Pi is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference, and it is one of the most respected mathematical constants. The first Pi Day was officially celebrated in the San Francisco Exploratorium in 1988. Since that time, Pi Day has been celebrated by millions of students and math lovers. The holiday is celebrated on March 14, because 3 and 14 are the three most significant digits of the decimal form of Pi. If you want to learn how to properly celebrate Pi day, read on.

Step 1. Eat Pi-inspired foods
Eating pi-inspired foods is the easiest and most fun way to celebrate pi. If you go to school, everyone can bring themed foods, and if you're celebrating with friends, you can enjoy a themed meal together. Here are some creative ideas for foods related to pi:
- Eat any kind of "pie" (pie). Try apple, pumpkin, pecan pies.
- Insert the pi symbol on cookies, cakes and cupcakes. You can prepare the food first and write "pi" on it with the icing.
- Use the word play approach. Eat "pi" freight, "pi" and "pi" saddle and drink "pi" nacolada.
- Use the shape method. Make pi-shaped cookies, cakes, breads and pancakes.
- Pi-inspired foods don't have to be limited to sweets.

Step 2. Create a "pi" environment
Just as you prepare the tree and mistletoe, wear Christmas accessories, and sing Christmas carols during that time of year, you can do a lot to remember pi by changing your surroundings. Here are some ideas:
- Wear a pi shirt.
- Wear accessories with pi. You can wear necklaces, watches, or use mugs and other themed items.
- Get yourself a temporary pi tattoo.
- Stick pi stickers on your items.
- Change your phone or computer wallpaper to a pi inspired image.
- Change the theme of your internet browser to remember pi.
Step 3. Don't forget to celebrate Pi at 3:09 pm
Spend a minute dedicating pi in the way you think is right. During this minute, you can cheer with joy, or start a countdown to the next minute.
- You can also spend the minute in silence and be more serious. Each person can think about what pi means to them and think about what the world would be like without pi. If you are in school, someone might announce the minute of pi to the loudspeaker.
- If you have written a song about pi, or have prepared a choreography, now is the right time to share it with friends.

Step 4. Convert everything to pi
This step is absolutely necessary for two reasons: first, to confuse people who won't know what you're talking about, and second, to have fun seeing how many things you can tie into pi. This way you will be able to appreciate the wonderful pi even more. Consider two approaches:
- Use pi to tell the time. Convert circular elements, such as a clock, to radians. Instead of being three o'clock, it is pi means.
- Simply use pi as the unit of measurement. Instead of being 31, you are 9 pi. With the same approach, you can discover your new birthday pi (don't forget to celebrate it).
Step 5. Play games inspired by pi
These games are fun and improve your understanding more, as well as make everyone enjoy pi more.
- There are many traditional games appropriate for Pi day, such as a "pi" gnatta.
- Answer math questions. Prepare for pi day with at least ten math questions to surprise people with. They should be related to geometry, trigonometry, or other fields where pi is particularly useful.
- Play a pi-inspired version of a quiz game.
- Organize a themed treasure hunt.
- Remember that pi day occurs on Albert Einstein's birthday. Organize an Einsten-inspired quiz game or a competition for imitators of the famous scientist.
- Organize a pi memorization or declamation contest. If you really want to show your dedication to pi, memorize as many digits as you can in preparation for this day.
- Discuss the different ways of deriving pi.
- Write as many digits of pi on a chalkboard as you can, and then try to find your name, birthday, credit card number, etc.

Step 6. Use your artistic side to celebrate pi
You don't necessarily have to be a rational person to fully celebrate pi. You can use your creative side too. And even if you're not the most talented poet or writer in the world, you can still have fun. You don't have to create your own art to celebrate pi; you can limit yourself to appreciating the art that already does it. Here are some ways to celebrate pi in an artistic way:
- Write poetry. Write a haiku or poem to show your love for pi.
- Write a pi-inspired song.
- Write a short themed play and recite it.
- Paint a picture with the subject pi.
- Watch the movie π.. It's a dark-toned movie about a mad mathematician. It is very interesting, but it is reserved for an adult audience.
Listen to Kate Bush. Prog rock musician Kate Bush sang the song called π on her 2005 album Aerial.
Bush sings pi up to its 137th decimal place, but omits the digits 79-100 for unknown reasons
- Watch the film Life of Pi. Technically "Pi" is just the name of the protagonist, but it will remind you of pi.
Step 7. Celebrate pi physically
You can also use your physical skills, or even your self, to show your love for pi. Here are some things you can do to celebrate pi:
- Run for more kilometers. Run for 3.14 kilometers. You can do even more by organizing a ride for friends and colleagues.
- Lie down with friends in pi formation and take a picture. If you are brave, have two people standing and one lying sideways on top of them. Make sure the person on top is the lightest.
- Drive exactly 3.14 kilometers.
- Walk in a circle.

Step 8. Help pass on the tradition
Don't let this be an impromptu celebration - you owe it to pi. Get ready for next year's event and create a club or website for pi lovers.
- Talk about your plans for pi day for the following year. This will help you generate excitement.
- Take notes after the celebrations. What can you do next year to make the celebrations even more incredible?
- Next year, talk about the days in the previous months to get your more skeptical friends to join. You can also advertise the event by sending emails to your closest friends or by creating a Facebook page for pi day.
- Note that the Approximation day of pi is held on July 22nd, because 22/7 is an approximation of pi.
- Show your love for pi by getting married on this day. There is nothing more romantic than marrying the one you love at 15:09 26 seconds on March 14, to symbolize that, like pi, your love will continue forever.
- Pi continues indefinitely, and to date it has been calculated up to 2 trillion decimal places, thanks to the use of computers.