How To Make Life More Lively: 11 Steps

How To Make Life More Lively: 11 Steps
How To Make Life More Lively: 11 Steps

Table of contents:


Do you have the impression of dragging yourself inexorably along the tracks of the usual daily routine? It's easy to start feeling down or out of sorts if you don't add spice to life every now and then. To move it, sometimes it is enough to do something that is out of the ordinary. You can live in a more fulfilling way by changing something in your daily life and interpersonal relationships, but also by deepening and cultivating your passions.


Part 1 of 3: Changing Everyday Life

Brighten up Your Life Step 1
Brighten up Your Life Step 1

Step 1. Be more creative

According to some research, there is a direct link between creativity and happiness. Try anything that can lift your mood and brighten your days.

  • Create something in line with your talent. If you can dance, write or sing, you can bring a story, a poem, a choreography or a song to life. It's like offering a part of you to the universe. You will immediately feel better after making such a work.
  • You can also challenge yourself in something new. Go to Pinterest and find a project to make with your own hands. You could make a piece of jewelry, sew a dress, repurpose old furniture or appliances, or even make a fancy dessert.
Brighten up Your Life Step 2
Brighten up Your Life Step 2

Step 2. Add some color to your life

If, looking around, you only see faded or dull colors, don't be surprised if your mood matches your surroundings.

  • Try adding a pinch of liveliness to your outfit. You could wear a completely yellow scarf, hat, or outfit. According to some studies, colors have the power to improve mood. Yellow and green make people happier; red excites; blue relaxes. Pick a color and appreciate how it will quickly change your mood.
  • If you don't like wearing clothes with too bright colors, harness the power of colors by enlivening the environment in which you live. Choose a bright pink lamp or buy that gorgeous sunset painting you've been eyeing for some time. You will feel a thrill of joy every time you pass this piece of furniture.
Brighten up Your Life Step 3
Brighten up Your Life Step 3

Step 3. Get out in the sun

It may seem paradoxical, but a surefire way to bring some cheer to life is to shower it with sunshine. Natural light can have a huge influence on the mood, whether you are feeling down or happy.

  • If you stay at home during the day, open the curtains or raise the blinds to let in natural light. Put a chair on the porch or out on the balcony and let yourself be kissed by the sun before starting the day.
  • Put on your sneakers and go out for a walk. Physical activity will improve your mental attitude, while exposure to sunlight can restore your good mood and help resynchronize your circadian rhythms. Walking outdoors offers three benefits: physical exercise, improvement of the sleep cycle, peace and serenity thanks to the contact with nature.
Brighten up Your Life Step 4
Brighten up Your Life Step 4

Step 4. Be indulgent with yourself

If you always put health and well-being at the bottom of your priority list, you risk running out of energy and optimism. Treat yourself better and rest assured that you will feel better.

  • Eat a healthy diet - fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Avoid processed and sugary foods which can actually drain you energy and make you tired and irritable.
  • Practice physical activity. Get in shape in the way that suits your lifestyle, whether it's going to the gym, running in the park or walking your child in a stroller around the neighborhood. Just keep your body moving and the endorphins will do the rest.
  • Take care of you. During the week find time to indulge in something that will give you peace and relaxation. Take a hot bath, read a compelling novel, or throw a sleepover. If you prioritize your well-being, life will smile at you.
Brighten up Your Life Step 5
Brighten up Your Life Step 5

Step 5. Smile

Surely you have heard the phrase "pretend to believe it". Put it into practice by giving an outward image of happiness. According to the law of attraction, good vibes will find you if you believe it.

  • As soon as you wake up in the morning, try to smile for a few moments in front of the mirror. It may seem trivial, but this attitude will show that you are happy with your physical appearance and confident, and will accompany you into the world around you.
  • Try to be nice and kind to anyone you meet along your path. Smile at people you don't know. You never know, but this way you could bring a ray of sunshine into their days.

