Being a spy can be fun and exciting, but it's not easy! A good spy is hard to find. This guide will help you train to be a spy, build a team, learn mission protocol, hide evidence, and improve your spying techniques through many spy activities!
Part 1 of 4: Creating a Team of Spies

Step 1. Organize your team
Spying is safer and a lot more fun if it involves two or more people. (If you choose the right people of course!) If you decide to trade alone, you can still make it. By yourself you can keep secrets better.
- If you decide to form a team, you should choose a partner who is very familiar with technology, such as the use of state-of-the-art computers and electronic devices. The "technician" of the team could also make the maps, plans, graphs, and notes on the secret mission.
- Being smart will help a lot. If you have a friend who is adept at finding original solutions and thinking fast, add him to the team.
- In other cases it may be more useful to have a strong companion who is able to lift heavy objects and perform other brute force tasks. But don't let anyone join your team; you will need capable spies, not henchmen.

Step 2. Decide the hierarchy of your team
Make sure each member has their own function. Your teammates will feel like a valuable member of the team if they play a specific role. Here are the basic positions you should cover:
- A captain in charge of the team.
- A deputy captain who helps the captain make decisions and can replace him in case of indisposition.
- A technician in charge of the use of computers, surveillance tools, maps, etc.
- Some simple agents who will be the ones to carry out the spying work in the field.
- Make sure you leave other spies at headquarters ready to help you on your mission. In addition, it also assigns a spy to help the technician gather information.

Step 3. Share your gadgets with your squad members if they can't get one
Remember, being part of a team means helping your teammates in need. If you have a few extra gadgets, distribute them evenly. To be successful as an individual and in the mission, the whole team must be successful.
Everyone must have a way to report to the base. You can use cell phones, walkie talkies or even a whistle - if they get into trouble, someone could run to rescue them. Your teammates will also need other investigative devices, such as a camera

Step 4. Get the right equipment
To be successful in the mission, you will need equipment. The bigger your team, the more important the communication devices will be. Consider the following items for your next mission:
- Transceiver
- Mobile phone
- Video camera
- iPod and other communication devices
- Whistle
- Camera
Part 2 of 4: Train to Be a Spy

Step 1. Practice using electronic devices
Do a lot of rehearsals in places other than that of the mission to test and get used to the use of your clothes and gadgets. This way, you will know the limits and the best methods for using your equipment. It can also help you predict problems that may arise.
Make sure everyone knows how to use the devices and is comfortable with them. If someone doesn't like to use the computer, for example, use it in the field. You should assign them to their preferred role

Step 2. Dress right
You will need to consider two styles: spy clothing or undercover clothing. It is more fun to dress up as a spy, but in some cases it can be more useful to blend into the crowd. What's the best choice for your next mission?
- You may need special clothing such as gloves and boots to carry out your mission. Wear dark colors, and don't forget a hat.
- If you don't want to arouse too much suspicion, wear normal clothing. That way you will just look like a kid having fun.

Step 3. Learn to encrypt messages
Encrypt your written messages with a simple code. It can be as trivial as replacing some letters with others, or you could use numbers instead of letters, or create new symbols that represent the letters of the alphabet. An advanced and more difficult to decrypt method could be to write the words in the opposite direction and replace the letters. You could also write the code in sympathetic ink.
Why is encrypting messages useful? You don't want anyone to find out about your secret information, do you? If someone (like an annoying sibling) were to rummage through your things, they won't suspect anything. Or if he suspects something, he will have no idea what he saw
Step 4. Practice escaping from certain places
A closed room, a tree, a crowded room - no problem. You and your spy team can escape from anywhere - including difficult situations.
- Never use the elevators - if you are trapped inside them, you will not be able to escape. Stairs usually have multiple exits.
- It will be easier to escape if you learn how to pick locks.
- Also learn to escape from situations by speaking. Practice responding to a parent or other authority figure using the sweetest words to avoid getting in trouble.

