How to Get Your Cat to Stop Blowing

Table of contents:

How to Get Your Cat to Stop Blowing
How to Get Your Cat to Stop Blowing

Does your cat keep hissing and snorting and you no longer know how to behave? Read this article!


Tell Someone They Have Bad Breath Step 1
Tell Someone They Have Bad Breath Step 1

Step 1. Find out why your cat is blowing

Are there other cats that bother him? Does it blow when you try to stroke it? Could it be in pain? Was he mistreated? These are just hypotheses; find the reason your cat is doing this.

Deal With a Female Cat in Heat Step 4
Deal With a Female Cat in Heat Step 4

Step 2. Let your cat understand that you will not harm him

Talk to him softly and don't yell at him or hit him if he blows you. If you do, you will make the situation worse. All you have to do is walk away and leave him alone for a while. Return to him later and don't let him lead - just pat him softly until he trusts you and feels comfortable.

Earn the Trust of a Stray Cat Step 3
Earn the Trust of a Stray Cat Step 3

Step 3. Make your cat understand that for you he is special and irreplaceable

Cats HAVE feelings, like us!

Deal With a Female Cat in Heat Step 1
Deal With a Female Cat in Heat Step 1

Step 4. Sometimes, just leave him alone

It is not your toy. Every animal needs its own space every now and then.

Sleep While Pregnant Step 6
Sleep While Pregnant Step 6

Step 5. Do you have any children?

Maybe your kids mistreat the cat when you're not around, which is why it hisses and whines.


  • Always approach your cat slowly in a non-threatening way.
  • A good idea might be to leave some toys around him so he'll have something to do when you're not around.
  • If, at the end of it all, you believe that your cat is blowing for no reason … throw some water on his face and say "NO"!


  • Try to understand that it is a cat - you cannot explain to him that you will not harm him, you have to prove it.
  • Don't hit your cat or yell at him when he blows at you; in this way, it will blow even more!
  • Don't stroke him too much, he might get annoyed.