Part 2 of 3: Interacting with Others

Brighten up Your Life Step 6
Brighten up Your Life Step 6

Step 1. Increase your social life

Life can start to feel sadder if you wake up every morning, go to work and go home at the end of the day to spend the evening in front of the television.

  • Break your habits by inviting an old friend to lunch. Plan an adventurous weekend with your children or grandchildren. Go to a party. Just spend more time with people who make you smile.
  • Even if you're the introverted type, simply making commitments with cheerful, positive people can be invigorating. Try not to overdo it by putting a lot of dates on your agenda that are too close to each other or by surrounding yourself with people who annoy you or make you anxious.
Brighten up Your Life Step 7
Brighten up Your Life Step 7

Step 2. Adopt a pet

It's probably the easiest and least strenuous way to bring some joy into your life (except for veterinary care, grooming, and food).

According to some studies, those who live in the company of a four-legged friend enjoy a series of advantages, absent in the life of those who do not have pets. A dog or cat can reduce the risk of heart disease, decrease stress, relieve depression, comfort people in their saddest moments, and lead them to be a little more active

Brighten up Your Life Step 8
Brighten up Your Life Step 8

Step 3. Help others

Life can feel dull when you dwell too much on yourself. Take a break from your moments of introspection and focus your attention on others. This attitude can radically transform your existence and improve the way you see the world.

  • Just ask your loved ones or friends if you can help them. Maybe a friend will ask you to pick up your clothes from the laundry or babysit the kids for an important evening. Whatever the request, reaching out to those in need will make you feel great.
  • Volunteer. Offer tutoring to children in a school subject you are good at. Read to seniors living in a nursing home. Join an association that builds homes in developing countries. All of these experiences could extend your life expectancy. In fact, some research shows that those who volunteer for no more than 100 hours a year are 28% less likely to die than those who do not make any contributions to society.

Part 3 of 3: Know What You Want

Brighten up Your Life Step 9
Brighten up Your Life Step 9

Step 1. List your goals

Write down the goals you would like to accomplish over the next 12, 18, or 24 months. Think carefully about your career, health, relationships, and current situation. Aim high, but also try to set achievable goals. Those who are ambitious are also more satisfied with their life.

  • Don't have too high expectations, otherwise you risk getting frustrated and dissatisfied. Think about the most important things you want to accomplish in or about the next year and determine the steps to achieve them.
  • If you set goals, you will have a clearer view of your life and will be able to evaluate the progress made over time. In addition, you will be able to better understand if the path you have chosen is allowing you to gradually get closer to what you have set out to do or if you need to change some habits.
Brighten up Your Life Step 10
Brighten up Your Life Step 10

Step 2. Prepare a "vision board" (outline to focus on your goals)

Sometimes, it seems to you that life is uninteresting because you do not have a clear idea of how you can achieve what you have set for yourself. Review the list of your goals and search for images and quotes that illustrate your dreams. Grab some thumbtacks or duct tape and hang your chart on the wall - it will help keep you motivated and give you direction to follow in everyday life.

A "vision board" can help you understand which path you need to follow to graduate or to buy a house, or to understand all aspects of life. Find original images that arouse emotions in you and encourage you to take the necessary steps to achieve your goals

Brighten up Your Life Step 11
Brighten up Your Life Step 11

Step 3. Explore

Perhaps you feel that you are living in a less than satisfying way because you are not doing anything inspiring and exciting. Sometimes in life you are forced to make choices, but later it is necessary to evaluate whether you are doing what you really want. What would you do if you had no economic problems? You would probably cultivate your passions!

  • Try taking courses in various types of industries in order to discover some new passion. You don't have to enroll in college to consider other career opportunities. If you do a search on the internet, you will find that there are a myriad of courses that you can take for free or without spending a lot of money.
  • Force yourself to step out of your comfort zone. Engage in the industry of your choice, but go further. Consider improving your career, perhaps by opening a business or aiming for a promotion.