Step 5. Get used to speaking using different voices
You can use this ability to disguise yourself, particularly if you are on a public mission, are in the presence of people you know, and need to speak to your team. If you can disguise your voice, no one will think it's about you.
This will be especially useful if you are using cell phones or two-way radios. Code names will also matter
Part 3 of 4: Protocol of the Mission

Step 1. Choose your mission
For example, you might find out where someone has hidden something, find out the password for a friend's club, or find out which neighbors' dog is always dirtying dad's garden. No mission is too small.
Don't have a mission? Keep your eyes and ears open. You will hear someone complain about something or talk about a problem they need to solve. This is where your team can come into play

Step 2. Collect information
Look around the mission site for hiding places and escape routes. Make a map and take notes. Learn the location of your teammates and their duties. You should be ready for anything.
Make a backup plan or two. When Plan A and B fail miserably, your team will not lose heart and will continue with Plan C. Make sure that no matter what happens, no one risks getting hurt

Step 3. Assign each member to his or her seat
Each team member should have a communication device available, preferably with headphones, to minimize noise. When everyone is ready, commence the mission.
Make sure everyone knows the rules. When can they go to the bathroom? When will they have to change positions? When will you meet and where?

Step 4. Don't be seen or heard
Find a good hiding place for each member, such as a large tree, bush, or boulder. In addition, you will be able to walk a companion in disguise, with a book or something similar in hand. Don't use this technique too much, or you might attract suspicion.
If you are undercover, dressed like a normal guy, make sure you behave in a normal way too. What would a normal kid do in the park? It would probably make a lot of noise, laughing and playing. You can arouse suspicion if you are too quiet

Step 5. Cover your tracks
Make sure you and your teammates leave no hints of your presence. Destroy the footprints of shoes on dirt and mud (and delete the fingerprints if you happen to leave some by mistake). You should not leave litter on the ground at the mission site or clothing or other personal items that can be found by onlookers.
Cover your digital tracks too. Delete all text messages, emails or phone calls regarding the mission. Even if no one is likely to see them, it is always better to be cautious than sorry

Step 6. Meet at the end of the mission
You should have agreed on a meeting place after the mission to compare the information you have discovered. You should talk about the mission and see if any other activity is needed or if you can consider the case closed.
If one of the members does not show up for the meeting, return to the mission location and look for the missing companions. If necessary, abandon the spy role and seek out the mate openly. Have one or two people stay at the base to make sure their partner wasn't just late
Part 4 of 4: Keeping Your Spying Business Secret

Step 1. Keep your information in a safe place
The last thing you want is for all the information you have recovered to be found by someone. Make sure you keep them in a place that only you can look at. Look for one that is also easy to remember.
- Try a lockable box or password protected computer.
- Are there any secret hiding places in your house, like a raised floor board, that no one but you knows?.
Step 2. Behave naturally in the presence of the people you are "spying on"
Don't avoid the enemy; if you do, he'll get suspicious. Do your best to behave naturally and make sure you meet the target normally.
If you have discovered information to communicate (such as which dog is digging holes in the garden), present it calmly and naturally. Don't tell about your spy mission - say you accidentally saw Fido digging a hole

Step 3. Make an apology
If the enemy finds out what you are doing or sees you close to him, make sure you have a backup plan. If you are asked later where you were when you weren't there, make up some made-up details. Don't get caught spying!
Don't stray too far from the truth. Say something like "I was in the park with my friends playing. - - -

Step 4. Don't tell anyone who is not on your team what you are doing
Only friends who help you in your mission should be aware of your business. For everyone else it will have to remain a secret. Some people may be jealous and others may reveal your secret. The fewer people who know about your business, the better.
Be careful when introducing a new member to the team. Make sure he is trustworthy and up to the challenge that you watch him out before making him a spy. Your team should only consist of honest and talented spies
- Find a secret hangout.
- Bring a spy bag with you to keep all your devices. Also bring snacks to resist hunger during long stalking.
- Make sure your electronic devices work flawlessly, even in the dark or at night.
- A good spy can keep secrets.
- Always carry a bottle of water with you. Real spies are ready for anything.
- Talk to spies in your area and buy a spying book to help you improve.
- Use a small mirror on a stick to see beyond corners or under doors. Do not let the light reflect directly on the mirror or you will be found out.
- If your team is made up of many people and you receive an important phone call, record it or have your teammates listen to it on speakerphone.
- A spy is not afraid of anything. Be courageous and learn to face any situation calmly.
- Always remember that you can get caught, so be careful.
- be careful! Don't reveal your real name. Don't trust shady members of your team, as they may double-cross.
- Never stray from your team and never trust strangers.
- Don't spy on people you don't know. They might blame you. Don't risk your safety!