To truly intrigue a guy, you have to show him how charming you are and you need to intrigue him so that he gets the urge to get to know you better. You can't show yourself to him completely right away or make him think he already understood you in the first five minutes after you met, otherwise he won't be interested in knowing more about you and won't wonder what you're doing when you're not with him. So how can you create the perfect combination of mystery and excitement that will intrigue any guy? Go to step 1 to get started.
Part 1 of 2: Behave in a Fascinating Way

Step 1. Show some interest in her
If you don't give them anything to hold on to, you won't get anything in return. He won't be interested in you if you turn your back on him and make him think you don't care about him. So, give him a smirk, a nod, or start a light conversation with him. Flirt a little, just enough to make him think there's a chance you might like him, but don't give him the certainty that you want him. Flirt just enough to make him think of you and make him want to see you again.
Call him by name when you talk to him, and occasionally look him in the eye.
Make a Guy Come Talk to You Step 05 -
Avoid physical contact when talking to him for the first time, you would be too explicit.
Intrigue a Guy Step 01Bullet02

Step 2. Show him that you are enjoying yourself
If you want to charm a guy, you have to make him want to be around you. If you are where he can see you, let him notice how much fun you are having with your friends, laughing, talking cheerfully or even dancing. Make him think, "Here's a nice, nice girl. I'd like to get to know her better." If she always sees you sulking or bored and sad, why should she want to know more about you? Of course, you don't have to pretend you're having fun just to get her attention, but actually be the kind of girl who goes out with friends and knows how to have a good time.
She must think it would be lucky to be in your orbit, not that you need a boyfriend for your life to be complete

Step 3. Not always being available
If you're starting to get to know each other and he wants to go out, you should be happy about that, but don't show him you're always free. Let him wonder what you do. Maybe you have a line of dates with other guys. Or maybe you've planned a fun weekend with your friends. Maybe you like spending Friday nights alone, translating Lithuanian poems… She doesn't have to know exactly what you do all the time; knowing that you are not always free will make him appreciate more the time he can spend with you and the fact that you are a dynamic person with many commitments.
Having many exciting plans and ideas will make you a more interesting and multi-faceted person.
Be Zen About Getting Bad Grades in College Step 04 -
Don't call him all the time, don't answer every time he calls you, and don't text him five minutes after you hear him. Show him that you are often busy, not that you are there waiting for his call.
End a Friendship Step 06

Step 4. Keep all options open
If you have started talking a lot or are dating from time to time, don't let him know immediately how much you like him. Make him feel special enough to make him want to see you again, but don't tell him that he's the only guy in your life or that you want to get together as soon as possible. You need to let him know that he's the one who should ask you to be his girlfriend (if that's what you want), rather than letting him know he's the only one for you. This doesn't mean you have to fool him, you just have to stay open to all possibilities.
If he thinks your attention is all to him, he'll be less fascinated by you because he'll think he's already won you over.
Intrigue a Guy Step 04Bullet01

Step 5. Don't be too direct
Being tough is an important step in charming a guy. Even if you think he's the right one, you don't have to go straight to his feet, tell him how sexy he is, or compliment him all the time. Most guys like to be on their toes; if you want him to think you're worth it, show him the hunt is never over. And already, many successful couples say that the key to their long relationship is the feeling that the hunt is never really over; if you want to intrigue that guy, you don't have to give him everything in the first five minutes.
This does not mean that you have to deceive or manipulate him; you should just refrain from telling him right away how much you love him and all, or you will scare him rather than intrigue him.
Intrigue a Guy Step 05Bullet01 -
It goes without saying: if you start kissing, don't give yourself in completely right away. Make him wait so he realizes what you're worth. If you indulge in the first night, there will be less incentive to woo you.
Intrigue a Guy Step 05Bullet02

Step 6. Don't tell him everything about yourself
If you want to charm a guy, you don't have to make him think he already knows everything about you after the first conversation. Reveal yourself a little at a time and let him know that there are different aspects of you. Once you show him your artistic side by talking to him about your poems, and the next time show him your knowledge of sports by telling him who you think will win the football championship. Don't even give him your full bio; Let him guess little by little that you spent six months in India or that you were born in Alaska, rather than telling him every little detail right away.
When you talk to him, be sure to ask him questions too, so that the conversation proceeds on both sides. If you talk all the time, he'll probably find out a lot about you right away, and he'll think there's not much left to know.
Intrigue a Guy Step 06Bullet01

Step 7. Try to make him want to get to know you better
If you want to charm the guy, leave him just when things were looking good. Don't let a great conversation fall to the mundane to the point of finding yourself talking about the mushroom at your grandmother's feet; when you feel you have reached a good understanding, tell him that it was nice to talk to him but that you have to go now. Don't do it abruptly if it's out of context or seems rude; For example, if you are in the hallway of the school, wait and talk to him until the bell rings, so you have an excuse to leave quickly and go back to class. Just say a few words to make him curious and say hello.
You can tell him that you enjoyed talking to him, but don't overdo it. Let him know that you enjoyed being with him too, but don't make him think he can talk to you for as long as he wants and when he wants.
Tell when a Girl Is Interested in You Step 02Bullet03
Part 2 of 2: Possessing Intriguing Qualities

