4 Ways to Create a Blog

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4 Ways to Create a Blog
4 Ways to Create a Blog

Are you thinking of starting a blog to promote your business or your profession, to share your thoughts or to talk about your passion? Being a blogger is free and doesn't take too long. Open an account on Blogger or WordPress, develop your concept and make yourself known.


Method 1 of 4: The Blog Topic

Start a Blog Step 1
Start a Blog Step 1

Step 1. Talk about what you love or use this tool to let people know what you do

In any case, you can also mix various themes. Here are some ideas:

  • Games: Almost everyone loves video games these days.
  • Politics: Express your unique point of view.
  • Food: Post recipes and reviews of the restaurants you visit.
  • Cinema: reviews of old and new films, publication of videos and curiosities that hardly anyone knows, etc.
  • Cars: Post pictures of your favorite models and reports from car shows.
  • Love: who doesn't need advice?
  • Your business, so you can find new customers and keep in communication with them.
Start a Blog Step 2
Start a Blog Step 2

Step 2. Think about how you want to help others connect with your audience:

  • Teach. If you are passionate about a discipline and have a lot of experience in a particular sector, you can offer your knowledge both to those who want to learn and to experts who intend to exchange opinions with you.
  • Publish the latest news and trends regarding your topic. This way the blog will be constantly displayed.
  • Make others laugh by telling your experiences in a fun and hilarious way.
  • Inspire others if you have overcome an obstacle, illness or complicated life experience. The challenges you faced will give your readers hope.
  • There are topics not to be considered: your office, your colleagues, your family members, etc. Spouting your secrets and private information and making fun of others are two highly risky activities. If you really want to include someone in your posts, first ask the person in question for permission. Or stay anonymous and change the names.
Start a Blog Step 3
Start a Blog Step 3

Step 3. Spy on the competition

Ask yourself what you could offer different than the others, identify your niche to give an original angle to your blog, easily distinguishable from the others.

Start a Blog Step 4
Start a Blog Step 4

Step 4. Choose your name by brainstorming or asking your friends and family

Start a Blog Step 5
Start a Blog Step 5

Step 5. Research the keywords generally associated with the topic you will be addressing

Go to the Google Adwords Keyword Tool site.

  • Enter items relevant to the topic in the search field. You can search by word, phrase, web page or subject.
  • The tool will generate words or phrases associated with your topic. Choose the words that have a greater number of monthly searches and insert them in your blog.
  • Check these keywords from time to time before writing a post. If you include them in your publication naturally, then search engines will be more likely to make your blog appear in the top results.
Start a Blog Step 6
Start a Blog Step 6

Step 6. Decide on which site to open your blog

Two of the most popular are Blogger and WordPress.

  • Blogger belongs to Google and is characterized by intuitive use. Your blog will be extremely easy to set up and maintain and you will be able to easily consult the traffic measurement tools at your disposal. You can buy a domain name for $ 10 a year, keep what the site gives you, or host the blog on a URL you already have.
  • Tumblr.com is a very easy to use microblogging site. It has an intuitive interface and also helps you to place advertisements to scrape some cash. If you don't know how to get started, read this article.
  • WordPress It will take you longer to get used to, but it features a wider range of sophisticated tools to enhance and promote your blog. You can buy a domain name for $ 18 per year or enter an existing one for $ 13 per year. But you can also use it for free.
  • Webs.com has existed since 2001. Everything you find here can be customized using the "drop-n-drag" function. Best of all, you don't need any technical skills - everything you need to know about what you want to include in your blog is intuitively in front of you. Personal sites open for free without a trial period. Of course, if you want some advanced features, a paid upgrade is required.

Method 2 of 4: Get started on Blogger.com

Start a Blog Step 7
Start a Blog Step 7

Step 1. If you have a Google account, log in

If you don't have it, sign up.

Start a Blog Step 8
Start a Blog Step 8

Step 2. Click on “New Blog”

Start a Blog Step 9
Start a Blog Step 9

Step 3. Write your blog name and address of your choice

  • Choose a template (you can also do it later).
  • Click on "Create Blog".
Start a Blog Step 10
Start a Blog Step 10

Step 4. Select the “New Post” link

Start a Blog Step 11
Start a Blog Step 11

Step 5. Enter the title and text

When you are done, click on "Publish".

