4 Ways to Update Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux

4 Ways to Update Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux
4 Ways to Update Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux

This document is intended to assist you in updating many new release versions of Oracle Java JDK / JRE on Ubuntu Linux. Occasionally, due to bug fixes and security issues, Oracle releases updates for the Java JDK / JRE version.

  • Note:

    this article assumes you have a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Oracle Java 7 located at / usr / local / java and you want to upgrade to a new version of Oracle Java.

When you update Java, you also need to update the Java links in your web browser.


Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 1
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 1

Step 1. Download the new Java binaries

Make sure you select the correct Java JDK / JRE binary files, updated, for your Ubuntu Linux system architecture, 32 or 64 bit, ending in “tar. gz as:

  • jdk-7u40-linux-i586.tar.gz (32 bit)
  • jre-7u40-linux-i586.tar.gz (32 bit)
  • or
  • jdk-7u40-linux-x64.tar.gz (64 bit)
  • jre-7u40-linux-x64.tar.gz (64 bit)

Method 1 of 4: Instructions for 32-bit Java

Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 2
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 2

Step 1. Become the root user and copy the new compressed binaries from our download directory / usr / local / java:

  • Type / Copy / Paste: cd / home /"your_user_name" / Downloads
  • Type / Copy / Paste: sudo cp -r jdk-7u40-linux-i586.tar.gz / usr / local / java
  • Type / Copy / Paste: sudo cp -r jre-7u40-linux-i586.tar.gz / usr / local / java
  • Type / Copy / Paste: cd / usr / local / java
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 3
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 3

Step 2. Now we are going to unpack our new version of Java binary files in the / usr / local / java directory:

  • Type / Copy / Paste: sudo tar xvzf jdk-7u40-linux-i586.tar.gz
  • Type / Copy / Paste: sudo tar xvzf jre-7u40-linux-i586.tar.gz

Method 2 of 4: 64-bit Java instructions

Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 4
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 4

Step 1. Become the root user and copy the new compressed binaries from our download directory / usr / local / java:

  • Type / Copy / Paste: cd / home /"your_user_name"/ Downloads
  • Type / Copy / Paste: sudo -s cp -r jdk-7u40-linux-x64.tar.gz / usr / local / java
  • Type / Copy / Paste: sudo -s cp -r jre-7u40-linux-x64.tar.gz / usr / local / java
  • Type / Copy / Paste: cd / usr / local / java
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 5
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 5

Step 2. Now we are going to unpack our new version of Java binary files in the / usr / local / java directory:

  • Type / Copy / Paste: sudo tar xvzf jdk-7u40-linux-x64.tar.gz
  • Type / Copy / Paste: sudo tar xvzf jre-7u40-linux-x64.tar.gz
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 6
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 6

Step 3. At this point, you should have two new uncompressed binary directories in / usr / local / java for Java JDK / JRE listed as:






Method 3 of 4: Change the Linux System PATH

Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 7
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 7

Step 1. Change the path to the / etc / profile system files, adding the following system variables to them

Use Gedit, Nano or any other text editor, as root, and open / etc / profile.

  • Type / Copy / Paste: sudo gedit / etc / profile
  • or
  • Type / Copy / Paste: sudo nano / etc / profile
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 8
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 8

Step 2. Scroll down using the arrow keys to go to the end of the file and add the following lines at the bottom of the / etc / profile file in Ubuntu Linux

At this point, to change the Java version numbers from old to new, go to the following system path of the / etc / profile file:

Edit the / etc / profile file:

JAVA_HOME = / usr / local / java /jdk1.7.0_25

PATH = $ PATH: $ HOME / bin: $ JAVA_HOME / bin

JRE_HOME = / usr / local / java /jre1.7.0_25

PATH = $ PATH: $ HOME / bin: $ JRE_HOME / bin

export JAVA_HOME

export JRE_HOME

export PATH

Change it to this:

JAVA_HOME = / usr / local / java /jdk1.7.0_40

PATH = $ PATH: $ HOME / bin: $ JAVA_HOME / bin

JRE_HOME = / usr / local / java /jre1.7.0_40

PATH = $ PATH: $ HOME / bin: $ JRE_HOME / bin

export JAVA_HOME

export JRE_HOME

export PATH

Save the file and exit.

Method 4 of 4: Notify the System of the Updated Version of Oracle Java

Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 9
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 9

Step 1. Inform the Ubuntu Linux system where the Oracle Java JRE / JDK file is located

You will now update the system to use Java version 1.7.0_40:

  • Type / Copy / Paste:

    sudo update-alternatives --install "/ usr / bin / java" "java" "/ usr / local / java /jre1.7.0_40/ bin / java "1

  • Type / Copy / Paste:

    sudo update-alternatives --install "/ usr / bin / javac" "javac" "/ usr / local / java /jdk1.7.0_40/ bin / javac "1

  • Type / Copy / Paste:

    sudo update-alternatives --install "/ usr / bin / javaws" "javaws" "/ usr / local / java /jre1.7.0_40 / bin/ javaws "1

Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 10
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 10

Step 2. Specify to Ubuntu that JRE 1.7.0_40 should be the default:

  • Type / Copy / Paste:

    sudo update-alternatives --set java / usr / local / java /jre1.7.0_40/ bin / java

  • Type / Copy / Paste:

    sudo update-alternatives --set javac / usr / local / java /jdk1.7.0_40/ bin / javac

