How to be great (with pictures)

Table of contents:

How to be great (with pictures)
How to be great (with pictures)

There is no magic formula or step by step guide to getting great. Furthermore, there are many ways to be considered as such. What is your definition of grandeur? What image comes to your mind when you hear the word? If you are reading this page, you are probably interested in how others perceive you. However, it is much more important to be able to convince yourself of how great you are! If you believe in yourself, others will see how much you are worth too!


Part 1 of 3: Be Yourself

Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 1
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 1

Step 1. Don't worry about what others think

Even if you want people to think you are great, remember that always seeking the approval of others is by no means an attractive trait. This kind of attitude makes you seem in need of attention. Instead of always asking yourself if others like you, evaluate your self-esteem level.

  • It is normal to give importance to what others think of you. However, you cannot always please everyone and in some cases your personality will clash with that of other people, who will not like you. Instead of trying to please everyone, consider who really matters to you, like mom, dad, grandparents, or your best friend. If your closest loved ones value you and love you, it's easier to ignore the opinions of those who don't appreciate you.
  • For example, if a person who matters little to you (such as a classmate you don't know well) insults you or talks badly about you behind your back, consider what they said for a moment. Is this true, at least in part? It probably isn't, so just ignore the sentence by reminding yourself that that person's opinion doesn't matter.
  • If you feel the need to continually establish yourself on social media, consider limiting the time you spend on Facebook and Instagram, or even closing your accounts. Likes and Hearts are not reliable measures of your grandeur.
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 2
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 2

Step 2. Try to be authentic

To do this, you must first think about who you are and believe in yourself. People will understand if you only say what they want to hear or if your attitude is a staging to integrate you into the context.

  • Don't be a bully. If people think you're always playing a role to get attention, they won't understand when you are being honest or when you are serious. For example, if you play the role of "class clown" your classmates will find you funny, but they will never take you seriously. They might laugh at you, not at you.
  • It may take time and experimentation, but you will learn about your true self. Reflect on your behaviors and emotions. Did you tell a friend that you were going to see each other, even if you didn't want to? If you are not authentic, you will feel unsatisfied and agitated, while acting spontaneously you will be happy and fulfilled.
  • Consider journaling your behaviors and emotions so you can identify when you are really yourself. Self-awareness is the most important quality for being genuine. If you reflect on these aspects every day or every week, you will become more aware and therefore more authentic.
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 3
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 3

Step 3. Discover your passions

Really great people do what they love and are not ashamed of it. Do you like art, literature, music or sport? Whatever your passion, follow it!

  • The most interesting people know how to excel in their field. Once you find your passion, try to become the best. Basketball is your life, but you can't score three-pointers? Practice until you learn how to shoot with your eyes closed! People will start calling you "that very strong guy who always scores 3-point baskets"!
  • Share your passions with others. For example, if you enjoy reading, start a book club. Talking openly about your favorite activities will also help you get to know other people with similar interests to yours.

Part 2 of 3: Improve yourself

Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 4
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 4

Step 1. Make a list of other people's qualities that you consider great

Ask yourself why you think they are considered such. Can you become like them? If not, is there anything different you can do?

Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 5
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 5

Step 2. Develop aspects of yourself that aren't that great

Remember that there is no single model that everyone aspires to in life. For some, it is important to be in good physical shape. Others have dreams of developing their musical talent or reading more books.

  • Whatever aspect you decide to develop, come up with a plan and stick to it. If you want to learn how to play the guitar, sign up for a class and practice every day. If you want to read more books, make a list of volumes that interest you and try to finish a certain number each month.
  • Do not give up! Giving up is never great, so don't risk getting the reputation of someone who gives up on projects. Others will notice and admire your determination.
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 6
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 6

Step 3. Be optimistic

Great people enjoy life, but they also have difficult days. When you're feeling down, find the bright side, but also look for ways to improve the situation in the future. Imagine you got a bad grade in math. Instead of complaining, do your homework and take private lessons before the next question.

Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 7
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 7

Step 4. Find the fun side of life

Watch videos and listen to comic podcasts. Listening to funny shows will help you face life with more irony and not take yourself too seriously.

If you are naturally pessimistic, it is very important to find the comic side of situations that would normally make you angry. Nobody likes to hang out with negative people

Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 8
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 8

Step 5. Create

Commit to doing the things you love. Creatives are considered great by everyone instinctively.

Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 9
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 9

Step 6. Believe in yourself, but don't be presumptuous

You shouldn't tell everyone that you are the greatest. Let your actions speak for you.

Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 10
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 10

Step 7. Develop your relationships

Make sure the people around you understand that you care by showing gratitude and kindness.

  • For example, if a teammate gives you a perfect assist in training, tell him he's great and return the favor in the future.
  • Spend your time helping others. If you see that your classmate is having difficulty with their math homework, which is a breeze for you, give him a hand after school. You could make a new friend!
  • Don't be silent when witnessing an act of bullying. Nobody thinks bullies are great. By defending others and yourself, you will be considered a hero; don't put your cloak on though!

Part 3 of 3: How to Introduce Yourself to Others

Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 11
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 11

Step 1. Bond with others

Talk to everyone and listen to what they have to say. Show that you care about their well-being.

A simple greeting to the people you meet in the corridors of the school may be enough to show that you are not thinking only of yourself

Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 12
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 12

Step 2. Become a leader

Being a leader means taking responsibility not only for your own actions, but also for those of others.

Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 13
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 13

Step 3. Dress well

The right clothes help you believe in yourself more. You don't need to have the most expensive clothes, but if you wear clothes that make you feel comfortable, you will look more confident.

If you don't know what kind of clothes you like to wear, go shopping with a friend and try some new looks

Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 14
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 14

Step 4. Maintain hygiene

Put on deodorant and brush your teeth (naturally), but also take care of your skin, hair and nails.

  • If you have acne problems, be sure to use facial cleansers that fight the problem. If you can, see a dermatologist.
  • Taking care of your hair and nails may seem like a girlish thing to you, but remember that girls notice those details. If you have short hair, be sure to go to the barber when it starts growing over your ears or looks scruffy (unless that's your style, then go ahead!). Regularly trim your nails, as well as cuticles; do not tear them!
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 15
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 15

Step 5. Maintain good posture

Often, people form their first impressions of you based on your body language. How you introduce yourself reveals a lot about your personality. Keep your back straight and shoulders back, but don't be too stiff!

Do not cross your arms or legs to protect your body. Gestures like this are interpreted as "Leave me alone!"

Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 16
Be Awesome (for Boys) Step 16

Step 6. Act like a confident person

Don't become the kind of annoying guy who always says he wants to do something, but never tries hard to get it done. Take the initiative!


  • Believe in yourself. Trust your instincts and good luck on the road to excellence!
  • Don't let your friends limit your interests.
  • Make sure what you do is great in your opinion. If you're not the first to believe it, no one else will.
  • When trying to be optimistic, think ahead and remember that you are in total control of what you will become when you grow up. Life is beautiful because we always have the possibility to improve ourselves; when you understand it you will be great.


  • Belief in yourself is important, but don't overdo the confidence or you'll seem arrogant and self-centered. People with that type of character often love themselves, but are usually not considered great by others.
  • When trying to get great, remember that you can give the opposite impression by trying too hard.
  • It is not material possessions that make you great. Fashionable cars and clothes can make you "look" great, but they don't change your nature.
