Coyotes are highly intelligent, opportunistic and creative animals; in fact they are so smart that they have even learned to chase students to drop their lunch baskets on the floor! As the coyote population is increasing, they are also becoming braver and adapting more and more to our human-sized environments, and it is increasingly difficult to scare them. In the presence of daring coyotes beginning to venture out of the woods to rural and camping areas, in order to avoid danger to both humans and the animals themselves, we have both the need and the responsibility to dissuade them from approaching inhabited areas or where humans carry out their activities.

Step 1. Install fences
The fence should have a height of at least 1.8 meters and be planted in the ground for about thirty centimeters. The space between one vertical element and another should not exceed 10 cm. Because coyotes are so smart, they may sometimes jump over the fence or dig a hole to get under it. This is what often happens on livestock farms, when the temptation of a hungry coyote is so great that the animal goes to great lengths to get in.
- A bit of barbed wire lying on the ground can be useful to discourage the animal from digging under the fence.
- Crops and farms can only be defended from coyote attack if the fence is high enough and well planted in the ground. Make sure the livestock is inside the pen, or at least someone is watching it throughout - the length of time it is moved or grazed outside.
- More expensive fences are made with masonry foundations and with protrusions; to save costs they can be used for cattle fattening pens, shelter areas, livestock pens, or isolation areas.
- Electrified fences are a very useful and affordable alternative to surround large areas for livestock.
- At night it is advisable to take the cattle to shelter.
- Donkeys and llamas can be used as guard animals for the protection of livestock. For donkeys, castrated females or males are used, because otherwise they would be too aggressive. If donkeys or llamas are used, be careful not to let them "socialize" with other donkeys or llamas, otherwise they would neglect the herd of cattle they have to defend. Having several species that graze together rather than apart, such as sheep, goats and cattle, offers benefits for their protection.

Step 2. Use noises
Noises have a big effect on coyotes roaming your fields.
- To scare off coyotes, try making very loud noises with metal lids on garbage cans or anything else that makes an annoying noise.
- Scream and make a big noise in every possible way.
- Alarms triggered by motion detection can be helpful. An even more technological alternative is the new anti-coyote sound system. This system relies on the fact that pumas sometimes hunt coyotes. So the system plays the cougar's cry and should keep the coyotes away.
- Propane cannons can be used to keep coyotes away from farms and ranches.

Step 3. If you come across a coyote on your farm or land, use the surprise effect to scare it away
There are some things you can try to do, such as loud footsteps. Coyotes don't like unusual stimuli, and maneuvers aimed at frightening them can at least initially intimidate them. However, try never to make eye contact with a coyote's, but turn your back or run away, as otherwise you will give the coyote a signal of aggression or offer an invitation to hunt you down and attack you. If you want to survive, keep calm or try one of these maneuvers to scare the coyote:
- Spray coyote water with a hose.
- Try to sound scary by making a lot of noise and moving constantly; wave your arms and kick your legs. This will show who's in charge and keep the coyote away.
- To make noise, use children's toys, such as toy guns, sirens, bells, etc.
- Use motion-sensing lights that come on when a coyote walks through a particular area of your property. Having dusk-to-dawn lighting can act as a deterrent for coyotes who will be discouraged from entering the lighted area. There are also siren strobe lights that when used as directed by the manufacturer can keep coyotes in sight.
- While a vehicle can temporarily keep coyotes away, particularly if it moves incontinently, it could eventually also become a spur to act by providing a hiding place from which to attack, so be careful before relying on this system.

Step 4. Eliminate food sources that coyotes like
While coyotes like meat (especially rodents), since they feed opportunistically, they eat whatever they get. Therefore it is important to prevent them from finding food around. Before anything else, never try to feed a coyote to try to tame or help it; feeding them is just a way to reinforce weak behavior, and it will encourage them to return without being able to tame them. Some behaviors that can be adopted to reduce food sources on farms and campsites are the following:
- Put the garbage in a coyote-proof container. Basically it will keep the animal away if it is tightly closed and cannot be opened easily. In case the shops are not supplied with this type of container, ask the local authorities for information.
- Both at home and on the campsite, properly dispose of all organic waste. Food scraps should be placed in a garbage container or in a tightly closed compost container. Don't leave any food residues lying around.
- Pick ripe fruit from the trees and collect what fell to the ground before it becomes the coyote feast.

Step 5. Keep pets away from coyotes
Dogs, cats, and other pets can be a reason for attack, mating, or a possible meal. If you live in a coyote-infested area or are camping with your pets, follow these tips to defend them:
- Have them come indoors at night (dogs and cats), and during the day keep an eye on them to prevent them from bumping into a coyote and becoming their next attack or meal.
- Keep pet food indoors or away from places a coyote might rummage. If you want pets to eat outside, put the food they leave back indoors as soon as the pet has finished eating.
- Castra or neuter your dogs. When the dogs are ready for mating, the coyotes try to mate with them.
- If your dog isn't specially trained, don't make him a guard dog against coyotes. These dogs, in order to be able to protect livestock from coyote attacks, need proper breeding and training, otherwise they will become prey themselves.
- Cover the ponds with fish. Coyotes also eat goldfish left unattended.
- Do not spread bird seeds. While they may not seem like a suitable food for coyotes, they are attracted to birdseed. After the birds have eaten, collect the remaining seeds or otherwise use a different system to feed them that does not involve spilling the seeds.

Step 6. Remove the trash piles from your property
They often serve to hide prey and predator. Rabbits and other prey that coyotes like can use junk piles to breed and sleep in, so they attract coyotes. In addition, coyotes use piles of trash to hide before launching an attack. Removing piles of garbage also has many other benefits, such as reducing the chances of hiding even for snakes, poisonous insects, spiders or scorpions, and makes the environment more pleasant.
Eliminate all water sources around the farm or campsite; they can attract coyotes

Step 7. Try using wolf urine
A natural and innovative solution to the growing coyote problem is the use of wolf urine as a deterrent. Wolves are one of coyote's natural predators, and the coyote population decreases each time wolves are reintroduced to an area.
Another smell that can keep coyotes away is that of mothballs or ammonia-soaked rags. Place them at strategic points around the farm or campsite

Step 8. If these orthodox solutions weren't enough, you will need to consider calling a professional
Many professional wildlife hunters use live traps so the coyote won't have to pay for the blame for crossing the border with his life. However you need to be aware that the relocation is not effective, so it is much better to get hold of the barriers we talked about above, so that you can continue living in harmony with the coyote population.
- Teach your kids to respect nature and wild animals by keeping their distance. Always keep an eye on where your children are when there are coyotes around.
- When camping, follow the instructions given by the forest rangers or other camp authorities regarding coyotes that may be in the area. Under no circumstances should you feed or encourage a coyote. Make sure you don't leave your attractive foods and smells lying around, including cosmetics. The same precautions used to keep bears away can help.
- Coyotes are shy animals, but if they are provoked or if they feel threatened they go on the attack. Always keep your distance, and remember that coyotes are wild animals. Teach children to be respectfully wary.
- For coyotes, chicken nets are very easy to break down. Do not use them as barriers, but only as enclosures to keep animals within a properly functioning enclosure.
- Learn about the laws and regulations related to the protection of coyotes in your area. In some states and provinces it is illegal to kill a coyote, and in other areas there are specific regulations and seasons for coyote hunting.