How to Change the Color of Hydrangeas: 3 Steps

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How to Change the Color of Hydrangeas: 3 Steps
How to Change the Color of Hydrangeas: 3 Steps

Hydrangeas are a perfect decoration for our garden. Read this helpful tutorial and find out how you can manipulate its color with a simple addition of nutrients.


Change the Color of Hydrangeas Step 1
Change the Color of Hydrangeas Step 1

Step 1. If you want your flowers to take on a pleasant pink color, spread dolomite (or agricultural lime) around the hydrangeas

About 200 grams per square meter should be enough.

Change the Color of Hydrangeas Step 2
Change the Color of Hydrangeas Step 2

Step 2. Add an aluminum sulfate tablet to the hydrangea irrigation water

You will get blue flowers. The pH of the water should not be higher than 5.6, otherwise it will ruin the result.

Change the Color of Hydrangeas Step 3
Change the Color of Hydrangeas Step 3

Step 3. Bury some steel wool under the hydrangea bushes

The blue color will take on even more vivid tones. Be careful not to interfere with the normal underground activity of insects and animals that may eat the steel wool. Place it near the roots of the plants.


  • Aluminum sulfate tablets should be available at gardening supply stores.
  • It is easier to control the color of potted hydrangeas, especially if you want to get pink flowers.
  • It is easier to turn a pink hydrangea into a blue hydrangea than vice versa.
  • Do not try to manipulate the white hydrangeas, it is not possible to change their color. Some pink shades will appear naturally, but it will not be possible to force color changes.
