Many people think that it is difficult to stay healthy because you have to go on a diet and spend a lot of time in the gym, but the reality is very different! By changing your daily routine and setting yourself some small goals, you will be on the right path to living healthier and happier. Get used to making healthy choices when you need to eat, relax, move, and sleep. You will soon begin to see the results of a more balanced lifestyle!
Part 1 of 4: Follow a Healthy Diet

Step 1. Drink more water
Adults should drink 2-3 liters of water (or about eight 240-ml glasses) per day, while children 1-2 liters (or about five 240-ml glasses). These quantities should be considered net of other beverages, such as tea and coffee. Water keeps the body at the right temperature and eliminates toxins.
- In addition, water moisturizes the skin, facilitates the work of the kidneys, helps control appetite and gives energy.
- It also prevents you from consuming high-calorie and unhealthy drinks, such as sodas and fruit juices. The body barely perceives the intake and within a short time you feel thirsty again from sugars.
- Hot water stimulates the digestive system. It also helps the body detoxify naturally. Make sure it's hot, not hot.
if you don't like the taste of plain water, sprinkle some lemon, lime or 100% natural juice.

Step 2. Have breakfast
All you need is a healthy and light breakfast to receive the necessary benefits to fuel. If it's made up of lean proteins and whole grains, it will keep you full until lunch. According to some studies, those who skip breakfast actually eat more. So, if you want to moderate your appetite, don't neglect the first meal of the day.
Instead of a coffee and two chocolate donuts, which are more caloric than anything else, opt for eggs, fruit and skim milk, a squeeze of orange or a cup of tea. The healthier your breakfast, the more active and energetic you will feel during the day and you will not feel the need to eat after hours

Step 3. Eat right for the rest of the day
If half your plate consists of fruits and vegetables, you are on the right track. Add lean protein sources, low-fat dairy products, and whole grains. Once you have established an eating behavior, you will be physically better off. At first, you may go through a phase in which the body wonders where the sugar intake went, but once you get used to it, you will feel better than before.
- Remember that not all fats are bad. The good ones are found in oily fish, such as salmon and tuna, avocado, tree nuts and olive oil. They are essential for a balanced diet.
- Make an effort to eat at regular times and avoid nibbling all day.

Step 4. Eat at the right times
To dine and digest properly, you should sit at the table between 5pm and 8pm. Avoid late-night snacks as they provide unnecessary calories and can disrupt sleep. If you feel the need to snack at night, limit yourself to a handful of unsalted nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables.
- If digestion at night disturbs sleep, finish eating 3-4 hours before bedtime.
- Either way, it's not wrong to snack, as long as it's not overdone. In fact, eating continuously inhibits hunger and prevents you from binging at the table. The important thing is to be able to moderate.

Step 5. Try to avoid meat for a few days a week
Vegetarianism is a great way to reduce calorie intake and get a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It can also promote cardiovascular health. If you don't want to fully embrace this eating style, try eating less meat to improve your health. Choose certain days of the week to follow the vegetarian diet and replace red meat with chicken, turkey and fish on others.
- When you want to eat vegetarian dishes, opt for non-starchy vegetables instead of sticking to pasta and rice. If you choose grains, give preference to whole grains. Also consider including a protein source with each meal, such as eggs, low-fat dairy products, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, tofu, or other meat substitutes.
- For example, try a whole wheat tortilla accompanied with scrambled egg whites, tomatoes and spinach for breakfast, a black bean soup with a side of salad for lunch, Greek yogurt for a snack, and a portion of lasagna at lunchtime. vegetables for dinner.
- If you eliminate the meat, you increase your fiber intake. Fiber intake has been shown to lower cholesterol, keep blood sugar at bay, improve gut health, and avoid overeating. The daily requirement of fiber is equivalent to 30 g for men and 21 for women. After the age of 50, this amount goes up to 38 g for men and 25 g for women. Some excellent sources of fiber are fruits and vegetables (with peel), whole grains and legumes.

