On the market you can find baskets, boxes and trunks for toys of all sizes, shapes and prices, but they will never be as beautiful as the one you build with your own hands! You can make a trunk with simple power tools and instructions, and it will only take you 4 to 6 hours to make. You can use both plywood and MDF. Follow the steps below to find out how.

Step 1. Make a drawing of the chest you want to build
Take note of the shape and size you have chosen. Include in the drawing the pieces to assemble the trunk and the pieces of wood to be cut.

Step 2. Purchase the necessary materials and equipment from a wholesale DIY store
The material list will include: 19mm thick MDF or plywood, hinges, 3.8cm flat head torx screws (if using MDF) or 3.8cm plain screws for the plywood.
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Have the dealer cut a panel of your chosen material large enough to make the lid, bottom, and four sides you measured.
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Step 3. Draw the pieces to be cut on the MDF or plywood board, using a carpenter's square and a pencil

Step 4. Cut the drawn pieces from the panel using a circular saw
The pieces will consist of two panels of 45, 7 x 91, 4 cm for the front side and the back side.
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You will also need a 41.9 x 87.6cm piece for the bottom.
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A 48.3 x 94 cm piece will serve for the lid.
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The two side panels must measure 44, 5 x 41, 9 cm.
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Make a light mark on the cut pieces, so you can remember where they should be placed when you assemble the trunk.
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Step 5. Begin assembling the trunk by putting glue along the front and back edges of the base piece

Step 6. Tighten each piece with a bar clamp (70cm) to hold them in place as you screw them together

Step 7. Apply glue to the two side pieces of the trunk, along the edges of the sides and bases

Step 8. Slide the two side pieces into place and hold them in place with the bar clamps as you screw them together to the front, back and bottom panels

Step 9. With a soft cloth wipe the glue that has spilled along the edges

Step 10. When inserting the screws into the panels, be sure to get the screw head under the surface of the wood
Fill all countersinks and screw joints with paintable wood filler.
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Sand the entire trunk to prepare it for painting.
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Step 11. Round and smooth all exposed edges as you sand
Start with 120 grit sandpaper and finish with 240 grit.

Step 12. Paint the exterior and interior of the trunk, lid and bottom with a color of your choice
Read the instructions on the paint package carefully.

Step 13. Attach the lid using a flat hinge (75cm) centered on the edge of the lid
- Make sure the hinge is level with the back panel.
- The hinge should be centered and approximately 13mm from each side of the panels, at both ends of the cover.
- An easy way to center the hinge is to mark its center above and behind the trunk. The center will be approximately 37cm for a 75cm hinge. Mark the center on the lid and back panel. Line up the marks and attach the hinge.
- There should be about 26 cm more on the front to make it easier to open the trunk.

Step 14. Attach four castors on pins under the trunk to make it easier to move when full of toys
- The countersink piece that you can attach to the drill will make holes for the screws and countersink the heads, making it easier to screw the pieces together and keeping the heads under the surface of the wood.
- Buy special supports for toy baskets at DIY stores to keep the lid open.
- Use flathead torx screws if you work MDF, as they won't chip or break the wood.
- Use tools carefully and follow all safety precautions, such as wearing a mask and safety glasses when cutting and sanding.
- Make sure you follow all of the manufacturer's recommended directions when painting.