How to Design a Good Story: 7 Steps

How to Design a Good Story: 7 Steps
How to Design a Good Story: 7 Steps

Table of contents:


If you are planning to write a good story, this is the article for you.


Plan to Write a Good Story Step 1
Plan to Write a Good Story Step 1

Step 1. Brainstorm

Think of a story that has a strong impact on readers. A story that has a strong plot. A story that changes people's point of view on a certain issue. It must have twists and an unexpected ending. Develop your creative story well. Start by thinking about what happened to you yesterday, or what might happen to you tomorrow. Anything will do.

Plan to Write a Good Story Step 2
Plan to Write a Good Story Step 2

Step 2. Play your storyline

Arrange the order of events the way you like best. What will happen first? What's the ending? Remember that your story doesn't need to start with something ordinary, like brushing your teeth or going to work. Better to start with something sudden and tragic, like someone who has slapped you. Write down any ideas of what's going to happen on a piece of paper.

Plan to Write a Good Story Step 3
Plan to Write a Good Story Step 3

Step 3. Assign roles

Think about the fates of your characters, obviously in relation to the story. Will they suffer from a terrible disease? Or will they live a normal life after a tragic accident? Write all the characteristics of the characters on the paper. Remember, you have power over your characters because you created them, not someone else. Also, there are no general rules for writing a good character.

Plan to Write a Good Story Step 4
Plan to Write a Good Story Step 4

Step 4. Start by writing your first word

Write a bad copy of your story. Put all the ideas together to form a story. Don't worry about minor errors like grammar and punctuation for now. Focus on the story instead.

Plan to Write a Good Story Step 5
Plan to Write a Good Story Step 5

Step 5. Read everything and review

As you reread, underline all minor mistakes so you don't forget them later. Also take note and edit any parts you don't like or feel worthless or are just plain confusing. After the review, it starts to get serious.

Plan to Write a Good Story Step 6
Plan to Write a Good Story Step 6

Step 6. Finish your masterpiece

Yes, it's your masterpiece! Then, after you have finished writing, check again, because one mistake can escape everyone.

Plan to Write a Good Story Step 7
Plan to Write a Good Story Step 7

Step 7. Share it

Take her to your friends and ask what they think. Take it to a newspaper office so the whole country can read your fantastic story. If you want to sell it, don't overdo it, otherwise everyone will already know the story.


  • Remember: reading books will help you get ideas, but you can't copy them evenly.
  • Write a list of all the things you want to put in your story.
  • Write the story of something you are interested in, it is much easier to write a story about something you like.
  • Listening to music can help you write more efficiently. Listen to a song that goes well with the theme of your story (if it's a horror story, listen to gothic or dark music; if it's a love story, listen to slow and relaxing music).
  • Learn to work hard on your stories.
  • Find inspiration (from friends and family).
