How to Make Hair Thicker (with Pictures)

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How to Make Hair Thicker (with Pictures)
How to Make Hair Thicker (with Pictures)

Whether you've always had thin hair or have recently been thinning due to age, you may wish you had thick, luscious locks. Fortunately, there are several ways to increase the thickness and volume of your hair, such as using a special shampoo or resorting to a keratin treatment at the hairdresser!


Part 1 of 5: Taking Care of Your Hair

Step 1. Wash them about 2-3 times a week

Keeping your hair clean is a must, but washing it too often could actually thin it out. Each wash removes the sebum and nutrients produced by the scalp. Over time, they may become brittle and crack, so try to wash them as little as possible.

  • If they are very thin or exercise (or sweat) a lot, you probably have to shampoo every day. Alternatively, every two or three days is also sufficient.
  • Use conditioner every time you wash them so they don't lose their hydration.

Step 2. Buy a sulfate-free shampoo

Most shampoos and conditioners contain harsh cleansers, called sulfates, which can dry out your hair causing it to break. Therefore, when buying shampoo, choose one without sulfates by avoiding certain ingredients, including sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl ether sulfate, or ammonium lauryl sulfate. Sometimes they are abbreviated with the abbreviations SLS or ALS.

Opt for a shampoo made from natural ingredients, such as echinacea, coconut milk, or argan, marula, and jojoba oil. Look for one formulated for your hair type, whether it's dry, oily, curly or damaged

Step 3. Use dry shampoo when they look greasy

If your hair tends to get greasy, it can actually look thinner, which is one of the drawbacks of infrequent washing. To avoid this, buy a dry shampoo. Shake the can and hold it 20-25 cm away from the head, then spray the product on the roots with small sprays.

  • Like regular shampoo, dry shampoo also needs to be formulated for your hair type.
  • If they are very dark, buy a dark colored product to prevent it from leaving a white patina on the hair, as if you have chalk residue on your head.

Step 4. Avoid excessive use of heat

If possible, avoid using a hair dryer, straightener and curling iron. These tools can burn the tip, causing split ends and breaking the stem which, as a result, thins. If you want to use heat to style your hair, apply a heat protection product first and use heat tools only once a week.

  • Let your hair air dry when you can and use styling tools for special occasions.
  • If you don't like the way they dry naturally, apply an anti-frizz product when wet so they dry more evenly.
  • Use the lowest temperature, suitable for your hair type. For example, if they are thin, around 90 ° C may be enough, while double ones may need 175 ° C.

Step 5. Stay away from harsh dyes

It's fun and exciting to color your hair, but some bleaches and other chemicals can dry out your hair, which combined with the use of styling tools can cause even more serious damage. Avoid using corrosive products on your hair, instead looking for something more natural to dye it.

If you really want to change color, choose a natural process to lighten or dye them or try using vegan or semi-permanent hair dyes to limit the damage

Step 6. Brush starting from the ends and working your way up to the root

It is a good habit for hair health to brush it regularly, but it can be harmful if done incorrectly. When untangling them, use a wide-toothed plastic comb to remove the knots instead of a bristled brush. Start at the ends and work your way up the stem. Once untangled, brush from root to tip using a bristled brush to distribute the natural sebum from the scalp to the tips.

  • Avoid brushing them when they are wet as they are more fragile and tend to crack.
  • Try shampooing once a day to distribute the natural sebum and stimulate the scalp to produce it.

Part 2 of 5: Do It Yourself Treatments

Step 1. Make a protein mask if you want to strengthen them

Hair is made up of a protein called keratin. Keratin is also found in eggs, so this mask is excellent for strengthening your hair. Mix 1 or 2 eggs (depending on hair length) with about 15ml (one tablespoon) of fresh aloe vera gel. Cover the strands completely and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Applying protein to your hair too often can actually weaken it, so limit the use of protein treatments to once or twice a month

Step 2. Try a fenugreek wrap to thicken them

Fenugreek seeds are not only great for health, but they are able to remove and reduce dandruff while thickening the hair. Then, soak 2 tablespoons (22 g) of the seeds for 8-10 hours, then blend them in a food processor to make a thick paste. Apply it on the head. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then rinse it off using the water you soaked the seeds in.

You can buy fenugreek seeds, also called methi seeds, at a herbalist's shop or on the Internet

Step 3. Stimulate the scalp by doing a warm oil massage

Natural oils, especially olive, coconut and jojoba oils, help strengthen hair and promote growth. Massaging the scalp stimulates the follicles in hair production. Combine the two results by heating 60-120ml of your favorite oil to a not too high temperature, then apply it to your scalp and massage. You can also leave it in your hair for 30-60 minutes before rinsing or, if you want, leave it without rinsing.

To gently heat the oil without risking burning, place the oil container in a bowl of hot water for about 3 minutes

Step 4. Make a fruit mask to offer vitamins to the hair

The nutrients and antioxidants of fruit are not only to be taken orally, but also help to thicken the hair and give it shine. Next, make a fresh fruit mask by combining half mashed avocado and half mashed banana with 1 tablespoon (6 g) of grated orange peel. Cover your entire head with the mask and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse and apply the shampoo and conditioner as you normally would.

