Whether your dream is to become a professional spy or just pretend to be, learning to observe others can be beneficial on numerous occasions. Here are some useful tips to get you started "on the right foot".
Part 1 of 4: Becoming a Spy

Step 1. Show courage
When you go out spying, finding yourself in situations that aren't the safest (the so-called "danger zone") could have consequences and you won't know what you're going to encounter. Will you be able to handle similar situations? And do you know that your only weapons might be your quick thinking and resourcefulness?
The answer is "yes": you can manage them. Start putting yourself in new situations right now - the better you handle whatever happens, the less likely you are to be destabilized by the information you learn and the strange people you are bound to meet

Step 2. You have to be smart
This is more than just a veiled reference to the spy movies of the 60s - you have to be truly superior in intellect to put in place well-done espionage. It is no coincidence that they say "intelligence"! Expand your skills and become an expert in all trades. After all, knowledge is power.
- You need to know a little bit of everything. That way, when your target says something like, "Damn, I like everything about Picasso's blue period," you can respond to the rhymes with something relevant, hold the conversation, and carry on. The more you know, the more you can access potential sources of information.
- Read some spy books. Basing your spy business on James Bond's won't get you very far. It's funny, but it has nothing to do with reality; choose books that talk about real spies and try to put their teachings into practice. Some television series can also help; in some cases these series give advice that can also be useful in real life.

Step 3. Be creative
It is in your best interest to start relying on yourself to answer everything. You probably won't be equipped with gadgets from headquarters for a while, so being able to process situations and problems using only what's available to you will be the key to your success.
Techniques and recommendations are found further down this page, but simply thinking creatively is the first step in looking through a spy's eyes. Anything can be a clue and all of them can be of potential use to you. How can you manipulate your surroundings to get you closer to your goals?

Step 4. Look for a job
Clark Kent also worked at the Daily Planet despite being Superman being a full-time commitment. Here: it also applies to you. Unfortunately, as with most spies, you will need to find a cover that offers you the habits and stability of an ordinary person. If one day you end up telling even one person that you "do" something you don't actually do, that road would eventually backfire. And besides, it's an automatic story and not a lie.
This means that you will have to be overtime all the time. This is the life of a spy. Nobody said it would be easy - but they may have told you it will be impressive. So get busy, get a cover job, and start working on your Mr. X personality

Step 5. Get in shape
While physical confrontation is one thing a spy should always avoid, staying fit will be very useful to you for other reasons; for example, to endure many hours standing, stalking someone for a long time or fleeing (only in certain situations). Practice running, strengthen your arms and legs, learn a self defense technique.
Parkour also has its place in espionage. Not only do you need to skillfully navigate obstacles as you move, but you also need to think of your world in the same pattern. When a problem arises, what is the quickest way possible to get around and fix it? In the same way that you would train your body for parkour, you should also train your mind
Part 2 of 4: Going Unnoticed

Step 1. Hide in plain sight
The number one goal of a spy is to blend in. Don't try to combine a "spy suit" with an eccentric suit and sunglasses; instead, it creates different everyday wardrobes for different places and situations. Put on a dark, grange music suit if you want to go to a punk café, but bring a bag and a camera if you want to blend in with that group of tourists.
If you are not aware of the required "look" on a certain scene, it is time to fall back on the coverage of your work. You're just an ordinary guy who has a cup of tea after work. Once you've got your cards and briefcase, you have nothing to suspect. Complete your spy wardrobe with the accessories you need on a daily basis

Step 2. Keep your equipment to a minimum
Less equipment means better mobility, so carry only the essentials, vital for functioning and survival. Do not carry weapons, which are not only dangerous and illegal, but which would have you indicted and would reveal your secret identity if you were captured.
- If you are attacked, improvise weapons with everyday objects; better yet, engage in martial arts to 'defend yourself' (never be on the offensive like an amateur spy).
- If you sense that a conflict is arising, base your words first. Spies are experts in the art of manipulation and can make anyone believe anything. And you may want to use a smile and a wink to be sure.

Step 3. Participate in activities around you
If people around you are eating ice cream, drinking coffee, or buying fried hotdogs, get one yourself to blend in. It is also permissible to observe people, but do not overdo it. Keep choosing simple activities to avoid the risk of appearing obvious (especially if you can't do it well). Likewise, he won't be able to escape quickly if you get involved in something too complicated, like being stuck in a room with closed doors or having to go through a crowded place.
When babies are born, mothers often report sleeping with "one eye open". You will have to master the art of looking all engrossed in your hot dog while in reality you monitor that questionable bearded man at 4 o'clock. First practice under normal circumstances with friends and check if someone signals you that you seem distracted or just plain strange. Monitor your body for feedback

