Meeting new people and making friends can seem like a difficult undertaking, but with a little effort and the willingness to break away from your protective shell, you can do it. Start dating by going to places where you have the opportunity to socialize, like a local in town or a charity. Once you meet new people, take the time to get to know them and hang out with them. Plus, you'll need to make a commitment to keep your relationships alive.
Method 1 of 3: Finding Places to Make New Friends

Step 1. Make yourself available
If you want to make new friends, you will first have to "get involved" in order to meet new people. If you stay on the sidelines, it is difficult for anyone to come to you. For example, if you are still in school, sit where you see other classmates. It doesn't have to be crowded, but as long as there are at least one or two people.
- Remember that a friend rarely comes knocking on your door if you are holed up in the house playing on the computer.
- Seize the opportunity to go out and meet people. For example, try going to meetings and organized recreational activities at school or work. If someone invites you to a party, don't hesitate to accept!

Step 2. Join an association or group
It's a great way to connect with people who share the same interests with. You don't necessarily have to have a lot of affinity to befriend someone. Indeed, very often rewarding relationships arise between people who have very little in common. However, if you have a strong passion, try to find a place that allows you to hang out with people to cultivate it with.
- For example, you could join a group of peers who study science, a gang, an embroidery group, or any other activity where they share the same passions.
- If you play a musical instrument or sing, try joining a band or choir. Being part of a sports team is also a great choice if you are an athletic type or just want to try something new and exciting!
- If you are a believer, a church, mosque, temple or other house of worship is a great place to start because the common interest will be religious faith.
There are many resources on the Internet where you can find groups to share the same interests with. Try browsing or searching Facebook for groups and events organized near you.

Step 3. Volunteer for a cause you care about
Volunteering is a great way to meet people of all ages. You will be able to create bonds by working together with others. Also, you may know who, like you, want to change things (in the name of a common cause).
- For example, you could donate your time to a nursing home, hospital, or nonprofit.
- Search online or call your city's charities to find out about volunteer opportunities.

Step 4. Try to nurture relationships with people you already know
You probably already know someone to make a good friendship with. Try to get to know co-workers, classmates, or even people in your social media network.
For example, if you are a parent, you could contact the parents of your child's classmates. If you organize an afternoon of games dedicated to children, you will have the opportunity to make new friends
Method 2 of 3: Take the Initiative

Step 1. Take the opportunity to talk to people
You can go to church, school, or the gym, but you'll never be able to make friends if you don't actually interact with anyone. Likewise, it is not enough to go to an association to be a sociable person. You don't have to say anything special, just strike up a conversation in a friendly way (for example, "Isn't it a great day?" Or "You have a great shirt!") And see where it takes you!
- You can talk to anyone: the store clerk, the person sitting next to you on the bus, or other customers queuing at the supermarket checkout. Don't be too snobbish.
- Good manners help a lot. You can start talking to someone by simply saying "Good morning! How are you?" as you pass him. A cordial greeting gives you a more expansive air and predisposes others to respond warmly. It's a great way to start communicating with people.

Step 2. Make eye contact And you smile.
If you have an unfriendly and encouraging attitude, others will not be willing to be friends with you. Look the other person directly in the eye when they talk to you (or when you are talking to them) and give them a warm smile.
Avoid squinting, looking bored, sulking, or staring into space. Do not engage in closed attitudes, such as crossing your arms or sitting on the sidelines
Did you know that?
A great way to build relationships with people is to reproduce their body language. While interacting with someone, try to subtly imitate their gestures and expressions. For example, if he smiles or leans forward as he speaks, do the same.

Step 3. Start a conversation
Once you've found a person you'd like to befriend, chat with them. In this way, you will be able to understand if there is harmony and begin to lay the foundations for a relationship. You can take several approaches. Eg:
- Try commenting on the context you are in. The weather is a classic: "At least it doesn't rain like last week!".
- Ask for help: "If you have a minute, can you help me carry some boxes?" or "In your opinion, which of these is the best gift for my mother?". Alternatively, try offering your help by saying, for example, "Hi! Do you need a hand to clean?".
- Give a compliment: "What a beautiful car!" or "I love your shoes". However, don't get too personal because you risk making the other person uncomfortable.
- He replies with a question relevant to the topic of discussion: "Where did you get those shoes? I'm looking for a similar pair."

Step 4. Keep the conversation going by talking about this and that
If the interlocutor seems interested, continue by asking questions and offering some information about you. You don't have to say anything profound or very personal. The important thing is to show that you can listen and make interesting contributions to the conversation.
- People like to talk about themselves and their qualities. So, you'll look more interesting if you listen more than talk.
- Show your attention by nodding your head, maintaining eye contact, and intervening with appropriate questions and comments.
- For example, if the other person talks to you about their job, you might say, "Great! How did you find it?"

Step 5. Introduce yourself at the end of the conversation
You can do this by simply saying: "Anyway, my name is …". Once you introduce yourself, the other person will do the same.
- Alternatively, you can introduce yourself at the beginning. For example, try approaching a new colleague by saying, "Hi, I'm Sofia. I don't think we've met before. I work across the hall!"
- Remember her name! If you show that you remember what you said in a previous conversation, your attention and interest in him will not escape your attention.

Step 6. Make an invitation for lunch or coffee
You will have the opportunity to talk and get to know the other person better. Invite her for coffee by giving your email address or phone number so she can contact you. In return, he may give you his contact details, but that's not necessarily the case.
- To offer this invitation, you might say, "Well, I have to go now, but if you want to talk over lunch or over coffee, I'll leave you my number / email address."
- They will be more inclined to accept if you propose a day and a place for the meeting. For example, you might say, "It was really nice to chat with you! Would you like to have a coffee and a croissant together on Saturday?"
- If you find it awkward to ask for a one-on-one date, you could invite her to an event with other people, like a party or a movie night.