Part 3 of 5: Changing Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Eat foods rich in protein, vitamins B, C, D and E and zinc

The nutrients contained in food help strengthen follicles and promote growth. So try to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts and whole grains to thicken your hair naturally.

Hair-strengthening foods include nuts, eggs, spinach, flax seeds, lentils, and blueberries

Make Your Hair Thicker Step 12
Make Your Hair Thicker Step 12

Step 2. Minimize Stress

It's not just a cliché when you hear that stress causes hair loss. If you notice some thinning, this could be the cause even if you are not aware of it. By taking steps to minimize stress, you should notice a significant change in the health of your hair. Take the time to reflect on the pressures you are most under, then choose whether you want to eliminate these factors or learn new strategies to manage them.

  • You can't always eliminate the tensions of everyday life, but you can change the way you deal with them. When you feel stressed, try deep breathing exercises, run, or do a relaxing activity, such as yoga or meditation.
  • Instead of worrying about the things you can't change, practice full awareness, which consists of focusing on your physical surroundings at a given moment. It is also an effective technique for managing stress.
  • In some cases, you will be able to take steps that relieve stress. For example, if you are always under pressure for work, you might consider changing it. If there is a person who is making you uneasy, you may want to get away from them for a while.

Step 3. Take a hair strengthening supplement if you need more nutrients

It's not always easy to get all the nutrients your hair needs to grow, so help your body with supplements. Take a multivitamin containing iron, B vitamins, zinc and protein once a day. It will probably take several months to see results, but you will start to have thicker, shinier hair.

Other hair supplements include biotin, niacin, amino acids and collagen

Step 4. Find out about the side effects of the medications you are taking if you notice hair loss

Some drugs that create hormonal imbalances can cause hair to fall out. The ones that cause their thinning the most are the birth control pill and all the other drugs that alter hormone levels. Check with your doctor to find out if there is an alternative medication that doesn't harm your hair.

Part 4 of 5: Masking Thin Hair

Step 1. Make a layered cut so they look thicker

While if you can't correct your genetics, you can use the power of illusion to make your hair look thicker. Ask the hairdresser which cut and hairstyle can add body and volume to your hair. Trim them every 6-8 weeks to give the impression that they are always nice and voluminous.

  • A layered cut creates fullness, especially if they are very straight.
  • If you want to be daring, consider the bangs. The contrast between the bangs and the rest of the hair will help accentuate its length.

Step 2. Add some highlights to increase the volume

The highlights add dimension to the hair, making it appear thicker. However, if you lighten them excessively, you risk them breaking, so stay within the limits of your natural shades or ask your hairdresser to use semi-permanent dyes.

Step 3. Use extensions to add even more volume

Real or synthetic hair extensions should be temporarily attached to the head. They can be applied through a weaving process, glued with keratin or welded to the hair with clips. They are a great way to add length, volume and color to natural hair. However, if the hair extensions are already thin or damaged, extensions are probably not the best option because they can cause further damage.

  • If you opt for extensions to be glued or sewn, they should be replaced every 3 months as natural hair grows. Prices start roughly at € 3.00 per strand.
  • Clip extensions should be removed at the end of the day. They are much cheaper, but they also look less natural.

Part 5 of 5: Taking Drastic Measures

Step 1. Use anti-baldness treatment to stop slight hair loss

If the problem is serious, go to the pharmacy and buy a cream to stop it from falling or have it prescribed by your doctor. When applied every day, it helps regrow hair in empty or thinning spots on the head.

Follow all precautions on the package. For example, products intended for anti-hair loss treatment in men can be very dangerous when used by a pregnant woman

Step 2. Undergo a hair transplant to treat the loss permanently

In more severe cases of thinning or baldness, a hair transplant is worth considering. This surgical procedure aims to counteract hair loss by taking the bulbs from one side and transferring them to the affected area. Check with your doctor to see if this option is safe and really meets your needs.

The main candidates for this operation are men, but women can also use it

Step 3. Purchase a laser comb if you want a more comfortable treatment

It is as technological as it sounds. The laser comb is an innovative, recently invented product that uses lasers to stimulate hair growth. Just turn it on and slowly pass it over your scalp. The price starts at around € 350 for a good quality set, but you can use it yourself and, overall, save money compared to more expensive treatments, such as surgery.

Laser treatments are often more effective when used in conjunction with another treatment

Step 4. Try a keratin treatment to thicken your hair and promote hair growth

Offered at high-end beauty salons, keratin treatments are able to promote hair growth and give volume and shine. They also eliminate frizz.

  • Keep in mind that these products may contain formaldehyde.
  • Depending on the hairdresser, these treatments can cost up to a maximum of € 400 in total.


Avoid wearing a ponytail every day. It can put tension on the scalp and break the hair


  • If you notice a sudden and drastic increase in hair loss that is not due to your age, see your doctor. It could indicate another health problem.
  • Read and pay attention to the side effects of over-the-counter treatments. If you have any questions or concerns, ask your pharmacist or doctor.
  • Consult your doctor before starting any medication or vitamin supplement you have never taken before to make sure it is not contraindicated for your health condition.
