The unibrow (i.e. the eyebrows that come together in the center) is embarrassing and annoying. Ask any caveman! Free your face of this useless fur by following one of these methods.
Method 1 of 5: Pluck the Hair

Step 1. Run the hot water over a corner of a towel
Using only the corner allows you to moisten the unibrow without getting the whole face wet.
An alternative would be to shave immediately after a shower: hot water and steam open the pores

Step 2. Put the wet towel on the area of skin from which you want to remove the hair
Keep it until it cools down. Repeat the procedure two or three times. The hot water opens the hair pores and makes the work of the tweezers easier and less painful.

Step 3. Stand in front of the mirror
If you have a magnifying mirror, use it. It can help you locate every single hair you want to remove, but it's not an indispensable item.

Step 4. Start tearing in the center of the unibrow
Work from the center to the sides. If it is particularly difficult to pull the hair, use the other hand to keep the skin pulled. Be careful not to pluck too much eyebrow hair. Keep tearing until you are happy with the result.

Step 5. Thin your brows if you like
Work from the bottom edge up. Keep doing this by checking the mirror work to make sure you don't overdo it.

Step 6. Apply antibacterial soap and emollient lotion when done
Aloe is fine. Washing with antibacterial soap ensures that your empty pores don't get filled with bacteria (causing pimples).
If the brow area is red or swollen, put ice cubes on it. They reduce both redness and swelling. You can also use a wet towel with cold water
Method 2 of 5: Using Wax

Step 1. Buy a home waxing kit
It usually contains everything you need to pluck your eyebrows. They exist with hot or cold waxing, and they tear the hair from the root. Hair removed with wax takes longer to grow back than hair removed with tweezers.
You can also buy pre-prepared hair removal strips. They are best for beginners. You simply have to press the strip on the area you want to shave and tear against the hair. Press the strip, hold the skin taut with one hand and tear off the strip

Step 2. Heat the wax
Follow the instructions on the package to make sure you do it correctly. Microwave is usually used.

Step 3. Spread the wax on the area you want to shave
It's easier to ask a friend to help you than to do it yourself. However, you can also do it alone with a mirror and a good eye. If you make a mess and put the wax where you don't want to remove the hair, rinse and try again.

Step 4. Cover the wax with the strip you find in the box
Reward her firmly. Make sure that when you put the strip, the wax is only on the points of the eyebrow that you want to shave.

Step 5. Wait for the wax to harden
You should follow the specific instructions of the product you have purchased to know how long you have to wait.
Again, ask a friend to help you

Step 6. Remove the strip
Hold the skin taut around the strip with one hand. Give a quick, smooth wrench as if you were removing a band-aid.

Step 7. Apply cold water or ice cubes if the skin becomes swollen and red
Apply antibacterial lotion to prevent breakouts and ingrown hair.
Method 3 of 5: Use a Hair Removal Cream

Step 1. Buy hair removal cream
You can also find it at the pharmacy, and look for one that can be applied to the face. Depilatory creams are great for those who can't stand the pain of waxing or tweezers. Be aware, however, that the cream does not remove the hair at the root but makes a chemical cut: this means that the hair will grow back faster.

Step 2. Test the cream on your skin to see if it is irritating
Put a small amount of cream on the back of your hand or some other place. Leave it for the application time recommended by the instructions (usually 2 minutes). Wash off the cream. If your skin is very red or irritated, it is probably best not to use the cream on your face. If you only have a slight redness and there are no other reactions, take it easy!

Step 3. Apply the cream to your unibrow
Do this in front of a mirror to check what you are doing. Make sure you don't spread the cream on the areas of your eyebrow that you don't want to shave.

Step 4. Let the cream sit for the recommended time
The package should report the shutter speed (usually 2 minutes). Do not leave the cream on for longer than the recommended time or your skin will become irritated.

Step 5. Remove the cream with a towel
The unibrow hair should come off with the cream, as this has chemically removed it. Wipe your face.
Method 4 of 5: Shave the Eyebrow

Step 1. Note that shaving the unibrow brings short-lived results
Eyebrow hair will grow much faster if you shave it, compared to removing it with wax, tweezers or cream.

Step 2. Invest in an eyebrow retouching razor that is specifically designed for this purpose
You can find it in pharmacies or perfumeries.

Step 3. Apply a small amount of shaving cream to your unibrow
Make sure you don't cover the areas you don't want to shave.
You can also mark the portion of the eyebrows that you want to remove with a make-up pencil: this helps you to spread the shaving cream only in the right places

Step 4. Put the razor under running water
Carefully shave the portion of the eyebrow you want to remove. Move from the brow line towards the root of the nose.

Step 5. Remove the shaving cream and hair with a wet towel
Avoid getting shaving cream in your eyes. If there is a lot of hair left, reapply the lather and shave again.
Method 5 of 5: Another Way to Wax Your Eyebrow

Step 1. You will need duct tape, syrup or honey, talcum powder, water and a raw egg

Step 2. Mix the syrup or honey
Mix it with a cup of water, in a small bowl.

Step 3. Add a tablespoon of talcum powder
Break the egg and add that too, then mix.

Step 4. Apply to the section of skin you want to shave, using a spoon

Step 5. Let it sit for 30 minutes

Step 6. Cut a square of adhesive tape about 2 cm on each side
Place it carefully on top of the mixture.

Step 7. Press on the adhesive tape for about ten minutes

Step 8. Tear off the tape quickly but gently

Step 9. Place ice cubes on irritated skin or apply lotion

Step 10. Finished
The hairs will no longer be there.
- There are definitive treatments, such as lasers. However they are very expensive and must be done by a professional.
- If you feel unsure about following the above methods, go to a beautician for a professional job.
- When you warm up the wax, try it on the inside of your wrist before putting it on your face: it may be too hot. In this case, wait for it to cool down. To remove it, use baby oil.
- Some hair removal creams can cause irritation. Always try them on the back of your hand or elsewhere on your skin before applying them to your face.