Method 3 of 4: Getting started on WordPress

Start a Blog Step 12
Start a Blog Step 12

Step 1. Go to

Click on the "Get Started" link.

Start a Blog Step 13
Start a Blog Step 13

Step 2. Fill out the form

In the last field, write the address you prefer.

  • A quick search will be done to see if your name is available. If not, WordPress will show you a number of alternatives. You can choose one or try a different domain name until you find one that works.
  • Scroll the page to the end and click on "Create Blog".
Start a Blog Step 14
Start a Blog Step 14

Step 3. Wait for the confirmation email

When it arrives, click on the link and log in to WordPress with your username and password.

Start a Blog Step 15
Start a Blog Step 15

Step 4. Choose a blog theme, which will determine what it looks like

You can see the various themes by clicking on “Search for a Theme”, so you will know what the trends are and what is in fashion.

Start a Blog Step 16
Start a Blog Step 16

Step 5. Click on the theme you prefer and fill in the "General Settings" fields

If you want, upload a photo by clicking on the “Choose a File” button, located in the gray “Blog Image / Icon” area.

Start a Blog Step 17
Start a Blog Step 17

Step 6. Decide whether to make the blog public or private by clicking on "Read", a link located under the "Settings" tab

Start a Blog Step 18
Start a Blog Step 18

Step 7. Click on “New Post” and enter the title and body of the text

You can also add photos, videos or links. When you are done, click on "Publish Post".

Method 4 of 4: Advertise the Blog

Start a Blog Step 19
Start a Blog Step 19

Step 1. Use social networks to attract people to your blog

You can promote your blog through your personal and professional social media accounts.

  • Most blogging services will automatically post a link to your new post on Facebook or Twitter. When you publish a new post, however, you can use the sharing tools. WordPress allows you to do this from the "Dashboard" by clicking on "Sharing" under the "Settings" tab. Blogger, on the other hand, has the social network buttons at the bottom of the publication.
  • Add buttons for readers to share posts on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other accounts.
Start a Blog Step 20
Start a Blog Step 20

Step 2. Write something about yourself

On WordPress, add an "About Me" page; on Blogger, click on "Layout" and then edit the description of yourself.

Start a Blog Step 21
Start a Blog Step 21

Step 3. Add the blog to a list to attract traffic

Go here to find out more: https://support.google.com/blogger/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=41373. A well known list is Technorati.

Start a Blog Step 22
Start a Blog Step 22

Step 4. Interact with other bloggers by reading their posts and respond to reader comments

Start a Blog Step 23
Start a Blog Step 23

Step 5. Add your blog address to your email signature and business cards

Obviously, do this only if the theme of your publications has to do with the content of your e-mail or your professional activities.

Start a Blog Step 24
Start a Blog Step 24

Step 6. The content should be of quality

If your blog is full of grammatical errors or doesn't have attractive graphics, you won't get many hits. Also, take care of it constantly, so it will always be up to date.


  • Many people read blogs from mobile devices. Make sure yours has a version optimized for smartphones and tablets.
  • The domain name must be unique and difficult to confuse with others.
  • Blogging will have to become part of your routine. Bring a diary with you to jot down your ideas.
  • You can make money from your blog using Amazon Associates ID or Google AdSense. You earn revenue when readers click on your links.
  • If your blog is informative, always check the truth of the facts, or people won't come back to visit you.
  • Your blog is about your profession but you think you don't have what it takes to be a writer? Hire a content professional.
  • Establish privacy rules: do not provide personal data (name and surname and home address) or talk about the people you hang out with, unless you make changes.


  • Receiving negative comments is normal, especially if you are dealing with sensitive topics.
  • Read a book or site that helps you understand how to avoid infringing on intellectual property or defaming. By informing yourself you can avoid annoying legal headaches.
  • What you post will be in the public domain. Remember that in some countries it is not allowed to disclose certain content. In short, be aware of what you do.
  • Don't invade the privacy of others. If you want to talk about something personal, at least change the names. Finally, don't post private images without permission.