  • Type / Copy / Paste:

    sudo update-alternatives --set javaws / usr / local / java /jre1.7.0_40/ bin / javaws

Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 11
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 11

Step 3. Reload the / etc / profile file into the system path by typing the following command:

  • Type / Copy / Paste:

    . / etc / profile

  • Note that the extended path to the / etc / profile file will reload after rebooting the Ubuntu system.
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 12
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 12

Step 4. Check to see if the new version of Java has been successfully installed on your system by running the following commands and checking the version number of the new Java update:

  • Type / Copy / Paste:

    java -version

    This command displays the version of Java running on the system

Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 13
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 13

Step 5. You should receive a message like this:

  • java version "1.7.0_40"

    Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_40-b08) Java HotSpot (TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build build 25.1-b02, mixed mode)

  • Type / Copy / Paste: javac -version
  • This command tells you that you are now able to compile Java programs from the terminal.

    You should receive a message like this:

  • javac 1.7.0_40
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 14
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 14

Step 6. Later, you will have the option to remove the old Java JDK / JRE version, simply by removing the directories that contain the related old binaries

  • Type / Copy / Paste:

    cd / usr / local / java

  • Type / Copy / Paste:

    sudo rm -rf jdk1.7.0_40

  • Type / Copy / Paste:

    sudo rm -rf jre1.7.0_40

Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 15
Upgrade Oracle Java on Ubuntu Linux Step 15

Step 7. Restart Ubuntu Linux and the system will be fully configured to run and develop Java programs

Optional: How to Enable Java in Your Web Browser

To activate Java plugins in your web browser, you need to make a symbolic link from the browser plugins directory to the location of the Java plugins included in your specific software distribution

Google Chrome

Instructions for 32-bit Java

  1. Run the commands below.

    • Type / Copy / Paste:

      sudo mkdir -p / opt / google / chrome / plugins

      This command will create a directory called / opt / google / chrome / plugins

    • Type / Paste / Copy:

      cd / opt / google / chrome / plugins

      This command will move you to the Google Chrome plugins directory - make sure you are in this directory before making the symbolic link

    • Type / Paste / Copy:

      sudo ln -s /usr/local/java/jre1.7.0_40/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so

      This command will create a symbolic link from the Java JRE (Java Runtime Environment) plugin libjavaplugin_oji to the Google Chrome web browser.

64-bit Java instructions

  1. Run the commands below.

    • Type / Copy / Paste:

      sudo mkdir -p / opt / google / chrome / plugins

      This command will create a directory called / opt / google / chrome / plugins

    • Type / Paste / Copy:

      cd / opt / google / chrome / plugins

      This command will move you to the Google Chrome plugins directory - make sure you are in this directory before making the symbolic link

    • Type / Paste / Copy:

      sudo ln -s /usr/local/java/jre1.7.0_40/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so

      This command will create a symbolic link from the Java JRE (Java Runtime Environment) plugin libjavaplugin_oji to the Google Chrome web browser.


  1. Note:

    Sometimes, when you type the above command, you may get a message that reads:

    • ln: creating symbolic link `./libnpjp2.so ': File exists
    • To correct this problem, simply remove the previous symbolic link, using the following command:
    • Type / Copy / Paste:

      cd / opt / google / chrome / plugins

    • Type / Copy / Paste:

      sudo rm -rf libnpjp2.so

    • Make sure you are in the / opt / google / chrome / plugins directory before running the command.
  2. Restart the web browser and go to Java Tester to test if Java works in the web browser.

    Mozilla Firefox

    Instructions for 32-bit Java

    1. Type the following command:

      • Type / Paste / Copy:

        cd / usr / lib / mozilla / plugins

        This command will move you to the / usr / lib / mozilla / plugins directory - create this directory if you don't already have it

      • Type / Paste / Copy:

        sudo mkdir -p / usr / lib / mozilla / plugins

        This command will create the / usr / lib / mozilla / plugins directory - make sure you are inside this directory before symbolic linking

      • Type / Paste / Copy:

        sudo ln -s /usr/local/java/jre1.7.0_40/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so

        This will create a symbolic link from the Java JRE (Java Runtime Environment) plugin libjavaplugin_oji to the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

    64-bit Java instructions

    1. Run the commands below.

      • Type / Paste / Copy:

        cd / usr / lib / mozilla / plugins

        This command will move you to the / usr / lib / mozilla / plugins directory - create this directory if you don't already have it

      • Type / Paste / Copy:

        sudo mkdir -p / usr / lib / mozilla / plugins

        This command will create the / usr / lib / mozilla / plugins directory - make sure you are inside this directory before symbolic linking

      • Type / Paste / Copy:

        sudo ln -s /usr/local/java/jre1.7.0_40/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so

        This will create a symbolic link from the Java JRE (Java Runtime Environment) plugin libjavaplugin_oji to the Mozilla Firefox web browser.


    1. Note:

      Sometimes, when you type the above command, you may get a message that reads:

      • ln: creating symbolic link `./libnpjp2.so ': File exists
      • To correct this problem, simply remove the previous symbolic link, using the following command:
      • Type / Copy / Paste:

        cd / usr / lib / mozilla / plugins

      • Type / Copy / Paste:

        sudo rm -rf libnpjp2.so

      • Make sure you are in the / usr / lib / mozilla / plugins directory before running the command.
    2. Restart the web browser and go to Java Tester to test if Java works in the web browser.