Step 6. Limit simple carbohydrates
Although they are an important food group, they can be harmful to health. They quickly increase the energies and then lower them with the same speed, stimulating the appetite. With the exception of fruit, they are also high in calories and lacking in nutrients. It is preferable to avoid sweets and added sugars, but you can eat them in moderation.
Technically, fruit contains simple carbohydrates, but it is a healthy food because it provides a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Whenever you can, eat it without peeling it

Step 7. Always read product labels
Processed foods have a bad reputation for good reason. However, you can choose the "lesser evil". A pack of frozen broccoli is definitely better than a pack of burgers with cheese. Basically, you should avoid processed foods as much as possible, but if you can't, read the labels and make sure the worst ingredients, such as salt, sugar, and fat, are not present.
- Products sold in supermarkets often contain added sodium, trans fat and saturated fat. If you see these ingredients listed in the table (especially if they are in high quantities), avoid buying them. You will certainly find a healthier alternative elsewhere. It's not worth it.
- Just because the package says the product doesn't contain trans fats doesn't mean it doesn't actually have them. A negligible amount can be legally omitted, so if you read "hydrogenated vegetable oil", know that it is one of the "indicted" ingredients in disguise.

Step 8. Ask your doctor if you can take supplements
This way, you will be sure that you are getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need. Take them with meals to absorb them better. You could choose a multivitamin or supplement particular nutrients you are deficient in, such as calcium, vitamin D, or vitamin B12.
- Do not take them without first consulting your doctor, especially if you are on drug therapy.
- Remember that supplements are no substitute for healthy eating.

Step 9. Use intermittent fasting to control calories and improve endurance
Intermittent fasting consists of abstaining from food for 12-16 hours over the course of a day or on certain days of the week. It helps burn fat by using it as an energy source and speeding up your metabolism, but it can also help you manage your calorie intake.
- For example, try having breakfast at 6:00 and eating again at 18:30.
- Alternatively, you can eat normally on Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, but fast on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
- This form of fasting is not suitable for everyone, especially people with diabetes and hypoglycemia. Consult your doctor before changing your meal plan.
Part 2 of 4: Setting Up a Healthy Workout

Step 1. Get in shape
In addition to facilitating weight loss and boosting self-confidence, physical activity offers additional benefits for the body and mind. For example, good cardiovascular health reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. So, go to the pool or park to run or walk as often as you can.
- In addition, exercise strengthens the immune system. Even a small change, such as brisk walking for 20-30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, can boost your defenses, improving both the antibody response and the Natural Killer cell response.
- Physical movement also allows you to sleep better at night, as well as helping you lose weight and prevent you from overeating. Read this article for more details.

Step 2. Maintain normal body weight
Each person has a different physical structure which varies in terms of weight and size. An individual with a massive build can weigh more than a smaller person.
- Being underweight isn't appropriate either! Do not follow any crash diet. There is no magic bullet to lose weight and, even if you wanted to with all your might, starving and depriving the body of essential nutrients is not an adequate solution. It is much safer to gradually change habits because the physical health benefits will be greater in the long run.
- If you don't want to go on a diet, read the article How to Lose Weight With Exercise Only. Remember, though, that only professional athletes are capable of burning enough calories to allow themselves to break the rule. Remember, however, that even they do not allow them, because they are bad for the body. Even if you are getting more calories than recommended, at least make sure they come from nutrients. The heart, brain, muscles, bones, organs and blood cannot work efficiently if you only eat empty calories.

Step 3. Practice cross training
Just because you can run 8km without stopping does not mean that you are in perfect health: the same is also true if you manage to lift weights equivalent to a small Toyota. If you only do one physical activity, you only use one set of muscles. If you swim or do cardio exercise, you may not even keep up!
What is the solution? Cross training. In this way, you not only do exercises that involve all the muscles (preventing the risk of injuries and injuries), but you also avoid boredom, which usually kills the workout. Then, incorporate aerobic exercises and muscle strengthening into your routine. The whole body will be grateful to you

Step 4. Be cautious when exercising
Obviously, there are wrong ways to play sports. Whenever you move, you run the risk of injury, so make sure you train properly!
- First, keep yourself hydrated. You should always replenish any fluids lost during exercise. If you become dehydrated by sweating (or even without sweating), you may feel lightheaded or have a headache.
- Give yourself some breaks not because you are lazy, but to avoid fatigue. You can't train continuously. After about 30 minutes, drink some water and stop. The body needs a few minutes to recover. This way, you will improve your physical performance over time.

