Haughty people consider themselves superior to others. Do you think this description suits you? If the answer is yes, and you want to change the way you behave, here's what you need to do.
It may not be easy to change a typically disdainful personality, but if you want it wholeheartedly, you will certainly succeed.
Method 1 of 2: Look Inward

Step 1. Think about those things that make you act like you are superior to others
There is often a deep fear of rejection behind an attitude of superiority. For example, it's easier to belittle someone than to actually get to know them and let them into your world. By establishing a distance between yourself and the other person, you avoid the possibility of being rejected, laughed at and disappointed. If you have these fears, face them and try to analyze them to eradicate them.

Step 2. Stop assuming you know more than anyone else
This is not necessarily true. As a human race, we have a lot of knowledge. As individuals, although we may be experts in only one part of our field / hobby / profession / passion, we don't know everything and we have a lot to teach and learn from others. Instead, try to see each meeting as an opportunity to learn more, broaden your knowledge, and make yourself an ally.

Step 3. Try to be compassionate, don't have a self-righteous attitude
The haughtiness can leave you alone as a dog and turn you into a lone wolf. Which triggers a vicious circle in which you feel less and less confident, internalizing the need to remain haughty. Try expressing compassion instead; look at people by considering all the struggles, triumphs, successes, doubts, weaknesses and strengths they are really made of. We all have unique perspectives. Every person you meet is a rich source of information and always new ideas. Get to know people and look for the hidden gem they have inside. Look for that unique thing about them that makes them special.
Method 2 of 2: Look Around

Step 1. Try something new
Do something you've never done before, something that requires you to rely on someone else's knowledge and skills. Allow yourself to trust others and keep both your mind and ears open. Learning is a process of being humble, and it is humility that allows you to learn not to have that superior attitude anymore.

Step 2. Be firm without being arrogant
If for a long time you have used your wit to undermine others, you may be surprised to learn that your behavior is considered aggressive, or even passive-aggressive. Instead, try to express your opinion by speaking assertively. If you are afraid that people will not respect you or listen to you, think again - people respect the opinions of others, when they are expressed calmly, clearly and with the aim of discussing them rather than having the last word.