Generally boys are not pieces of stone and it will not be difficult to make them laugh. If you know the ironic side of a guy and want to bring it out, you need to develop a connection with him that makes you both laugh until sunset. Read on to find its weak point!
Part 1 of 3: Find Your Humor

Step 1. Be a fool
Many girls are not able to always have the joke ready. The easiest way to train your humor is to be a little silly: show that you are happy, funny, and that you don't take life too seriously. Here are some ideas:
- Try physical humor. Make funny faces, pretend you're in slow-mo, jump on his back (if that's the case, of course) or start a friendly food throwing contest.
- Improvise a show. Speak with a weird accent or imitate him, obviously teasing him to make you more accomplices.
- You react stupidly. For example, are you snuggled next to him? Then start purring like a cat. When he says "Ooops, I took your last sip" you will say "OK, I'M GOING TO CANADA!", Then smile at him and start talking about how eager you are to play hockey and see the beavers.

Step 2. Be yourself
There is nothing better than being honest and comfortable with yourself. If you can be, you show him there is nothing to worry about. The irony will come by itself when you are both calm and relaxed!
- Don't worry you're not funny enough for him! If you are witty and you like to have fun, he will love to laugh with you. Don't worry about what impression you are making, do what makes you happy and he will probably follow you.
- If you are trying to be funny, he will sense that it is not genuine. Be spontaneous and let the conversation go on naturally. The irony will come!

Step 3. Think positive
Of course, every now and then you will find yourself in the midst of people who cannot be ironic because they are too serious, cynical, sarcastic and maybe a little negative, but you realize that, in general, you try to deal with such people in small doses. Everyone likes to surround themselves with bright and positive people, because they are contagious. Try to be more brilliant and positive too (therefore, you will also be more fun), you will see that you will bring out the best side in people. He cannot fail to appreciate it.
When you are optimistic, everything looks better. And when everything looks better, it's easier to make jokes (and get a smile in return). It will also be easier to take any situation and turn it into a fun one. The more you have fun, the more you laugh (and make him laugh!)
Part 2 of 3: Go with your style

Step 1. Get to know him
Humor is subjective. What you find funny won't be the same for your best friend. So, to know what makes him laugh, get to know him. What TV show does he like? Which comedians? What kind of humor does it use? All of these are useful clues to understand what amuses him.
The best Foucault joke, for one thing, will not be appreciated by the type of man who prefers vulgarity. And viceversa. Does the guy you like prefer bar talk? Do you appreciate shrewd nonsense about current events? Can he be conquered by a word game in the Clingon language? Find it out

Step 2. Laugh at his jokes
In general, women value a sense of humor more than men. What do men want? Someone who makes them feel funny. Instead of trying to impress him, show him what impresses you about him. Also show him that he has the right to laugh at his own jokes, so he will realize how funny he himself is. S.
You don't have to laugh at all his jokes like they make you go crazy every time. If he is in doubt, laugh at him, in a good way. Did he just make one of the usual blonde jokes? Let him know how tender he is when he tries to make you smile

Step 3. Give him the rope
When we get in tune with a person, alchemy can no longer be ignored. To let him know that he has won you over and that you like his humor, give him rope! If he starts to imitate some actor or some comic scene, respond in kind, challenge him with jokes!
Create a joke that can bring you together even more to build a relationship that's hard to break. Whether his humor is self-deprecating, or whether it comes from the Griffins, adapt. Show him that you like his ironic side
Part 3 of 3: Interact with Him

Step 1. Help him be happy in general
In difficult times, nothing can make him laugh. So try in every way to make him feel happy ("making him" happy is impossible, the person must want it): you just need to be yourself and cheer him with your wonderful presence.
By being positive and fun, you are really doing the best thing. Be his friend (or whatever is appropriate for your type of relationship), do little things for him, and try to make his life easier (especially if he's been through a lot). Point out the better side of life so that the humor comes by itself

Step 2. Make a fool of yourself
There are few things more fun than a person who can make fun of himself. There are few things worse than those who make a fool of themselves and are ashamed of them. So when you pour a drink on yourself, you say you're saving it for later and that color makes you look better than what you were wearing. You also say it's a get-two-pay-one perfume. You're just trying to be practical!
Recent studies say that making a fool of yourself helps other people to like you and trust you more. It makes sense: when you show that you have your feet on the ground, a light heart and that you are a human being with defects like anyone, you remove any reason for intimidation and stress

Step 3. Use body language to be fun
The slapstick, the physical comedy, is the only kind of comedy that has always accompanied man, and for a good reason. If the humor doesn't come naturally to you, don't stress yourself out! You can show him that you are the most comical person in the world just by using your non-verbal humor!
- Popcorn? Oh yes, thank you! It's time for target shooting! And spaghetti? It's time for Lady and the Tramp!
In line for your favorite movie? Are you bored and don't know what to do? Why not start a macarena?
If he's not the type to get embarrassed easily, that's it
- Try a pretend fight, tickle him, or pretend to attack him. The human touch is infallible. Wasn't it time for a rematch at the thumb race?
- Laugh alone. You don't need a particular reason! Laughing is a chain reaction that infects others. And that will make you feel happier too!

Step 4. Relax
If you are visibly tense or stressed, no situation will make you fun and happy. You know the people who are always negative? Don't be the troublemaker! Take it easy. It's the only way to be yourself, have fun, and create a smile-friendly environment. If you are relaxed and feel good in each other's company, the laugh will start by itself!
If he doesn't laugh at your jokes, okay. You think you are funny and that's the important thing. If he sees you at ease and spontaneous, there is nothing about you that he can not like. So take a deep breath, you can do it
- Be patient and be guided by the natural course of the conversation.
- Don't make jokes that can offend him. It is best to stay in safe territory and this rule applies in general.
- You don't have to force things. If you do, he will notice.
- Never be afraid to tell him things; you should always feel comfortable with him.
- Don't be disheartened if he doesn't laugh; maybe he has something else on his mind. Try again next time you see each other.
- Stay away from banal jokes. They give the impression that you are making a joke in a forced way. You have to look natural and not forced.