Step 5. Take every opportunity to move
To stay active, you don't necessarily have to work out non-stop or join the gym. You could just choose a certain lifestyle and stick to it every day, all day long. If you add 10 more steps every now and then, it's all good.
For example, you can park a little further away from the entrance to the office, mall or grocery store. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk the dog every day. Have lunch at the park. Ride your bike to work or to the coffee shop. You can always take some small opportunities
Part 3 of 4: Being Emotionally Healthy

Step 1. Think positively
It's amazing how much power our mind has over everything. By seeing the glass half full, you can turn an obstacle into an opportunity. Not only will you face life with greater enthusiasm, but your immune system will also be stronger and able to fight cold ailments and heart ailments! It was proved by a study from Harvard University.
To begin, focus on gratitude. As soon as you think about the bad things around you, stop and banish these thoughts. Instead, think of two things you feel grateful for. Eventually, the mind will acquire this approach and block the negativities before you are forced to do it rationally

Step 2. Don't forget the little pleasures
You don't have to "be satisfied with your life" (it can happen, but only for a second), but try to "please yourself". If you are on a diet, indulge in a (small) gluttony. If you want to watch your favorite TV series for three hours straight on a Friday night, don't hesitate. Do whatever little thing makes you happy.
Happiness is priceless, like health. If you are not happy, you risk getting sick. Only when we are well with the mind and body can we calmly face all that life has in store for us. If problems arise at work, in the family, with friends, in romantic relationships or of a financial nature, sometimes it is enough to make seemingly marginal decisions, such as eating well. Of course, you will not solve the situation, but with an efficient body and mind, you will be ready to face any complications

Step 3. Be realistic
If you focus on unattainable goals, the risk of getting discouraged, disheartened and giving up is always around the corner. After all, why try to accomplish something that will never happen? A healthy approach focuses on the "present". Of course, it's okay to think about the future too, but there's no need to worry about something that hasn't happened yet, admitted and not allowed to happen.
It is easier to feel emotionally healthy (and happy) when focusing on a single step at a time and not on the final destination. If you want to become a movie star, think about your next audition first. Then look for a good manager to represent you and so on. The present always comes before the future, so do everything in this order

Step 4. Manage your stress
This is a big problem. When stress takes over, everything else doesn't matter anymore. At home, disorder reigns, the mind becomes confused and interpersonal relationships become tense. Take a moment and think seriously about the level of stress you have reached: can you manage it? What can you do to calm down and relax?
- A healthy way to manage stress is to practice yoga. However, if it doesn't appeal to you particularly, you can try meditating. Don't you even want to meditate? The important thing is that you are able to dedicate ten minutes a day to recovering mental energy. Sit in a secluded spot and breathe. Organize yourself to recharge every day.
- When you feel stressed, do some breathing exercises or breathe deeply to calm down and relax your body.

Step 5. Choose your friends wisely
We all know people who take our energy and drain us out, but we hang out with them anyway because maybe they have an ultra HD TV or simply because we're afraid of getting bored without it. Unfortunately, they are a deterrent to our emotional health. We know they do us more harm than good, but we neglect this for consistency or to avoid embarrassing situations. However, you need to take care of your peace of mind and mental stability, so keep negative people out of your life. In the long run you will be happy with this choice.
- Can't you recognize a toxic friendship and put an end to this situation? Read these two articles.
- Being around friends can improve your life. Hang out with people who enrich her.

Step 6. Be productive
One of the best feelings is when you get a lot of things done. In that moment, you feel practically unstoppable. It comes to your mind when your mother told you: "If you put in the effort, you can do it" and you understand that it is true! Now imagine feeling this euphoria all the time.
- Start by listing everything there is to do. You can also write a note on a calendar or diary. However, remember to keep your feet on the ground. Enter some chore to get started. It will all go well before you know it.
- Try to learn something new throughout the day to keep your mind trained and ward off cognitive impairment.

Step 7. Take a break
This step is reminiscent of the concept of acknowledging small pleasures: you should do what you feel is right, regardless of what others expect. When you go to the bar, treat yourself to that pastry you have long craved without feeling guilty. Spend a whole night away from home. Take a morning completely free. When you return to your routine, you will feel more energized and vital.
It also applies to exercise. If you always do the same movements, you get used to it, you get bored and you run away with the risk of not improving. Instead of working out the same way every day, go to the pool every now and then for a change. It is not a question of laziness, but of common sense

Step 8. Find a psychological balance
Even if you are able to control every aspect of your health, you cannot feel 100% well if you are suffering from deep inner discomfort. We all need to be stimulated from time to time, so you can do thousands of things to feel better about yourself. If it's a more serious problem, you should learn how to manage emotional pain or even depression.
Once you have worked on yourself, also deal with the way you cultivate your interpersonal relationships. Learn to recognize a manipulative or authoritarian relationship and, if necessary, deal with emotional abuse, so that you can live a healthy relationship

Step 9. Include art in your life
Any human activity that leads to forms of artistic expression can increase enthusiasm for life and improve health. Listening to music, playing an instrument, dancing, doing theater or giving vent to one's creativity, it is possible to nourish psychophysical well-being. Expose yourself using your creativity and see how others express themselves through art.
- Have a creative hobby or take a class.
- Practice an art activity with friends.