Step 4. Erase all your traces from the Internet
Staying incognito in the real world may not help you if your data is easily found on the Internet. If you really have to be "online", try to do it with great discretion.
It is feasible. You can live without Facebook. It may not be easy, but it can be done. If people ask, you simply need to tell them that you are running away from the crutch of technology that modern man so easily seeks - no, he needs - to rely on. In most cases, the questions stop there

Step 5. Never run in a crowd
This is the universal signal for 'Look at me! I'm trying to escape. ' If necessary, look and act like a diligent employee who is in a hurry to get back to the office in time for an appointment, saying things like "I'm late for my meeting, excuse me!".
You really should get as little attention as possible. Of course, you shouldn't look attractive either. After all, the more people look at you, the less you get away with. But know that not attracting attention doesn't mean being quiet and still - it means staying 'quiet enough' and 'still' enough to go unnoticed

Step 6. Don't be nervous and don't react if you get caught
By staying cool and cool, you will be able to get people to dismiss their suspicions. If you find yourself being watched too, automatically getting up to leave may only make the problem worse. Wait for an opportunity that makes for a peaceful escape.
The human mind is malleable. If you think someone has noticed you, just change your attitude. Maybe you've been hiding behind the newspaper for too long and your furtive glances have become insistent - here you call your friend Vanni on his cell phone and ask him where the heck he's been - you've been sitting here alone with this damn newspaper for almost. 30 minutes!
The other possibility is to get closer to your goal and ask him for news. With good intentions, of course, your immediacy will likely make him uncomfortable, swapping cards on the table

Step 7. Find out when silence is needed
If you are literally following someone 25 paces away, absolute silence is essential. Don't breathe too deeply, stomp your feet too heavily, and don't wear rattling or rustling accessories. You can blend in with the sounds of the environment (in public outdoor areas it will be easier), but if you are alone in a park - well, then it will be risky.
To make things easier for yourself, before starting a mission, scout that area to check if the floor and doors creak, observe animals, place cameras, and generally familiarize yourself with the environment. This activity will pay off later

Step 8. Put on a disguise
Okay, this isn't mandatory, but it can be useful - and it doesn't necessarily have to be cool! In fact, sometimes a flashy appearance will remove any doubt or suspicion. If the event requires it, consider it an option.
Wear ugly sweaters, big glasses and, if you have showy hair (maybe blond or bright red or long black hair), wear a brown wig, a bit banal. It will be even more fun for you
Part 3 of 4: Using Spy Techniques

Step 1. Start eavesdropping
It's hard to hide the fact that you're listening to a nearby conversation when no one is around, but it's even harder to spot individual voices when you're trying to blend into a crowd. Learning to eavesdrop will help you gather information even in the most sensitive places.
Technology in this case will be your best friend. Put on a pair of headphones or just play a Candy Crush game. Do something, but always in a way that keeps the noise to a minimum - otherwise you won't be able to hear

Step 2. Learn to read lips
Even if the subject you have to spy on is out of your "auditory" range, if you can lip-read you will have no problem. You will also be able to follow conversations of people who are far away thanks to binoculars or a camera with zoom.
To practice, watch a DVD without audio and with subtitles

Step 3. Learn to lie and uncover lies
After all, the evidence you've gathered would be of no use when peppered with incorrect information. Learning to read body language can be very helpful in certain situations.
The hardest part here is that you cannot blame those who lie for their dishonesty. The same goes for body language - you can't walk up and ask them if they move like that because they're talking to their mistress and not their wife. To find that if you are right, you have to insist (or eavesdrop) a little more

Step 4. Learn to follow someone without getting caught
People don't stay in the same place for a long time; therefore, make sure you know how to deal with "moving" subjects.
Always prepare a plan B if you believe you are being watched; for example, make sure there is a newsagent or a fountain on the way, so that you can use them as a trick if necessary

Step 5. Steal things without getting caught
The suspect may have evidence that could be a very useful clue, or, if you want to act more subtly, you could steal something from the suspect to use as a ransom to get him to give you information. As mentioned, you will have to exploit your surroundings in difficult situations, so it will be useful for you to be able to steal a tool to get yourself out of trouble without drawing attention to yourself.
- Try to steal something small from your friends, like a pen or a folder, and return it unnoticed for practice.
- Don't take this as an endorsement for stealing. This article assumes that you are working on the side of good, not evil.

Step 6. Become a tech expert
You no longer have to hide in corners or lip-read with binoculars. It's the vast amount of technology available that can practically spy for you!
- While you may face some legal issues, mount cameras where you know your target will be later. Get on the scene early, make it all work out, and proceed with common sense.
- Spy with your computer. Currently being able to be a hacker is no longer reserved for experts. If you gain access to someone's personal files, you can safely manage them from your keyboard.

