Are you looking for an original and unusual way to break the ice or amaze and confuse your friends? Try writing or speaking backwards! It makes even the most common thoughts and sounds interesting and fun. It takes some practice, but the results are worth the effort.
Part 1 of 3: Write in reverse

Step 1. Think of something interesting to say
Try "I'm learning to write backwards on wikiHow".

Step 2. Type the entire sentence backwards, from the last word to the first, as if you had a mirror on the monitor, like this:
“. WoHikiw us oirartnoc la erevircs a odnarapmi otS” (“I'm learning to write backwards on wikiHow” in reverse).
Or, type each word backwards. It is a little easier to read: "Ots odnarapmi a erevircs la oirartnoc us woHikiw"

Step 3. Try it yourself
The more you do it, the faster you become, until you can write and read backwards as if nothing had happened.
Part 2 of 3: Speaking the Opposite

Step 1. Think of something clever to say
Here is an example: "Eagles are excellent predators".

Step 2. Write it backwards as described in the previous step
In this case, it will be “.irotaderp imitto onos eliuqa eL”.

Step 3. Read aloud as if you were speaking real words
Part 3 of 3: Talking Backwards with a Recorder

Step 1. Choose a simple sentence
For this example, let's try: "I like peaches and cream". The key to this method is brevity, as you will have to memorize and repeat unusual sounds.

Step 2. Press “REC” on the recorder, and record while saying the sentence normally

Step 3. Rewind the recording to hear yourself backwards

Step 4. Practice imitating the exact tones and inflections of the sentence
“I like peaches and cream” should become something like “amercal eehcsep elonoiccaipiM”.

Step 5. When you think you are ready, record yourself saying the sentence backwards

Step 6. Listen to the new recorded phrase
Get ready to laugh!
- To make your backwards sentences easier to understand, just say each word backwards. By saying the whole sentence backwards, you will probably be the only one who knows what you are talking about.
- In the 1970s, there was a comedian who called himself "Professor Contrario". In one performance, he only spoke in reverse. If you can find a recording, you can see a priceless example of this comic style.
- Try grabbing a dictionary and reading the words backwards. If you study advanced phonetics, try to read the encyclopedia in reverse.
- Practice with a friend, and try to understand what he is saying.
- Practice as much as you can. You already know your language, so now you just have to say it word by word by word; it's simpler than you might think.
- Memorize terms, not sentences; when you speak backwards with others, words are essential.
- Pronounce each word as it is said, not as it is written. Furthermore, it is very difficult to pronounce a word that begins or ends with "ch", "st" or "sh". Find your favorite techniques for overcoming phonetic obstacles.
- Certain words may seem inappropriate in reverse. Be cautious.
- .atseuq emoc enarts onnarerbmes isarf eut el, odotem otseuq noc odnevircS: Writing with this method, your sentences will look as strange as this.