How to Become Clairvoyant: 15 Steps

How to Become Clairvoyant: 15 Steps
How to Become Clairvoyant: 15 Steps

Table of contents:


Clairvoyance is the ability to predict the future, but it certainly doesn't require crystal balls and elaborate palmistry rites. Before cultivating it, you should work on developing your natural intuitive skills. Once you have learned how to use them, let your mind exercise the ability to grasp and be involved in the sight, sounds, sensations and energy that generally flows around you. Read on to learn more.


Part 1 of 4: Exercises to Develop Intuition and Perception

Become Clairvoyant Step 1
Become Clairvoyant Step 1

Step 1. Work with so-called direct intuition, also called literal intuition

You use it when you ask yourself questions about a specific situation.

  • Get comfortable. Sit in a quiet place and focus your breathing until your body relaxes.
  • Identify a situation you would like to know more about. Focus on it for a few minutes.
  • Out loud or mentally, make it clear that you want to have an intuitive experience in the near future.
  • Let it all flow. You may need to do this multiple times before getting results. By focusing the energy only on a specific situation, intuition will be more likely to pick up clues about this particular aspect than about anything else.
Become Clairvoyant Step 2
Become Clairvoyant Step 2

Step 2. Work on your indirect intuition, also called symbolic intuition

It focuses on your mind's natural ability to grasp key elements, developing your ability to see and interpret their symbols.

  • Get a pencil and paper.
  • Ask yourself "What does my life need right now?" Repeat this question three times, pausing between repetitions, as you imagine getting closer and closer to a meaningful answer.
  • After asking the question three times, take the pencil and draw the first symbol that comes to mind.
  • Interpret the symbol. Try to understand what it represents from your point of view and the role it plays in your life.
Become Clairvoyant Step 3
Become Clairvoyant Step 3

Step 3. Listen to your dreams

The human mind enters REM sleep every 90 minutes; it is in this moment that you dream. Dreams can be an important tool in your journey to interpret clues from external stimuli, already analyzed by your subconscious.

  • Before going to sleep, put a notepad and pen on the bedside table. Ask yourself a question or focus on a specific situation in your life, to which you should give an intuitive answer. Repeat this as often as possible before falling asleep.
  • Upon awakening, write down everything you dreamed of. If you don't remember, write or draw whatever comes to mind.
  • Repeat as necessary until you find an answer to that question.
Become Clairvoyant Step 4
Become Clairvoyant Step 4

Step 4. Try another method to develop your intuition

What we are about to explain involves using cards to help you focus your energy and subconsciously answer questions using your intuition.

  • Sit in front of a table with three white cards in front of you.
  • Think of a question or situation for which you need your intuition to intervene. Write three different solutions, one per card.
  • Turn the cards, so you won't see the answers. Change their position and place them upside down on the table.
  • Run your hands over the cards. Take your time, relax and breathe deeply.
  • Turn the cards. The one you felt most attracted to should give you the correct solution.

Part 2 of 4: Developing Clairvoyance

Become Clairvoyant Step 5
Become Clairvoyant Step 5

Step 1. Let go of your fears

Most experienced psychics will say that the biggest obstacle you will have to overcome is the fear surrounding this skill once you become clairvoyant.

  • Identify the source of your fear. Often you may have a silly fear, such as worrying about your appearance, but other times you may have a scary image and, as a result, turn off your clairvoyant skills.
  • Get rid of fear by repeating an affirmative sentence, silently or aloud. Try "I won't be afraid after seeing my future".
Become Clairvoyant Step 6
Become Clairvoyant Step 6

Step 2. Increase your visual imagination

Before you can use clairvoyance to answer direct and specific questions, you should increase your ability to see vivid images in your head. You can do this with a simple visualization exercise.

  • Imagine yourself holding seven balloons, each of a different color.
  • Let them go one at a time. Watch one float in the blue sky until it disappears before letting go of another and visualizing the same image.
  • Practice this exercise until you can clearly see each balloon completing its journey.
Become Clairvoyant Step 7
Become Clairvoyant Step 7

Step 3. Ask a specific question

When it comes time to use your clairvoyance to answer a particular question, be sure to formulate one in a very specific way so that you can get to the heart of the matter.

Forget the general questions, such as "Will I like my birthday party?". Considering this example, think about what you actually want your birthday to be and ask a more specific question, such as "Will my friends or relatives take me out to do something special for my birthday?"

Become Clairvoyant Step 8
Become Clairvoyant Step 8

Step 4. Open the third eye

After asking the question, breathe deeply three times. Focus on the area between the eyes. This point is a chakra called the "third eye", and psychics claim it is responsible for your visual clairvoyance abilities.

