step 4
Corrupt a File on Purpose Using Corrupt a File. Net Step 4

Step 4. Click on the "Corrupt file" button

Corrupt a File on Purpose Using Corrupt a File. Net Step 5
Corrupt a File on Purpose Using Corrupt a File. Net Step 5

Step 5. On the next page, click on the "Download" link

Corrupt a File on Purpose Using Corrupt a File. Net Step 6
Corrupt a File on Purpose Using Corrupt a File. Net Step 6

Step 6. To try it out, open the document you just downloaded

The software that should open it (eg Word, PDF reader…) should now tell you that the file is damaged.