Step 1. Be independent
Men are fascinated by women who know what they want and love to do things on their own. If a guy thinks you want to stick with him and do absolutely everything together, he'll likely feel choked and scared. Instead, show him that you have your interests, your friends and your goals, and that you are determined to continue doing what you love, with or without him.
Of course, if you start a serious relationship, it is inevitable that some of your interests will eventually coincide, but at first he should be fascinated by your ability to do what you want.
Tell when a Girl Is Interested in You Step 01 -
Follow your passions. Nothing is more intriguing than this.
Intrigue a Guy Step 08Bullet02

Step 2. Be playful
Don't be too serious right away. Remember that if the guy likes you, there's a chance he'll wonder what dating would be like, so when you're together you should be fun, lighthearted, and create a dynamic and interesting conversation. Don't nitpick, start boring long conversations, and don't be bigoted. Be funny, don't take yourself too seriously, and make fun of him too, if he doesn't take offense. He will be fascinated by your ability to enjoy life and have fun regardless of everything else.
If you want to joke a bit, lightly touch his arm or push it gently, but don't overdo it with physical contact.
Intrigue a Guy Step 09Bullet01

Step 3. Be happy with yourself
Men are fascinated by strong, confident women who are comfortable with their body. Don't make him think that you are insecure and that you are trying to fill a void in your life by dating him, or he may feel too much responsibility when he is with you. Rather, show him that you like the way you look, that you love what you do, and that you are happy to be surrounded by all the wonderful people who fill your life. If you're already happy with who you are, he's more likely to be happy with you too.
Body language is very important in making you look and feel confident. Keep your head up, maintain good posture, and don't play with your hands too much if you want to look confident and comfortable.
Intrigue a Guy Step 10Bullet01 -
But it doesn't have to seem like you already have everything clear; a little bit of vulnerability can be refreshing and honest. If you question everything about your current life, though, you better keep your thoughts on pursuing inner happiness for your girlfriends, not the guy you're trying to charm.
Intrigue a Guy Step 10Bullet02

Step 4. Impress him
Show him what a satisfied and wonderful woman you are. Get out of the crowd somehow, whether it's to be the fastest cross-country runner at your school or to be successful at work. Volunteer at a homeless center. Create your jewelry yourself. Do something unique and impressive because it makes you feel good, and show them what you are capable of. You don't have to do something just to show yourself, though, and keep the guy from getting the impression that it's all a farce. Show him that you are talented, that you are a hard worker and that you are generally gorgeous, and he will be more captivated than ever.
Work to be someone others admire, and take the time to take care of yourself. The more time you spend being a genuine and complete person, the more the guy will want to get to know you better.
Intrigue a Guy Step 12Bullet01

Step 5. Be unpredictable
It shouldn't be able to read you like an open book. Surprise him. Go on an unscheduled trip to Formentera. Make the wheel. Make an exclamation in perfect French in the middle of an argument about Paris. Show him that you can do anything and always keep him on his toes. Mix up your clothing and change your hairstyle, don't let it get used to seeing you a certain way.
Being spontaneous will help keep the relationship fresh and exciting. If you are spontaneous, the guy will realize that a relationship with you will be full of emotions.
Celebrate at 13th Birthday Step 08
- Don't be mean or nasty. Guys are intimidated or even bothered by mean girls. Always smile and be cheerful. It will give more emphasis to your mystery.
- Do not overdo it. Don't ignore it or push it away. To get someone to really care about you you have to give them half of the information, you will see that they will beg you for the rest.
- Is there a special event scheduled in your life? A birthday party, maybe a camping trip, a movie you've been waiting for a long time or your favorite restaurant opening a new branch near you? Mention it briefly (eg you can say "There's this thing coming soon …") before it happens, but don't tell him what it is. Then, invite him the night before! He'll put two and two together and it will be honored that you asked him to.
- Don't overdo the mystery. He may think you're emo, freak, or are hiding something. Be more interesting than completely mysterious.
- Don't refuse to give him your number; 9 out of 10 times, he'll think you're not interested, or get angry if he finds out you're playing with him. If a guy is "fascinated" enough to ask you for your phone number, reward him by giving it to him. Then, HE will be the one calling YOU to ask you out.
- Being mysterious won't always help you get a guy; it depends on his personality. Before using this technique, get to know him a little, so you can evaluate whether it will work with him or not.
- Be careful not to "belittle" yourself too much. If a guy asks you what music you like, and you answer "I like rock music …" and then he asks you what food you like, "I like pizza …" and then "I like flat shoes … I like ice cream … I love animals ", you may appear too boring. Embellish your answers a bit. For example, you can say that you like chocolate ice cream, or that dolphins are your favorite animals. Don't make him think you don't have firm opinions on anything.