How to Publish a Novel: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Publish a Novel: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Publish a Novel: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


You've written a novel, but you don't know how to get it to bookstores. Assuming you don't want to self-publish and it's your first book, you need a literary agent. Literary agents are the guardians of the publishing world. Here are some guidelines, step by step, to catch the elusive beast.


Publish a Novel Step 1
Publish a Novel Step 1

Step 1. Have your manuscript professionally edited

You should only choose agents with whom your work has the best chance of success.

Publish a Novel Step 2
Publish a Novel Step 2

Step 2. Search for potential agents

The best publications to start your research on include Writers Market and Jeff Herman's Guide to Literary Agents. Plus, almost every literary agency has a website. Consult these sources for up-to-date information.

Publish a Novel Step 3
Publish a Novel Step 3

Step 3. Make a list of agents who specialize in your type of job, be it for young adults, a novel, a science fiction or non-fiction book, and so on

Publish a Novel Step 4
Publish a Novel Step 4

Step 4. Narrow down the list of agents by looking for the titles that each of them represented

Dozens of agents specialize in paranormal fiction for children; do not choose them if you have written a children's book about a young detective.

Publish a Novel Step 5
Publish a Novel Step 5

Step 5. Prepare your cover letter carefully

It will be your business card, as a writer, to an agent. It must be dynamite. First, he must explain what the book is about in three compelling sentences; second, it must expose why you are contacting that specific agent; finally, it must state why you wrote this particular book. It is necessary that all the information be contained on a single page, at the most.

Publish a Novel Step 6
Publish a Novel Step 6

Step 6. Read the guidelines provided by each agent regarding the cover letter

Follow them carefully while drafting, after which you can send it. Yes, you can contact multiple agents at the same time. Just be sure to personalize each letter and contact only one agent for each literary house. Note: Make sure the first chapter is dynamite. Some agents require the first chapter along with the cover letter. This is your chance to impress. You need to make the most of it.

Publish a Novel Step 7
Publish a Novel Step 7

Step 7. If an agent is interested in your work, they will request the complete manuscript or part only

Follow the instructions provided carefully. At this point it is perfectly acceptable to ask for a deadline for reading. A reputable agent should provide a response regarding a manuscript within 2-3 months.

Publish a Novel Step 8
Publish a Novel Step 8

Step 8. While you wait, keep writing

If you receive an agency offer, the agent will want to know what else you are working on. See it as a long-term relationship.

Publish a Novel Step 9
Publish a Novel Step 9

Step 9. The offer

If you receive the offer, have a list of questions ready. Structure of the assignment? Rights for abroad? Editorial process? It is advisable to know exactly what you are getting yourself into.

Publish a Novel Step 10
Publish a Novel Step 10

Step 10. The publication

Remember, an agent needs to sell your book to a publishing house. This can take a week. Or a year. Or it may never happen. Be patient and professional during this stage and let the agent do the job.

Publish a Novel Step 11
Publish a Novel Step 11

Step 11. Be persevering

The Help book was rejected over two dozen times before finally being published. Look at the success it has had. Literary agents are very busy people, in high demand. However, they want to discover the next great novel. Don't give him a break.


  • If you receive an offer to represent, inform the other agents you sent the manuscript to, and from whom you have not yet received a response. They may ask you a few more days to review your work.
  • Work on your marketing platform. It is more important to non-fiction writers than fiction writers, however today authors do a lot of public relations work on their own. Your marketing platform can make a difference when it comes to finding a literary agent and selling books.
  • Attend writing conferences. It is the best way to get in touch with literary agents. If you are unable to participate, read the blogs of the agents.
  • Try to build a portfolio of songs and / or short stories.
  • When sending the cover letter, remember to enter your details and contact details.
  • Send sets of cover letters to agents. Even 4-6 at a time. If your list of agents is serious, but the first ten letters are rejected, the presentation is probably not good enough. Review the text and send the letter to new agents.
  • If you don't know which font to use, try Times New Roman - it's the safest choice.
  • Enter the page number in the lower right corner.
  • Use double spacing and margins of about 3 centimeters.
  • The title of the novel should be centered, just above the middle of the page. The author's name must also be centered and positioned under the title.


  • Beware of agents who charge for "reading".
  • Beware of agencies not registered with trade associations.
  • Beware of agencies without a website.
  • Never start a cover letter with "Dear Agent". Always use "Sir", "Miss" or "Madam" followed by the surname.
  • Relying on an agent does not always guarantee the publication of a book.
  • Never choose more than one agent at the same literary house.
  • Never call a literary agency to try to place your book or to follow up on a cover letter.
