How to Find an Idea for a Movie: 7 Steps

How to Find an Idea for a Movie: 7 Steps
How to Find an Idea for a Movie: 7 Steps

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Finding an idea for a film can be the hardest part of writing or making a film. The idea is what will lead you to success or failure.


Come up With a Movie Idea Step 1
Come up With a Movie Idea Step 1

Step 1. To find inspiration, watch movies and read scripts

However, don't completely copy any ideas. This will not lead you to success; you have to create something new and original.

Come up With a Movie Idea Step 2
Come up With a Movie Idea Step 2

Step 2. Brainstorm ideas

Come up With a Movie Idea Step 3
Come up With a Movie Idea Step 3

Step 3. Determine the background

For any story you need to know what happened before and what led to the events that happen in the film. Here are some tips for deciding the background:

  • Use Paint. You can use shapes and storyboard the events that happened before the movie, this is a really good idea to go back in time and will make it easier for you when you are writing or directing your movie.
  • Use a word processor. Of course, even if you can write your background on a word document, it may not be ideal when you need to review it, since you should read it all over again. You can also use images and other visual representations in Paint, which can often make the task easier. But, if you work better this way, then do it in a word document.
  • Make a video or recording. You could record yourself or take a video of yourself talking about your ideas. You can listen to it again later to refresh your memory.
Come up With a Movie Idea Step 4
Come up With a Movie Idea Step 4

Step 4. Structure your idea

Your idea needs to be structured and solid in order to work. Make sure it makes sense, don't just put together a series of disconnected ideas or else it will create confusion.

  • Your idea needs to have a start that draws the audience in and makes them interested in what's going to happen. Your ending must make sense and leave the audience feeling like they don't have enough. Be bold with your ending. For example, if it leads to the death of one of the main characters it will leave the audience shocked.
  • Don't be afraid to try something new. Trying something new is the best thing and the next step. Many screenwriters tend to create something similar to classic films. Try something new, don't be worried if it doesn't work. You will be willing to try a new idea and many people will appreciate it.
Come up With a Movie Idea Step 5
Come up With a Movie Idea Step 5

Step 5. Say your story

Find a couple of people who can help you. Do not recite the entire script, only the fundamental parts in order to understand what works and what doesn't. You will notice the flaws in your story. Don't be overly critical of yourself, just tweak and improve these parts! Ask your friends for advice on the story, ask them where the flaws lie and what you should change.

Come up With a Movie Idea Step 6
Come up With a Movie Idea Step 6

Step 6. Write your script

Start developing your story. If it is for a short film then it will be more velor to write, but if it is for a normal length film then it will require a lot of your patience. As you write the script, you will correct mistakes, change what happens, and you might even change the ending! Do not curb deviations from the original plan. As long as you are happy with the changes made, keep them; they are simply a sign that you are understanding the story better than before.

Come up With a Movie Idea Step 7
Come up With a Movie Idea Step 7

Step 7. Watch other movies to help you develop your story

There is nothing wrong with using other films, many screenwriters do and often it is what leads them to develop a successful and original story.


  • Remember to develop your background.
  • Don't give up.
  • Be patient, developing a solid story will take time.
  • Ask your friends to suggest some ideas.
  • Let your parents or friends read part of the script, and see what they think.