Keep breathing as you focus your attention on this area. Look for a horizontal circle between the eyes, this is your third eye. Ask him to open up, repeating the request until you get what you want and feel a sensation of warmth pervade your whole body

Become Clairvoyant Step 9
Become Clairvoyant Step 9

Step 5. Let the images come to you naturally

They have to enter your mind without being forced. Don't force them. If they seem foggy or unclear, ask them, aloud or quietly, to develop their size and strength right away.

  • Insights usually come into your mind as if they were an image; you can also see an image outside your head or see a movie inside or outside your mind.
  • The images could be in black and white or in color. Also, they could be realistic or cartoon-like.
  • If you can't understand what these images mean, ask "What do they mean?" loudly or quietly.
  • You should receive an answer by a feeling, a thought or a sound.
  • If that doesn't work, repeat the exercise until some response comes. At first, the answer may seem fuzzy and uncertain, but it's important to trust yourself, either way.

Part 3 of 4: Clairaudience, Clairosenzience, Clairocognition

Become Clairvoyant Step 10
Become Clairvoyant Step 10

Step 1. Know the difference between these three types of clairvoyance

When people think of mediums and prediction of the future, they often only consider clairvoyance, which is the practice of future vision. However, there are other senses you can use to anticipate what's going to happen.

  • Clairaudience is the ability to listen to paranormal energy.
  • Clairsentience is the ability to feel energy. It often manifests itself in the form of instinctive and empathic feelings.
  • Clairocognition is the ability to know things without being told. If you had a grandmother or aunt who knew who was sick in your home without being informed beforehand, she probably possessed this ability.
Become Clairvoyant Step 11
Become Clairvoyant Step 11

Step 2. Develop clairaudience by focusing on the sounds in your imagination

As you mature this skill, you must learn to regulate your sensitivity to the sounds around you and within you.

  • When lying in bed at night, listen carefully to the noises you usually overlook. Separate them and individual them all. Make a number of them before you fall asleep, and do this for a week or so.
  • Listen to your clairaudience guide. Imagine turning on a radio and tune into your clairaudience station. Start asking questions and listen to any answers you get. These words could be spoken softly or aloud, be sharp or confused; however, once you hear the answer, you need to analyze what it means.
Become Clairvoyant Step 12
Become Clairvoyant Step 12

Step 3. Work on clairaudience by focusing on the energy of another person

One of the most useful ways to develop this skill is to work on interpreting someone else's energy and feelings. You can practice it in several ways.

  • Ask a friend to show you a photo of someone you don't know, but he knows well. Look at this person's eyes in the picture and try to determine how they felt when taking the shot. Also, ask yourself if she can be trusted and notice everything that stands out. Tell your friend your feelings to see if they are accurate.
  • Ask a friend to give you an item that belongs to someone you don't know, but he knows well. The item should be used or carried regularly by this person, as they are more likely to have absorbed more energy. Hold it in your hands and try to figure out if it has positive or negative energy.
Become Clairvoyant Step 13
Become Clairvoyant Step 13

Step 4. Develop clear recognition using automatic writing exercises

The development of this skill is very similar to that of intuition. You will need to focus on exercises that will help you organize your thoughts and understanding, such as automatic writing.

  • Sit down armed with a pen and paper. Ask yourself a question and write down everything you can think of to answer, even if it doesn't make sense.
  • Force the mind to be a spectator during this exercise. Don't let them think about the information you get or try to give them direction. Just write the thoughts until they appear.
  • Read what you wrote. If something strikes you, highlight it and analyze it after you finish reading everything that came up while you were writing.

Part 4 of 4: Enhancing the Experience

Become Clairvoyant Step 14
Become Clairvoyant Step 14

Step 1. Write a diary

Whether you are looking to develop intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairaudience or clairaudience, keeping track of your experiences as a medium in a journal can help you develop your skills further.

Journaling helps you understand your strongest sensitive and intuitive skills. It also allows you to gauge the accuracy of what you predict and to gauge what your most accurate answers are

Become Clairvoyant Step 15
Become Clairvoyant Step 15

Step 2. Find an intuition companion

Although none of your friends or relatives work on developing clairvoyance, you should have at least one person with whom you can openly express your thoughts. Sharing your experiences can help you sharpen your understanding.

  • Share what you write in your intuition journal and discuss your interpretations.
  • Discuss similar experiences your intuition companion has had and help him analyze the dreams or thoughts that remain shrouded in mystery to him.
