How to Dance the Throwdown Quadrille (with Pictures)

How to Dance the Throwdown Quadrille (with Pictures)
How to Dance the Throwdown Quadrille (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Quadrille Throwdown ("The Hoedown Throwdown") is a song that pop star Miley Cyrus sings in her 2009 film "Hannah Montana: The Movie". The choreography that accompanies the song is an interesting mix of country and hip-hop moves, and it's a lot of fun to dance! Start with Step 1 below for detailed instructions on how to dance the Throwdown Quadrille, and watch Miley dance with the choreographer on YouTube for a better understanding of some of the more difficult moves.


Method 1 of 2: Part 1 of 2: Dancing the verse

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 1
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 1

Step 1. Clap your hands in time

When the song starts and Miley sings "boom boom clap, boom de clap de clap", clap your hands in time with the music. The choreography doesn't start until the first verse starts. Are you ready?

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 2
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 2

Step 2. “Pop it, lock it”

When Miley sings "pop it", extend your left arm straight in front of you, shoulder height, as far as possible.

  • When she sings "lock it", lean to the right, bending your knees.
  • At the same time, keep your elbows out - as if you were pretending to have chicken wings!
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 3
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 3

Step 3. “Polka dot it”

Now, on "polka dot it" you have to drag your feet to the left, taking 2 steps. While dragging, point the index finger of your right hand and shake it here and there, in time with the dragging.

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 4
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 4

Step 4. “Countrify it”

To "countrify it", put your thumbs in your belt (real or imaginary) and then on "country" point your right heel and on "fy" point your left heel. It helps to imagine that you have some cowboy boots!

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 5
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 5

Step 5. “Hip-hop it”

Turn around so that you are facing slightly to the left. On "hip" kick with your right foot and cross your arms in front of you.

  • On "hop" pull your arms and legs back, so that you stand up straight with your hands on your hips.
  • On "it" bend your knees and arch your shoulders forward, keeping your hands on your hips.
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 6
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 6

Step 6. “Put your hawk in the sky”

When Miley says "put your hawk", step sideways with your right foot. As you take the step, cross your arms in front of you so that your right hand is on your left elbow and your left hand is on your right elbow.

  • Then on "in the sky" raise your hands from your elbows (keeping your arms crossed) so that your hands resemble the wings of a bird.
  • At the same time, kick the left foot forward (while the arms are making wings) then bring it back to the level of the right foot.
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 7
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 7

Step 7. Move from side to side

Keeping your arms crossed in front of you, lean from side to side - first to the left, then to the right.

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 8
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 8

Step 8. Jump left

On the word "jump," turn slightly to the right and lift your left foot in front of you.

  • Jump off the ground and spin in the air, so that you land on your left foot, facing slightly to the left.
  • On the word "left", place your right foot on the ground, extended in front of the left.
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 9
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 9

Step 9. “Stick it, glide”

On the phrase "stick it", bring your left foot even with your right and stomp it on the ground, placing your hands firmly on your hips.

  • On "glide", bring your left foot back and then slide your right foot along the floor to rejoin them.
  • As you slide, push your right arm in front of you, away from your body.

Method 2 of 2: Part 2 of 2: Dancing the chorus

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 10
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 10

Step 1. “Zig-zag”

Stand straight, lift your right leg, cross it over your left, and touch your raised big toe. Then move the leg outside to the right and touch the raised big toe again. Bend your right knee and lift your leg up behind you as you lean back with your left hand to touch your foot.

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 11
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 11

Step 2. “Across the floor”

Take 2 steps to the right.

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 12
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 12

Step 3. “Shuffle diagonally”

While Miley sings "shuffle in", look slightly to the left and take 2 steps backwards, diagonally.

  • As you do this, bend your arms at the elbows and bring them up and down - they should be pointing up when you step with the left and down when you step with the right.
  • When Miley sings the word "diagonal", turn slightly to the right and take another 2 steps diagonally backwards, this time starting with the right foot. Don't forget your arms.
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 13
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 13

Step 4. “Hit the drum”

This is easy. "When the drum hits", kick out with your left and punch with your right arm. Then repeat, this time kicking with the right and punching with the left arm.

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 14
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 14

Step 5. “Hands on your hips”

Bring your feet together and put your hands on your hips.

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 15
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 15

Step 6. “Do a one-footed 180 ° twist”

On "one-footed", swing your torso to the right, then follow with your feet so you can look at the back of the room.

  • Then when you feel "180 ° twist" jump 3 times on your left foot until you are facing front again. Lift your arms to the sides (with elbows bent) as you jump.
  • When you reach the front position, step on your right foot and straighten your arms at your hips.
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 16
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 16

Step 7. “Zig-zag, step and slide”

Repeat the same zigzag move as at the beginning of the chorus.

  • After touching your right foot with your hand, put your right foot down on the word "step".
  • On the word "slide", step to the left and drag your right foot towards you.
  • You should be facing the right corner of the room.
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 17
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 17

Step 8. “Lean it left”

On the word "lean", punch with your left hand, punch "it" with your right. Then, on the word "left" snaps the fingers of the left hand, throws the head back and bends the right knee so that only the fingers touch the ground.

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 18
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 18

Step 9. “Clap three times”

Clap your hands 3 times! On the word "clap" lean forward towards your right knee and clap your hands down. Tap on the word "three" at chest height and tap on the word "times" above the head.

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 19
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 19

Step 10. “Shake it out, head to toe”

When Miley sings "shake it out", turn left and take a full turn, shaking your body as you do it.

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 20
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 20

Step 11. “Throw it all together, that's how we roll”

On "throw it all together," step forward with your left foot, then bend your knees as you lean forward and throw your right arm straight in front of you.

When you hear "that's how we roll", step back with your right, followed by your left. On the word "roll" raise your hands

Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 21
Do the Hoedown Throwdown Step 21

Step 12. Keep repeating the movements

Here are all the steps of the Throwdown Quadrille! Now you know what you are doing, you can just keep repeating the steps for the rest of the song. Have fun!


  • Remember: Practice Makes Perfect!
  • If you don't fully understand the choreography, go to YouTube and search for "Hoedown Throwdown".
