Do you suffer from fatigue, have little energy or difficulty concentrating? Do not worry. You can overcome this by becoming more mentally aware. "When you control your mind, you can control the world."

Step 1. Exercise your mind
Pick a hobby that keeps you mentally trained. Think of it as a recreation, rather than a routine job or an exercise, because in this way it can turn into a game! The choice is varied. Just pick something you're comfortable with so you get the most out of it.

Step 2. Add quiet moments into your life
They can include meditation or qi gong. Most of the time, meditation can boost your imagination, even if it goes through seemingly less creative peaks. It can reduce decision making during times of stress, but after enough practice you can get to a second level. Qi gong is also known as energy manipulation. It can give a huge boost to mental energies and keep you calm very easily!

Step 3. Sleep well
It is not healthy to lose sleep. While it can be nice to stay up late at night, if you feel sleepy, low-energy, or hypersensitive, then you will have to blame yourself for going to sleep late at night. Sleep can be the key to all your energy problems if you lose it. With qi gong and meditation you can increase the REM phase, which is the determining factor in having a restful sleep.

Step 4. Start paying attention to the little things at first and this attitude will lead you to learn a lot
If you pay enough attention to your reactions, you can turn them into responses to certain situations. When you can fully answer everything, you can metaphorically turn all situations into a game of chess. If you are familiar with this game, you will know that once you get off on the right foot, you can move forward with minimal effort. The same goes for the game of circumstances.

Step 5. Pay close attention to the things that take your focus away from the most important facts
When you find that you can't focus on what you need to do at work or the things that make you happy, then you will notice that something is wrong. The more things distract you, the faster and easier you will have to get rid of them to turn the situation around to your advantage.

Step 6. Train
Physical activity, whatever it is, can cause your mind to move with more agility, thus giving you greater awareness. Combined with other stimulating elements, it will be able to make you have even better results.

Step 7. Don't get dehydrated when you need to keep your awareness alert
Dehydration, when not under control, can make you feel tired.

Step 8. Plan things for success and start small
This way with practice you can plan quickly without too many thoughts. It is said that the people who can organize the most things in the blink of an eye are the most valuable collaborators. The closer you get to this, the easier it will be for you to become more aware of all the facts relating to a given situation.
- Keep working on simple things, like meditation and qi gong, or planning your own projects, so eventually your skills will grow and you will have noticeable and tangible benefits in your awareness.
- Keep a good mood, because negative moods, whatever they are, always drain your energy.
- There are pros and cons to everything. This means there is an equal amount of positives and negatives in everything! Simply put, nothing is that bad.
- Being more aware can lead you to understand the answers to problems and situations that you have probably avoided throughout your life (but are now able to handle). So, if you are going through a period of major transformations, you might consider them for what they really are.
- You can continually increase your awareness.
- The most powerful acronym is KISS. Keep It Simple Stooge! Basically it can remind you that the source is always the most powerful energy. The simpler the action, the more powerful it will be.
- Some things may work as catalysts to help you advance in the mental awareness goals you want to achieve. Sometimes, if a catalyst doesn't work, you may feel powerless, but that's okay! Not everything works for everyone. Some people think algebra is a great catalyst… but as I said, not everything is for everyone! Don't be discouraged, because for every person there is something that works great.
- Remember! Five minutes a day is all it takes for any mental exercise. Don't give up if you do more and don't reach your goal. Because it's easy to stop thinking! While there are huge benefits to doing mental exercises for many hours a day, losing a few hours is better than losing thousands.
- Sometimes you can feel quite silly when you meditate or practice qi gong. However, once you see how quick your reaction times are, these practices will be very valuable and important.
- Be careful when combining the various methods of mentally practicing. Qi gong involves a combination of breaths, while meditation involves a visualization that serves to trigger whatever mood you desire. By combining the two methods, you can create something unknown and possibly harmful. These exercises, like meditation and qi gong, were created by experts, not just to do something.