3 Ways to Deal with the Disease

3 Ways to Deal with the Disease
3 Ways to Deal with the Disease

Table of contents:


Nobody likes being sick; any illness, even a common cold, can have a negative impact not only on physical but also on mental health. When you are unwell, you tend to let go and get depressed easily, but this leads to aggravating physical symptoms. In these situations, try to put in place some specific mechanisms to lift the mood, as well as remedies to treat the physical symptoms.


Method 1 of 3: Focus on Emotional Health

Cope with Being Sick Step 1
Cope with Being Sick Step 1

Step 1. Take a break

For many people, it can be difficult to stop when you are overloaded with tasks, but continuing with your normal daily activities when you are sick can have many negative consequences. Not only do you risk passing the disease on to others, but you end up feeling even more stressed; when you are unwell, you need to take a break from your daily responsibilities as much as possible.

  • Take a few sick days from work. Even if you have many responsibilities in the workplace, you are not doing anyone a favor if you show up when you have a cold or the flu; you are unable to fully perform your duties and as a result you may feel frustrated and disheartened.
  • If you have a fever, mental abilities slow down; when you can't work at your normal pace, the only thing you can do is "chase" work all day.
  • Give yourself a day off; remember that the body and mind function much better after giving them time to heal.
  • Exempt from other duties. For example, if you agreed to go to the movies with friends, don't force yourself to stick to the commitment, but reschedule it for when you feel better.
Cope with Being Sick Step 2
Cope with Being Sick Step 2

Step 2. Use relaxation techniques

When you are sick you may feel in a bad mood; It is understandable that when you suffer from abdominal discomfort or a sore throat, you don't really want to be particularly cheerful. When you are not very fit, you can also feel more stressed if you fear that you will not be able to get work done or are worried that you will not be able to prepare a good dinner for the family. But remember that one aspect of the healing process is feeling better mentally, so make a conscious effort to relax and lower your stress levels.

  • Try progressive muscle relaxation. Get into a comfortable position and take time to contract and relax each muscle group. For example, contract your hands for five seconds and then relax them for thirty seconds; proceed in this way until you have stimulated each group. This is a relaxation technique that helps relieve muscle tension.
  • Another useful technique is deep breathing. Focus on the breath and let your mind wander; inhale for a count of 6-8 and then exhale for the same amount of time.
  • Visualization is another great way to reduce tension. Focus on something pleasant, like the idea of being in a park on a nice day. use all your senses: try to see the blue sky in front of you and imagine the sensation of the warmth of the sun on your skin.
  • Relaxation techniques offer many benefits: they relieve pain and promote an increase in energy.
Cope with Being Sick Step 3
Cope with Being Sick Step 3

Step 3. Lean on friends and family

When you are sick, you can feel overwhelmed by all the tasks you have to perform, even the simplest ones. Get help from friends and family to help reduce some of the stress. If you have a partner, ask him to cook a good dinner for you; if you live alone, ask your friends if they can take you home something ready.

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. It is normal to feel uncomfortable when seeking assistance from other people, but if you are sick, others are happy to help you. Make specific requests, so that you get exactly what you need; For example, ask a friend to go to a specific pharmacy to pick up the drugs for which the doctor has left the prescription in your name.
  • Try not to completely isolate yourself. It is true that you do not want to spread germs during illness, but this does not mean that you have to withdraw completely from social life. You can send e-mails or text messages to friends, so that you have some virtual company; knowing that you are not alone can help you lift the mood.
Cope with Being Sick Step 4
Cope with Being Sick Step 4

Step 4. Focus on positivity

Doctors say that people who practice positive thinking are generally healthier; some studies have found that it reduces stress and helps manage particularly difficult situations. Illness is definitely a stressful circumstance and positive thinking is a great help in feeling better.

  • Let yourself go to laughter. It is easy to feel bad during an illness, but if you find some funny situation, don't hesitate to smile; Even if it's just a silly commercial seen on TV, laughing can help you lift your spirits.
  • Filter out negative thoughts. If you are in bed and you are thinking about the mountain of dirty clothes that you have to wash, change your image immediately; look out the window and be glad you are indoors on this rainy day.
  • Don't worry about what you're missing out on, but instead focus on the positive things about your day. For example, if you are feeling anxious about the tasks you are neglecting at work, think about how lucky you were today not to find yourself stuck in the terrible traffic jam you saw on the morning news.
Cope with Being Sick Step 5
Cope with Being Sick Step 5

Step 5. Choose entertainment that lifts your mood

Illness is an excellent opportunity to indulge in pleasant activities; maybe there is a television show that you really like and that you never get to see due to countless daily commitments, or you have a pile of magazines on your nightstand waiting to be read. This is the right time! But make sure you choose wisely - the important thing is that it's something that makes you feel emotionally better.

  • Since you are probably very sensitive during your illness, this is perhaps not the best time to watch documentaries or TV reports on crime in the city; a serious or depressing schedule can increase your anxiety.
  • Choose a light-hearted show, movie or book that helps you distract yourself from the feeling of nausea you feel; a funny comedy can help make the world seem brighter.

Method 2 of 3: Coping with Physical Symptoms

Cope with Being Sick Step 6
Cope with Being Sick Step 6

Step 1. Get plenty of rest

Sleep is one of the most effective ways to help your body heal when you are sick. Under normal circumstances, you should sleep around seven to eight hours a night; when you are not well, however, you should add at least a couple of hours more; sleep helps the body to recover energy and heal.

