Being a "footsie" is an intimate and fun way to flirt. It is usually done in secret when other people are around, which makes it even more interesting and mischievous. In these circumstances, make sure you are facing a friendly person, and that your feet and socks are clean. To play the footsie, look for physical contact, play with your partner and make the atmosphere fun for both of you.
Part 1 of 3: Making Contact to Make the Presser Foot

Step 1. Choose your partner
It should be someone you've flirted with before (and who's willing to reciprocate once again). If you try the footsie with someone who doesn't feel attracted to you, they won't respond to the game or tell you to stop. He should sit next to you. Ideally, it would stand in front of you.
Before taking the initiative, try to get an idea of how it is in your company and in the context in which you find yourself. If he smiles at you and tends to flirt, then start looking for contact with him. If he is not very receptive to your speeches, then it is not a good idea to be a footsie

Step 2. Be discreet
Playing "footsie" is only fun if no one knows what you are doing. It is best if you choose a table with a long tablecloth. Make sure you can safely reach your "partner's" foot, avoiding kicking against unwanted presences. Then gently take off one shoe, helping with the other foot if necessary.
A foot is easier if you wear a pair of shoes that you can easily take off, such as ballet flats or moccasins. You will have a harder time slipping them off discreetly if they are wearing laces or buckles, such as boots or trainers

Step 3. Initiate contact
Playfully touch or brush your "partner's" foot, then step back. Do this only once and wait for his reaction. If he quickly retracts his foot out of your reach, stop. If, looking around, he says in an annoyed or irritated tone, "Who is it that just stepped on my foot?", Apologize for the mistake and don't continue. At best, he will understand on the fly. Then, you should brush his foot again, but slower and longer. Then, retract your foot and wait for him to find yours.
If he does not notice anything or has a confused look, now is the right time to make a quick contact "above the table": wink at him or smile at him in a playful, friendly or sweet way. Avoid giving a contrite smirk, as if you want to apologize. He'll think it was an accident
Part 2 of 3: Give Your Partner a Foot

Step 1. Massage his foot
Interlace your foot with your partner's. If neither of you are wearing socks, you can press and play with your fingers. Use the sole of your foot to massage the sole of his. Then, move around so that you rub his ankle.

Step 2. Bring your foot around your calf and ankle
The "little foot" should allow you to flirt in a light and fun way. Gently slide your foot from the calf to your "partner" knee, then back down to the calf. Massage her ankles with the sole of your foot or wrap your foot and ankle around his. Look him in the eye and smile.
At this point he will have understood what you are doing and, at least in part, will try to reciprocate

Step 3. Move along his legs
If things are looking good, start moving your foot from her ankle or calf to her thigh. Use it to massage his thighs. It's a more intimate gesture than the little foot, so make sure you don't make the other person uncomfortable. After a while, bring the foot back to the ankle.
She may pull back or suddenly change her facial expression if she feels uncomfortable touching her thighs
Part 3 of 3: Keep the Atmosphere Fun for Both of You

Step 1. Make sure your feet are clean
It is important that they are clean when you start making the presser foot. If you haven't washed them or they smell bad, you run the risk of quickly ruining the atmosphere. So, make sure you've showered before playing with your feet. If you don't feel safe, don't take your socks off.
If you are concerned that your feet are not in perfect condition, excuse yourself for a second and go to the bathroom to check. If necessary, clean them quickly. You may want to bring a little scented lotion with you

Step 2. Put on clean socks
If you plan on making a foot with socks, make sure they are clean, washed and recently worn. It is best if they are intact, snug and without holes. You could spoil the mood if the other person feels a foot wrapped in frayed, pierced fabric rubbing their leg.
Your partner should also have clean feet or wear presentable socks

Step 3. Be careful if there are other people around
Make sure no one else can casually notice your game. If you have to stop suddenly, wink or smile to let the other person know it's not their fault. If you are in a group, put your foot back in the shoe and immediately lift your socks, so that you get up when everyone else is ready to leave.
It is best to avoid doing the footsie if both you and your partner are sitting close to other people
- Sometimes people can be very ticklish, so make sure you don't go overboard by jolting your partner or kneeling against the table. Be gentle!
- It is best not to stress what you are doing. The "footsie" is a game that allows you to silently flirt and have fun without too many words.
- Look at the other person's body language to see if they are sympathetic.