Step 10. Travel as soon as you get the chance
Traveling also contributes to improving physical and mental health. It allows you to grow creatively, relax and live new experiences. Plus, it keeps you active and reduces the risk of falling into depression.
It is not easy if the financial resources are low. In this case, try organizing a day trip or a short drive
Part 4 of 4: Having Healthy Habits

Step 1. Plan your daily life
A routine can help you meet your goals for eating, for physical activity, and for reducing stress. Plus, it gives you time to do whatever you want, like hanging out with friends or cultivating a passion. Create a routine that suits your needs!
- If necessary, you can also vary it according to the days.
- Try to organize yourself in different ways until you find the most convenient one.

Step 2. Stop engaging in risky behavior
Avoid exposing yourself to unnecessary dangers, otherwise you end up subjecting your body and mind to a lot of stress. Plus, over time you could face devastating consequences. Keep in mind that the most serious and repeated risk behaviors are an indication of profound psychological problems and that, therefore, should be addressed with a specialist. Start thinking about the following:
- Having safe sex
- Stop drinking excessively
- Stop drinking without using Alcoholics Anonymous;
- Stop smoking;
- Getting out of the drug addiction tunnel;
Wear a helmet when cycling and wear seat belts when in the car.
- These are achievable purposes. While they may be scary, they are not impossible. If we manage to complete one, we realize that the various pieces of our life can gradually come together.
- If you're not engaging in any risky behavior, congratulations!
Be Healthy Step 27 Step 3. Train several times during the week
We have already stressed how important it is to keep fit, but now we want to emphasize this aspect. Training must be part of your daily routine. This way you can speed up your metabolism, keep your weight under control and feel energetic throughout the week. Three great reasons!
Here is a concrete example: Try to do 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week (or 75 minutes of high intensity activity) accompanied by muscle strengthening twice a week. Mowing the lawn is also worth it
Be Healthy Step 28 Step 4. Sleep well
During sleep, the body stimulates the production of cells that fight infections, inflammatory processes and stress. In other words, if the quality or quantity of your night's rest is poor, not only will you be more likely to get sick, but it will take you longer to heal. On top of that, when you sleep well, you wake up in great shape and are more active during the day. Sleep is very important for health!
A study conducted by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that men who sleep only 4 hours tend to consume 500 calories more than those who rest for 8 hours. If you are looking for an easy way to lose weight, you have found it!
Read this article for more information
Be Healthy Step 29 Step 5. Learn to cook
It is a wonderful experience that allows you to enjoy various dishes and, at the same time, save money. Plus, you can check every little ingredient you introduce into your body. It really is the only way to change your eating habits!
When cooking, avoid using oils and other fats. Opt for olive oil instead of seed oil, butter, or margarine. Limit the salt and cheese. If you don't like the taste of a dish without these ingredients, try cooking it differently
Be Healthy Step 30 Step 6. Take care of your personal hygiene
Wash your hands often, especially when you go to the bathroom (both home and public). Germs spread like the flames of a fire and infect us in the blink of an eye. Don't underestimate the shower if the concept isn't clear enough.
As for mouth hygiene, remember to brush your teeth, floss and brush your tongue after meals. Food particles cause bad breath and gum disease. Go to the dentist regularly, both for cleaning and to identify any problems in time
Be Healthy Step 31 Step 7. Strengthen the immune system
It is easy for no one to stay healthy and in full physical shape if he is forced to continually fight against exhaustion, colds, infections and other effects caused by the weakening of the immune defenses. For more information read this article.
If you can, get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs through food. Supplements should only be taken as a second choice solution. Of course, consult your doctor before making any significant changes to your diet
- Get informed. Every day is an opportunity to learn something.
- Don't stress yourself out.
- Munch on some celery. It helps you burn more calories than you eat.
- Increase the intake of antioxidants to combat the action of free radicals associated with the onset of tumors, heart disease, atherosclerosis and other pathologies.
- Stick to your meal plan and stick to your exercise schedule.