  • If you have a cough or cold, it can be difficult to sleep well; try putting a support under your head and staying in a slightly inclined position, so you can breathe easier and be able to rest better.
  • Sleep alone. When you are sick you probably tend to cough and move more. Ask your partner to sleep in another room; you need space, as well as more peace and quiet to get the rest you need.
Cope with Being Sick Step 7
Cope with Being Sick Step 7

Step 2. Stay hydrated

With the disease, the body needs more fluid than usual; for example, if you have a fever, sweat probably deprives you of part of your body fluids, just as if you have diarrhea or vomit, you lose fluids. The body takes longer to heal if you don't replenish lost fluids; so be sure to increase hydration when you are not well.

  • Water is a great choice, but sometimes other drinks taste more pleasant or make you feel better during illness. For example, you can try some hot ginger tea to "fix" stomach upset.
  • Hot juices and soups are also great for keeping you well hydrated.
Cope with Being Sick Step 8
Cope with Being Sick Step 8

Step 3. Eat right

Healthy foods can help the body heal and if they are also tasty, they also improve mood; you have to eat nutritious foods when you are sick and if they are cooked by another person, even better.

  • Chicken soup can help you feel better; not only does the broth keep you hydrated, but the heat can reduce congestion.
  • Honey is an excellent substance for relieving sore throats; try adding it to tea or yogurt.
  • Spicy foods can loosen the mucus responsible for congestion; they are also perfect for "awakening" the taste buds that can be numb due to a blocked nose; try a Mexican soup or some spicy tomato sauce.
  • You must eat even if the stomach is "upside down"; if you don't find anything particularly appetizing, eat at least a few crackers; starch helps absorb the acid that the stomach is producing in excess.
Cope with Being Sick Step 9
Cope with Being Sick Step 9

Step 4. Take the medications

They work wonders against various different diseases. Whether it's prescription drugs or some over-the-counter medicine, taking them correctly can reduce symptoms and speed up the healing process; just make sure you stick to the indicated dosage.

  • Talk to the pharmacist; is a great source of information, and if you don't know how to choose from the countless medications available for colds, flu or allergies, it can point you to the right product. Ask him to recommend a reliable drug.
  • Choose a medicine that treats your symptoms. For example, if you have a cough that doesn't make you sleep at night, choose a product that also fights insomnia.
  • Take pain relievers. Being sick often means having to deal with aches and pains as well; try ibuprofen or aspirin to relieve these symptoms and reduce fever.
  • See your doctor if you have any allergies or other conditions that medications may react badly to.
Cope with Being Sick Step 10
Cope with Being Sick Step 10

Step 5. Try home remedies

If you don't want to take medication, there are some simple remedies that help cure most common ailments. For example, if you have a sore throat, you can gargle with salt; Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in 250ml of hot water and gargle / rinse in your mouth and throat for several seconds.

  • If you feel nauseous, take ginger which is an excellent natural remedy. Add some fresh grated root to the herbal tea or eat a few pieces or drink a ginger ale.
  • Increase the humidity of the air. Turn on a vaporizer or humidifier in your home moist air helps relieve congestion.
  • Even an electric warmer can soothe the symptoms of serious illness. If you have stomach cramps, place it on your abdomen; if you have swollen lymph nodes, such as with mononucleosis, place a warm washcloth around your neck.

Method 3 of 3: Preventing Future Diseases

Cope with Being Sick Step 11
Cope with Being Sick Step 11

Step 1. Adopt healthy habits

While it is impossible to avoid disease altogether, there are some things you can do to reduce the risk of disease as much as possible. Following a healthy lifestyle can strengthen the immune system and make the body more resistant to diseases; make these habits part of your daily routine.

  • Eat healthy. Consume lots of fruits and vegetables; fill your plates with foods of always different colors. For example, eat green leafy vegetables, a colorful fruit, and healthy starchy foods, such as sweet potatoes; don't forget lean proteins though.
  • Get regular physical activity. Frequent exercise offers wonderful health benefits: it lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and stress levels; try to be active at least half an hour a day, six days a week.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Aim to sleep at least 7-8 hours every night and make sure you go to bed and get up at the same time every day. in this way, even sleep becomes a part of the healthy daily routine.
Cope with Being Sick Step 12
Cope with Being Sick Step 12

Step 2. Sanitize the surrounding environment

Germs are a part of life, but you can take steps to minimize their exposure. For example, clean your work surface at the beginning and end of the day; always keep some disinfectant wipes in a drawer for this purpose.

Wash your hands. Use warm soapy water and scrub it for at least 20 seconds several times a day. Wash them after coming into contact with animals, food, or after touching your mouth or nose

Cope with Being Sick Step 13
Cope with Being Sick Step 13

Step 3. Reduce Stress

Some studies have shown that it can actually make you sick; it not only causes ailments such as hypertension, but also manifests itself in tension headache and gastric problems. If you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, try to lower your anxiety level.

  • "Unplug" when you need it. If you are experiencing some stressful situation, give yourself a few minutes to walk away. For example, if you are arguing with your roommate about making your turn to clean the bathroom, apologize and take a quick walk around the block.
  • Take some time for yourself. Give yourself moments every day to relax; do something you enjoy, like reading a book before bed or watching your favorite TV show.


  • Always get plenty of rest even if you don't feel tired.
  • Remember that health is your top priority.
