The horse is one of the animals that can be tamed in Minecraft. They are able to travel long distances, carry your equipment and it is quite easy to find them in areas close to a plain or savannah. They are perfectly capable of surviving even without shelter, but if you prefer to put a roof over their head, it's really easy to build a nice stable where they can rest when they don't accompany you on your adventures!
Part 1 of 2: Building a Stable

Step 1. Gather the necessary materials
For your stable, you need a lot of wood! In total, you will need 23 pieces of fence, 21 wooden blocks, 30 wooden planks, 29 wooden slabs, 12 blocks of crushed stone, stone or stone bricks and 8 torches.
You can use any combination of wood types you prefer to make the frame. The important thing is to create a lively looking stable

Step 2. Place the columns
First, make a stack of 3 wooden blocks. Then, create another one of the same height three spaces away from the first. Build two more to form a 5 x 5 square.
From above, the stable should look like this:
w = wood
X = empty
w X X X w
w X X X w

Step 3. Create the fence
Now, on three of the four sides, place wooden planks in the spaces between the columns, then spread the slabs over the planks. This is to prevent horses from climbing over the fence. Now, place the fences over the boards, finally, put some more boards on the topmost column to completely seal the room.
Place fence posts in the opening, until you reach the highest part of the structure, then place a couple of fences two blocks high in the space dedicated to the entrance, finally close it by adding another fence.
p = axes
f = fence
s = plate
First layer
w p p p w
p X X X p
p X X X p
p X X X p
w f X f w
f f X f f
Second layer
w s s s w
s X X X s
s X X X s
s X X X s
w f X f w
f f X f f
Third layer
w X X X w
f X X X f
f X X X f
f X X X f
w X X X w
f X X X f
Fourth layer
w p p p w
p X X X p
p X X X p
p X X X p
w X X X w
f f X f f
- Thanks to this project, you do not need gates to keep the horses inside the stable, because the animals will think that the space to pass is too narrow, even if in reality you will be able to enter without problems!

Step 4. Add the roof
Starting with the fence column at the back of the stable, place the slabs to surround the walls, then fill the remaining space in the center with the wooden blocks. Now, between the wooden columns of the opening, place two slabs under the roof, so as to create a sort of roof for the entrance.
Part 2 of 2: Decorating the Stable

Step 1. Place four torches on the inside walls of the stable
This will prevent unwanted visitors from appearing in the facility and annoying your horses. In fact, monsters are born in dark areas or during the night, so a single torch will be enough to keep them away; with more than one, the safe zone will be even wider.

Step 2. Replace the dirt floor of the stable with some nice clean stone
While this detail only serves to make the building look nicer, the structure will look nicer and neater with a stone floor.

Step 3. Build a wooden entrance
To do this, you can use the remaining wooden blocks. Dig the earth under the fence at the entrance, then place two wooden blocks at the base of the columns. Place the rest of the wood on the side so it looks like a flat log. Done! A nice driveway for your stable.
- You can add hay bales inside the stable as decorations.
- A cauldron is the perfect watering hole for your horses. Just remember to fill it with water.
- You can use this project to make a larger stable, as the basic layout can be reproduced simply by using the side walls as individual fence separators, joined into one large building.