Step 7. Improve your night vision
The most interesting facts always happen "in the dark"; so, get ready. In some cases it will be necessary to wear special glasses.
Start working in the dark. Over time, your eyes will adjust a little faster and you can become less nervous about your depleted sense of vision, allowing you to move and think faster

Step 8. Improve your memory
All demonstration collections must always be supported by excellent memory. Constantly practice memory games and ask yourself questions about the details of the events. Over time, you will become more careful and you will begin to memorize the facts.
There are several tricks you can use to your advantage. If memory doesn't help, don't worry. For now, you won't have to get the information tattooed on you just yet
Part 4 of 4: Establish a Protocol

Step 1. Establish a place to meet with your accomplices
Make sure you change it very often, so as not to bring out any suspicions. Most people believe that spies meet in dark and secluded places; therefore, choose common places such as a bar, a bookshop etc … or public places (a park, a museum, etc …).
- There are many reasons to be given to justify a meeting; however a business meeting is always the best cover.
- Remember that public places will keep you safe. Many public places are extremely large to cover with security cameras. However, if you notice it, get away from it immediately.

Step 2. Always have a change of clothing on hand, in case they are following you
It will help you disappear in the crowd.
On the other hand, it is recommended to wear layers that can be easily removed. If you expect this to happen, wear clothes that you can take off and throw away

Step 3. Do not carry any identification or documents with you
If the situation calls for it, bring false information designed to deceive. Keep in mind that the technology and vehicles are related or registered to you, so if you have these things as well, your story needs to remain congruent.
Don't try to get a fake ID card; you may be in serious trouble with the law; alternatively, bring a letter with you addressed to a fictitious name so that you can show it on the grounds that you have forgotten your documents at home

Step 4. Before a mission, prepare your plan well
Use the previous hours, days or weeks to survey the area you need to spy on.
If you have a sat nav, that will be fine. Alternatively, learn how to use Google Maps; it is a perfect tool to familiarize yourself with a certain place

Step 5. Learn the habits of the person you are spying on
This way, you will anticipate all his moves. Try to find out what kind of car he is driving, the license plate number, who he is seeing with, etc. If you can anticipate his moves, so much the better.
Also look for it on the Internet. Through her connections, you can get a better image of her social network and the activities in which she is involved - which can ultimately lead you to the right place

Step 6. Always be aware of what is happening around you
Learn to think for yourself and try to be resourceful, preferably looking casual (or even a little silly). Try to find useful and new ways to use the tools you carry with you or replace them with others that cover a wider range of useful functions.

Step 7. Always think of an alternative plan
Even the best plans can fail! And, if you are being questioned, you must be prepared. Be careful not to be too sure of yourself.
If you feel the need to stop everything, listen to it. If you wait too long, you may get caught. However, if you stop everything before things get worse, you can always try it later

Step 8. Consider working with accomplices
Monitoring an area in a group can be very useful; or have someone on hand who can watch your back. Teamwork is crucial for any spy. Communication is the basis: common gestures that become a code language are highly recommended. Alternatively, it is possible to use electronic means to communicate, but always with great discretion.
With accomplices, plans must be drawn up in great detail. Alone, you can, at some point, come away, but, with partners, it is necessary to establish stations, a communication protocol, possible movements and a plan B. However, it is good to be many
- Remember to leave all the places you visit exactly as you found them. If you turn on the lights, remember to turn them off etc …
- If you don't have a good memory, you can always use a cell phone or tape recorder to store a conversation.
- Don't be surprised when you discover something new; especially when it comes to shocking facts. A spy's job is to find out information and report it to their superior. If you are spying on a concrete cause (for example serious damage to the environment), be sure to document the facts well with: photos, notes, videos, etc. so that your version is convincing.
- Knowing another language helps a lot. If you are working in a team, work out a secret code or language.
- Give each person in your group a specific task.
- Take notes on a pad, write them down on your computer and throw away the previously jotted paper. Remember that your computer could be stolen; then, consider saving the information to another medium (for example a memory key).
- Learn to pick locks.
- Make sure no one is spying on you.
- Always be prepared for any circumstance.
- Always stay calm!
- Always obey the law. Going to jail with the excuse "I was just trying to help" doesn't give you any respect for others.
- If you are spying to gather evidence of a certain fact, try to avoid illegal actions; for example, breaking into someone's home causing damage. It would be obvious to trace the culprit once the evidence has been published or presented.
- You should also be careful with your closest friends. You never know who is in front of you in certain situations, and your friends may unwittingly reveal your identity. The enemy could also be your boss. Do not trust anybody!
- Remember: it is possible that you could suffer legal repercussions if you engage in the activity of spying. You could, for example, be accused of harassment and persecution; so, be very careful!