Step 7. Cultivate a common interest
If you have discovered any affinity with your interlocutor, deepen with other questions and, if appropriate, ask him if he is dating other people who have the same passion. If the answer is yes, this is the perfect opportunity to find out if you can join them. He is likely to take the initiative by inviting you if you have clearly expressed your interest (when, where, can someone else come?).
If not, if you are the one doing an activity that you think he or she might like, take the opportunity to leave your number or email and offer to join
Method 3 of 3: Cultivate Friendship

Step 1. Be loyal
Surely you have heard of "good time friends". They are the ones who enjoy being in your company when things are going well, but disappear in time of need. If you are a faithful friend, people who behave in the same way will gravitate around you. It's a great way to mind the real thing and attract the people you want into your life.
- If you want to be loyal and honest, be prepared to sacrifice time and energy to help whoever you consider your friend.
- If a friend needs help with an unpleasant task or needs a shoulder to cry on, be there.
Loyalty to friends doesn't mean being accommodating or getting trampled on. It's important to set healthy boundaries and say no every now and then if your well-being is involved.

Step 2. Make a commitment to keep the friendship alive
True friendships require a lot of dedication. If a friend always contacts you, arranges meetings, remembers your birthday, and saves you a place to have lunch together, do the same.
- Every now and then ponder and ask yourself if you are the kind of friend you would like to have around.
- On the other hand, consider whether your friend is doing their part as well. If not, maybe it's time to talk to each other honestly (be careful not to accuse or blame him if the relationship is taking a turn for the worse).

Step 3. Be trustworthy
Always keep your word. Try to be someone you can rely on. If you treat others in this way, you will surround yourself with equally serious and trustworthy people who will appreciate your quality.
- If you make plans with a friend to go somewhere, don't show up late and don't let them stand up.
- If you know you can't get there on time or can't go, call him as soon as you can. Apologize and ask if you can postpone the appointment.
- Don't make him wait unnecessarily. This is rude behavior and certainly not the best way to build a friendship.

Step 4. Learn to listen
It is often thought that, to be considered friends, it is necessary to arouse the interest of others. However, it is much more important to be able to show interest in others. Listen carefully to what your interlocutor is saying, remember the most important details (such as the name, what he likes and what he hates), investigate his interests and try to learn as much as possible about him.
- Don't pretend to always tell the most compelling story and avoid suddenly changing the subject instead of deepening the conversation.
- When you listen, focus on what the other person is saying instead of thinking about what you want to say. Do not interrupt it and do not dispense advice unless requested.

Step 5. Be worthy of the trust of others
One of the best aspects of friendship is having someone you can talk to about anything, even the secrets you keep from the rest of the world. However, you need to earn the other person's trust if you want them to open up to you without embarrassment.
- The key to being a good confidant is knowing how to keep secrets, so you should never reveal confidential information.
- If someone is counting on you, don't talk behind their back and don't let them down. You can also earn their trust by being honest and trustworthy.

Step 6. Emphasize your best qualities
Show others what makes you unique from the crowd. Talk about your hobbies and interests, share some of your past experiences with new friends. Everyone has interesting stories to tell, so don't be afraid to talk about yours. If you are a unique person, prove it!
- A little humor always helps to keep conversations light and cheerful. People love being in the company of those who make them laugh.
- Friendships work best when both parties feel comfortable. Accept and show your strengths when you are with a friend, but don't distort yourself just to please or impress him.

Step 7. Keep in touch
Friends often lose sight of each other because they are too busy or perhaps don't give much importance to the relationship. When you lose contact with a friend, the relationship tends to be wrecked and, if you don't try to contact them again, it is not easy to rebuild the bond you used to have.
- Even if you don't have time to have long conversations or meet up with each other, let him know that you always think about him by sending him a short text message or quickly passing by for a hello.
- It takes commitment to maintain a friendship. Take the time to talk to him about what's going on in your life. Respect their decisions and share yours. Try to always keep in touch.

Step 8. Choose your friends wisely
As they increase, you may find that it is easier to get along with some people and less with others. While you should always give the benefit of the doubt, in some cases you may find that some relationships are unhealthy - for example, when someone is obsessive, clingy, or wants to control you, they are always critical or pose a danger or threat to your life.. In these cases, try to end the friendship as gently as possible.
- Appreciate friends who have a positive effect on your life and go out of your way to be a positive influence on theirs.
- It is not easy to end a friendship, even if it is an unhealthy relationship. If you can't do otherwise, give yourself time to grieve and deal with this separation.
- You don't have to be a fun champion. Just be positive and friendly so that others feel appreciated and comfortable around you.
- Think about what you need to say before opening your mouth. If you speak without filters, you risk offending or hurting people.
- Get to know your friend's friends and family so that you are well received.
- Always be kind and never judge people by their outward appearance or why they are different from you. You will miss out on wonderful friendships if you offer no chance.
- Trust yourself! We tend to be attracted to confident people, so you'll have less difficulty getting close to others if you don't continually doubt yourself.
- Trust your instincts. If someone gives you a bad impression, there may be a valid reason. Don't cultivate friendships with people who make you uncomfortable.
- When you become familiar with someone, conflicts are inevitable. If you argue with a friend, don't make him feel guilty and don't attack him. Give it some space and apologize for your mistakes.
- Don't abandon old friends for new ones. True friendships are precious and hard to find, so do your best to keep in touch with old friends even if you know other people.